Category Archives: Articles

WashPost: People Who Give Flowers ‘Are Terrible For Mother Earth’

If these leftist “global warming” nut jobs had their way, it would be illegal for you to go to the bathroom because of your “carbon footprint”. On Thursday, Jennifer Grayson, who fancies herself as an “environmental journalist,” exposed herself as a truly annoying scold. Grayson wrote in a Washington Post column that those of us who show our appreciation for […]

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Two Mississippi Cops Shot, Killed: Police Car Stolen

UPDATE, 2:39 AM:  One suspect has allegedly been apprehended. Marvin Banks has been arrested and brought to @MHPTroopJ by Lamar County Deputies. #WDAM — Ryan Moore (@RyanMooreMS) May 10, 2015 Numerous roadblocks set up around the Hub City and plenty of other agencies in to assist. #WDAM — Ryan Moore (@RyanMooreMS) May 10, 2015 Marvin Banks arrested at North […]

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Report: 18-Year-Old Jewish Victim Beaten by Police in Ashdod

Israeli Police violence against Jews strikes again: Youth assaulted by policeman on beach in Ashdod after not cleaning up his mess quickly enough. Yet Muslims get away with anything. Yet another alleged incident of police violence came to light on Saturday with the Channel 10 publication of a video depicting an 18-year-old being beaten by a policeman in Ashdod. According to the victim’s […]

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Michelle Obama Plays Race Card Again: Blacks have been ‘frustrated and invisible’ for ‘decades’

First Lady Michelle Obama urged students at Tuskegee University, a historically black university in Alabama, to remain involved in civic life during a time of tension regarding race relations across the country. At the school’s commencement address, the First Lady listed scenarios in which African-Americans feel they encounter systemic discrimination, such as “nagging worries that you’re going to get stopped […]

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Obama Defends Jihad Again: White House Claims Texas Terrorism Was ‘Lone Wolf’ Attack

The White House claims the attack in Garland, Texas, was a ‘lone wolf’ operation: The White House said Wednesday that the shooting in Texas for which the Islamic State has claimed responsibility was consistent with a lone-wolf attack, while a terrorism watch group said the violence may have been inspired by an al-Shabab extremist from Minnesota who is wanted by […]

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Idiots blame Israel for – Baltimore!

Just like when the Jews and Israel got blamed for the thugs and riots in Ferguson. Just unbelievable. From Rania Khalek in Electronic Intifada: The similarities in suppression tactics employed by Baltimore and Israeli security forces are no coincidence. Under the cover of counterterrorism training, nearly every major police agency in the United States has traveled to Israel for lessons […]

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ABC: Why is the Clinton Foundation taking money from companies with “serious human rights violations”?

Oh, come on … is this a test? No, it’s actually a good question, and perhaps better that it’s former Clintonista George Stephanopoulos who had to front this segment on Good Morning America earlier today. A long awaited Clinton Foundation event in Morocco has finally begun, but questions about it have percolated for the last three months — especially about […]

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Obama green lights UN Security Council resolution on so-called “Palestinian state”

There is no such thing as a “Palestinian state”. It’s an anti-semitic propaganda war against Israel and the Jewish people. The ink isn’t even dry yet on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s new coalition agreement, and he may already be facing his first crisis. This crisis isn’t with his coalition partners. It’s with his supposed ally, the ‘most pro-Israel administration evah.’ Obama […]

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Not Kosher: Former UN Chief Says Americans Should Eat Insects to Fight Global Warming

More insanity from the left… I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. Marie Antoinette may or may not have said “Let them eat cake” at the outset of the French Revolution 200-plus years ago, but former United Nations General Secretary Kofi Annan just made Marie Antoinette’s alleged dictate seem downright magnanimous. Pointing his finger at America and other […]

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School district says feds forced policy that allows “transgender kids” to use bathrooms of their choice

The Fairfax County Public Schools School Board voted Thursday night to add “gender identity” to its nondiscrimination policy in spite of massive opposition from parents and the area’s religious community. Police were summoned to control a standing-room-only crowd as board members approved the controversial measure. Critics argued it would allow boys who identify as girls to use the bathrooms and […]

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Freddie Gray death: Baltimore police ‘to face civil rights investigation’

The US Justice Department is preparing to announce a civil rights investigation into the Baltimore police department as early as Friday following unrest over the death in custody of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, a person familiar with the matter has said. Baltimore’s mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, on Wednesday asked the Justice Department to investigate the policing practices of the entire city police […]

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Self-hating “Israeli” Jewish leftist Natalie Portman condemns Israel again

בס”ד Like most Jewish actors and entertainers, Natalie Portman is a self-hating, cowardly, egotistical elitist. The Israeli-born Portman has a notorious history of attacking Israel and siding with the worst Jew-hating scum. In her latest interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Portman condemns even the wimpy Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “I’m very much against Netanyahu. Against. I am very, very […]

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Bill Clinton on Getting $500,000 for Speeches: ‘I Gotta Pay Our Bills’

