Category Archives: Articles

121 Criminal Immigrants Facing Deportation Charged with Murder in U.S. Following Release From Custody

More than 120 convicted criminals who were supposed to be deported from the U.S. after they were released from custody between 2010-2014 face murder charges, new Immigration and Customs Enforcement data show. “Between FY 2010 and FY 2014, there were 121 unique criminal aliens who had an active case at the time of release and were subsequently charged with homicide-related […]

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America’s Openly Gay Ambassadors Boast: ObamaTrade ‘Will Export’ LGBT Agenda

In an op-ed at The, which also ran at White, the eight openly gay U.S. representatives abroad say “trade policy” is one of the “most promising tools” to advance the meme that the LGBT agenda is the agenda that expresses America’s “values.” The op-ed’s authors state that they are already promoting the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic […]

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Whose job will it be to fix ObamaCare? Everyone but Obama, says Obama

If the Supreme Court rules against the Obama Administration in the King v. Burwell case, what they’ll be deciding is that ObamaCare means what it says—and people are only eligible for federal subsidies to their health premiums if they bought the policies on state-run exchanges. That would pretty well collapse the ground under ObamaCare, since people in the 34 states […]

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Liberal Students Are Terrifying Their Own Professors

Modern progressive college students have become so militant they’re frightening their own like-minded professors, according to an account posted by one such professor on the website Vox. The professor, using the pseudonym Edward Schlosser, claims to have taught for nine years and currently works at a midsize state college. Over that time, he says, students have decisively shifted to become […]

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Obama transfers six more Gitmo terrorists, including bin Laden bodyguards, to Muslim country Oman

Six detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention center, including two alleged Usama bin Laden bodyguards, have been transferred to Oman, the Pentagon said Saturday. The terror-related detainees are all from neighboring and embattled Yemen. They departed Friday from the U.S. detention center, at a Naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, created in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks to get […]

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The Left Now Using Downs Syndrome Children in Abortion Ads

In Spain, no one argues about the abortion rate for babies with Down syndrome. Everyone knows what it is: 95 percent. It’s a full-scale genocide. Like all genocides, Spain’s effort to eradicate trisomy 21 (the medical term for Down syndrome) has required the quiet acquiescence of the population. Last year, conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy dropped his effort to roll […]

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Hillary to Voters: “Trust Me!”

Sounds just like Obama’s “Hope and Change”. Hillary Clinton will use an outdoor rally in NYC on Saturday to push for voters to do the one things pollsters have been saying the American public is reluctant to do, trust her. The New York Times reports that Clinton will try to brush aside concerns that she is out of touch with […]

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Nearly 75 Percent of Current Floridians Never Saw Jeb Bush’s Name on a Ballot

Jeb Bush’s big political credential, and his presumed strength in the presidential campaign he’ll launch on Monday, is the broad appeal he demonstrated over two terms as Florida governor—doubly important given the critical role Florida’s primary will play in winnowing the GOP field. Bush handily won his last race, in 2002, by drawing support from Republicans and Democrats with what even his […]

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CNN: Attacking Dallas Police HQ ‘Very Courageous and Brave’

CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield called the attack on Dallas Police Headquarters “very courageous and brave” on Saturday’s “CNN Newsroom.” Whitfield, while discussing the shooting with legal analyst Philip Holloway, said, “It was very courageous and brave, if not crazy as well, to open fire on the police headquarters, and now you have this scene, this standoff. So you believe these are the hallmarks […]

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The White-est of All Guilt

The NAACP has either decided to promote diversity in their hiring or someone is a very big fraud. SPOKANE, Wash. — Controversy is swirling around one of the Spokane region’s most prominent civil rights activists, with family members saying the local leader of the NAACP has falsely portrayed herself as black for years. Rachel Dolezal is president of the Spokane […]

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Once Again — Islamic State Fires Rocket into Israel

ISIS fired another rocket into Israel Thursday from Gaza. #Hamas and #ISIS fired at civilians in #Israel 20 minutes ago. #israelunderfire — Mikarov (@YMikarov) June 11, 2015 Last week ISIS fired a missile into Isreal from Gaza. On Thursday they did it again. #ISIS Launches Rocket Attack Into #Israel From Gaza @BloombergTV @AFP @foxnewspolitics @cnnbrk @nytimes @nypost — […]

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CAIR Leader Pedophile Out On Bail

Orlando-area residents, lock up your infants! Ahmad Saleem is out of jail. Someone paid the $100,000 bond (in two $50,000 installments) to give the 22-year-old Islamist “golden boy” turned pedophile a few weeks of freedom, before he gets sentenced. But life at home cannot be all roses, as he has already taken fire from his once friendly (radical Muslim) colleagues. […]

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Americans will ‘lose their life and existence’ in fight against Iran, says Iranian official

Iranian Admiral: “The Americans have realized today that if they embark on war they will sustain defeat, given the Islamic Revolution’s capabilities.” Discussing the Iranian navy’s daily confrontations with US vessels, a senior Iranian official military boasted that the Americans will “lose their life and existence” in a struggle against Tehran. According to Iran’s semi-official FARS news agency, on Wednesday, […]

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Govt Incompetence: Hackers Stole Personnel Data and Social Security Numbers for EVERY Federal Employee

Hackers stole information on up to four million federal employees. Hackers reportedly stole personnel data and Social Security numbers for every federal employee. The AP reported: A major federal union says the cyber theft of employee information is more damaging than it first appeared, asserting that hackers stole personnel data and Social Security numbers for every federal employee. The Obama […]

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French Anti-Israel Boycotter Targets All Kosher Food

“Ramadan soon: Watch out with your shopping,” Jean-Claude Lefort, a former lawmaker for France’s communist party and current president of the France Palestine Solidarity Association, or AFPS, wrote in a social media posting Tuesday. Attached to the post, appearing on Lefort’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, was a picture of a package of leaf dough produced by the France-based firm Sofrabrick. […]

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Paul Ryan Is The New Pelosi With Obamatrade: ‘It’s Declassified And Made Public Once It’s Agreed To’

Chief Obamatrade proponent House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan admitted during Congressional testimony on Wednesday evening that despite tons of claims from him and other Obamatrade supporters to the contrary, the process is highly secretive. He also made a gaffe in his House Rules Committee testimony on par with former Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s push to pass […]

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Report: Islamic State Can Now Build A ‘Devastating’ Nuclear Dirty Bomb

According to Australian intelligence reports, the Islamic State has now seized enough radioactive material to build a potentially devastating “dirty” bomb. The reality of the threat has Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop and the Australia Group, a WMD watchdog comprised of 40 nations, sounding the alarm. The Independent reports: The Isis militant group has seized enough radioactive material from government facilities to suggest it has the capacity to build […]

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UK: Neo-Nazis Vandalize Jewish Monument as Nazi Rally Fears Grow

Anti-Semitic thugs spraying graffiti, unraveling Nazi flag on Chabad Menorah in Birmingham, as London Nazi rally looms. British police are investigating the vandalism of a Jewish monument by a neo-Nazi gang, just weeks before a Nazi rally is set to take place targeting the heart of London’s Jewish community. West Midlands police say they are examining a video posted on […]

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Official: Israeli leader to meet Orange chief to discuss firm’s plans to exit country

An Israeli official says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is to meet French telecom giant Orange’s chief executive over the CEO’s recent comments on pulling out of Israel. The official, who spoke Thursday on condition of anonymity pending a formal announcement, says the meeting will take place Friday. CEO Stephane Richard caused an uproar in Israel last week after announcing he […]

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Netanyahu Blesses Homosexual Agenda

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to Facebook on Wednesday to address the LGBT community, as Tel Aviv kicked off its annual Pride Week celebrations on June 7. “The struggle for every person to be recognized as equal before the law is a long struggle,” Netanyahu wrote on his social media page, “and there is still a long way to go.” […]

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Obama: “The fact that you are an anti-semite, doesn’t preclude you from being rational”

Another jaw-dropping admission from the anti-semite in the White House. Clearly the narcissist was thinking of himself — projecting — when he said that antisemitism “doesn’t preclude you from being rational.” Tell it to Hitler, Hussein. Raised a Muslim, Obama’s antisemitism is matter-of-fact and supremacist. Like most Muslim antisemites, they believe their hate is righteous. Obama studied Quran in elementary […]

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Elderly Obamacare Enrollees Get Identities Stolen By Government Contractor

A government contractor named Kenneth Bacon stole personal information from at least 17 people when he worked at a call center meant to help people enroll in Obamacare, Click2Houston reports. He opened multiple credit card accounts using the name, Social Security number, and birth date of enrollees and purchased around $8,000 worth of personal goods. Bacon is due to appear in […]

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France Sinks to New Lows in Jew-Hatred

Last week’s rancid pro-BDS statements to an approving Cairo audience by Orange CEO Stéphane Richard, indicating his desire to immediately sever his company’s links to Israel, should come as no surprise to those who follow French politics. Orange, which maintains a licensing agreement with the Israeli cellphone company Partner Communications, is partly owned by the French government, making France at […]

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Obama to regulate ‘diversity’ in white suburbs

President Obama is pressing forward with regulations to diversify wealthy neighborhoods – and critics of the idea haven’t been shy, calling out the idea as ridiculous and an irrational way of advancing the White House’s own vision of a utopian society. The rules, coming from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, could withhold block grants to communities if they […]

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Global Warming: Where is the Science?