Bill Clinton will continue to deliver lucrative paid speeches, the former president confirmed in an interview with NBC. NBC reported Cynthia McFadden asked the former president, “She’s now running for President, will you continue to give speeches?” “Oh yeah, I’ve gotta pay our bills,” said Bill Clinton. This is the first interview given by a Clinton in the 2016 presidential […]

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Religious schools at risk if Supreme Court approves gay marriage

Religious freedom advocates are flagging a mostly-missed moment from last week’s Supreme Court arguments over the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, calling it a warning sign. They point to an exchange between Justice Samuel Alito and the administration’s top lawyer, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli.Alito asked if, in the event the Supreme Court holds that there is a constitutional right to same-sex […]

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Racist Baltimore Mayor Calls for Federal Investigation into Police

The mayor called on federal investigators Wednesday to look into whether this city’s beleaguered police department uses a pattern of excessive force or discriminatory policing. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said even though complaints of excessive force and lawsuits alleging misconduct our down over the last few years, “we all know that Baltimore has a fractured relationship with community.” The mayor’s request […]

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Obama: Abortion is Birth Control

Claiming that the murdering of unborn children is an effective form of “birth control” is just pure evil. The DC City Council passed a law with the Orwellian name of  “Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment Act of 2014” (RHNDA). The bill seems sort of innocuous. I mean how often is anyone really fired because of their method of birth control? How […]

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Rush: Should the Left Stop Advocating Gay Marriage to Avoid Provoking Muslims?

Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh asked if the same media criticizing the Mohammed Art Exhibit would stop advocating gay marriage because that could also be provocative to [Muslim terrorists] on Wednesday. Rush said, “Islamists command us not to draw cartoons or any other kind of picture of the prophet Mohammed, and our Drive-By Media and Democrat Party readily agree, ‘Ain’t […]

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What Privacy? Shares Private DNA with Police

Private genetic-genealogy data tags innocent man as murder suspect. Americans curious whether any of their ancestors may have come over on the Mayflower or signed the Declaration of Independence should consider the legal nightmare the genealogical website created for a New Orleans man. Someone else’s DNA sample, a few Facebook friends who lived over 1,500 miles away, a few […]

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Leftist Academics Want to Reshape Society: “Abolish the Family”

If you need further evidence that egalitarianism is off the rails, down the rabbit hole, or just insane, check out the profile at Australia’s ABC of two British political philosophers who fret that good parenting is giving some kids an “unfair” advantage over kids with crappy parents. I kid you not. It’s praiseworthy to want to improve opportunity for kids—kudos […]

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Hillary Clinton calls for path to ‘full and equal citizenship’ for illegals

LAS VEGAS –  Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday that any immigration overhaul must include a path to “full and equal citizenship,” drawing a sharp contrast with Republicans who have promoted providing a legal status or blocked efforts in Congress to address the nation’s immigration system. “This is where I differ with everybody on the Republican side. Make […]

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White House: No, We Can’t Guarantee Money From Iranian Sanctions Relief Won’t Go To Funding Terrorism

There are just 57 days days before the June 30 Iranian nuclear deal deadline. Negotiations are ongoing and debate about the lifting or easing of economic sanctions is getting louder. More on that from CSM: In public statements, Mr. Obama said the sanctions would be phased out after Iran’s steps were verified, while Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said […]

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Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Czech Republic

New report by Prague’s Jewish community finds significant increase of harassment and threats against Jews last year. A new report by Prague’s Jewish community finds a significant increase of cases of harassment and threats against Jews last year, The Associated Press (AP) reports. The annual report on anti-Semitism released Monday says such attacks, including anti-Semitic letters and emails, verbal attacks […]

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Figures… Obama Uses Bogus Statistics to Accuse US Police of Being Racist

Barack Obama attacked the nation’s police today during his speech at the launch of My Brother’s Keeper. Obama accused police of disproportionately stopping and arresting young men of color. Of course, Barack Obama is once again using bogus statistics to push an agenda. Yahoo-AP reported: In a deeply personal response to outbreaks of racially motivated protests, President Barack Obama on […]

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Vanderbilt Sociology Professor: ‘White Privilege’ Responsible for Baltimore Riots

With free scholarships, affirmative action free jobs over more qualified candidates, black colleges (could you imagine the outcry if there was a white college?), tax breaks to start new businesses, and so many other privileges, it’s hard to hear the very racist term ‘white privilege’ putting the blame only on the lowest crime, lowest rape, lowest theft group of people […]

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Islamic State Tactics Are Similar to Nazi Germany’s

In January, Kurdish troops launched a major offensive that broke Islamic State’s lines in northern Iraq. In response, the jihadist group sent 14 giant tanker trucks loaded with explosives and bolted-on armor to launch a counter-attack. Kurdish fighters have faced terrifying attacks like that before — though not on this scale. Fortunately, before any of the trucks made it to the Kurdish […]

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Texas officer saved lives in shooting outside Muhammad cartoon contest, police say

A Texas traffic cop saved untold lives Sunday night when he took down two heavily armed men bent on storming a building where a ‘Draw the Prophet’ Muhammad contest was taking place, killing both before they could make their way inside. The police officer, who has not been identified by Garland Police Department officials, “probably saved lives,” said police spokesman […]

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