Is it twice as likely that the Earth is cooling than that it is warming? That humans and fossil fuels have nothing, or everything to do with it, or somewhere in between? Or is it over 99% certain that anthropogenic carbon burning-induced warming is sweeping us to the apocalypse, with all other possibilities combined being less than one percent probable? […]

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‘Wishful Thinking’: Obama’s ex-military intel chief blasts Iran talks in scathing testimony

A former top military intelligence official under President Obama on Wednesday blasted the administration’s pursuit of a nuclear deal with Iran, calling it a “placeholder” based on “wishful thinking.”  Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, delivered pointed and detailed criticism of the Iran deal framework — as well as the U.S. response to the […]

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Sinai Muslim Terrorists Claim Rocket Attack on UN Airport

The terrorists were [big surprise] Muslims and attacked the U.N. that supports them. Sinai Province, Islamic State’s Egypt affiliate, fired rockets at the direction of an airport in Sinai used by UN peacekeeping forces on Tuesday night, Reuters reported. Security sources told the news agency there were no casualties in the attack. Details of the attack were not immediately clear, […]

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Ferguson, Baltimore … now McKinney?

McKinney, Texas, has joined Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore as cities known not for their business, tourism, climate or economy, but as communities torn apart by racial controversy. The Texas town has been targeted by protesters since a video of a white police officer confronting a mostly black crowd of teenagers went viral, leading to claims of police brutality. But some […]

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French Group Claiming To Fight “Islamophobia” Charged With Plotting Terrorist Attacks

Forsane Alizza, a French Islamic group which claimed to be fighting Islamophobia, has been charged with planning a terrorist attack. The fourteen members of Forsane Alizza, which translates to “The Knights of Pride,” were charged on Monday with “criminal conspiracy related to a terrorist enterprise” and illegal possession of weapons. The charges came after a hit list was discovered: The […]

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Orange employee provided Muslim terrorists with “hit list” of addresses, phone numbers

As Orange Telecom’s CEO tries to limit the damage behind his anti-Israel statements in Egypt last week, it turns out that Orange [who provides mobile service to the Jewish settlers in Israel] has a bigger problem. DW reports: The trial of 15 members from the [Muslim terrorist] group Forsane Alizza (Knights of Pride) got underway in Paris this week. The […]

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McKinney Police Officer Eric Casebolt Resigns

McKINNEY, Texas — McKinney Police Corporal Eric Casebolt announced his resignation from the department Tuesday afternoon. Casebolt was the officer in the YouTube video by Brandon Brooks who wrestled a teenage girl to the ground after she refused to leave the scene and resisted his attempts to restrain her. McKinney Assistant Police Chief W. R. Roland briefed Breitbart Texas reporter […]

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IRS Can’t Verify Who Qualifies for Obamacare Subsidies

The IRS cannot verify whether everyone who receives an Obamacare subsidy qualifies for it because a critical form needed for cross-checking a taxpayer’s status has been delayed until next year, the Treasury’s inspector general said Tuesday. Americans with insurance through their employers do not qualify for the Affordable Care Act’s subsidized coverage, The Washington Times reports. When taxes are filed, […]

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Racist Baltimore Mayor Loses 5 Criminal Justice Staffers During Worst Crime Wave Since 1970s

In a span of just over two weeks, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake saw five top-level criminal justice staffers resign from their posts during a time when the city is experiencing its worst crime wave since the 1970s. By the end of May, four were gone in a week, starting with head of Office of Nonviolent Programs, LeVar Michael. Following him […]

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NY Times: Transgender Kids’ Lit ‘Part of Fabric of Who We Are’

Bet you didn’t know there was a transgender “void” in the children’s literature market. Well there was, but we can relax. According to an article in The New York Times, transgender themes have now joined the line up of “difficult issues like suicide, drug abuse, rape and sex trafficking” as topics in children’s and young adult books. It may come as a […]

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NYPD Commish: We’d Have More Black Cops if Fewer Blacks Were Criminals

New York City’s Police Commissioner, Bill Bratton said that there would be more black cops on the police force if fewer blacks were criminals. “We have a significant population gap among African-American males because so many of them have spent time in jail and, as such, we can’t hire them,” Bratton told the UK’s Guardian newspaper in a story published […]

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Army Gen. Randy Taylor introduces his “husband” at Pentagon Gay Pride event

A “married” Army general on Tuesday introduced his “spouse” at a Pentagon event that featured lots of top brass, including Defense Secretary Ashton Carter as the keynote speaker. What made this seemingly routine introduction noteworthy is that Brig. Gen. Randy S. Taylor introduced his “husband”, Lucas. “My husband Lucas is sitting up front here,” Gen. Taylor said of the man […]

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