Category Archives: Articles

Third-Party Candidate With GOP Backing, Money Joining Race

Evan McMullin was a “Mormon missionary in Amman, Jordan, for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.” A newcomer to elective politics is jumping into the White House race. Evan McMullin, chief Republican policy director of the House Republican conference and an alumnus of the CIA, confirmed Monday he will launch a third-party presidential race later in the day. “In a […]

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Former CIA Agent Evan McMullin Worked for the UN as a Volunteer “Refugee Resettlement Officer” in Muslim Jordan

Evan McMullin is a former CIA agent and currently the Chief Policy Director for the HouseRepublican Conference. BuzzFeed and MSNBCs Joe Scarborough have reported that he plans on launching a third-party presidential bid as an independent. He has made his stance against Donald Trump clear and has also been critical of the Obama Administration‘s foreign policy. The move also comes […]

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Trump tax plan scrubbed from website – hours before scheduled speech on economic policy

Donald Trump’s plan for reforming federal taxes has apparently been scrubbed from his campaign website just hours before the Republican presidential candidate is scheduled to deliver a speech on economic policy. Trump’s position page on taxes, which previously spelled out his ambitious proposal for lowering tax rates and moving millions of households off the federal tax rolls, on Monday displayed […]

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Oh My: Executed Iranian Nuclear Scientist Was Named in Hillary’s Emails

Did Hillary just murder one of our spies for Iran’s nuclear program with her emails? And then Trump has the nerve to call on Russia to hack her server. Over the weekend the Iranian regime executed Shahram Amiri, an Iranian nuclear scientist convicted of spying on behalf of the United States. Iran executed a nuclear scientist convicted of spying for the United […]

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Anti-Trump PAC to file complaint against Melania Trump with immigration enforcement officers

The Democratic Coalition Against Trump said it intends to file a complaint urging the federal government to investigate whether Melania Trump violated immigration law. The coalition is a division of a larger anti-Trump group, the Keep America Great PAC, that is working to prevent Donald Trump from winning the White House. Nate Lerner, Democratic Coalition Against Trump executive director, told […]

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Bristol Palin Decries ‘Slut-shaming’ Of Melania Through Lesbian Porn Pics She Openly Published

Yes, Bristol Palin is defending Melania Trump for posing in cheap lesbian porn. Here’s another sign that the TrumpTrain is just people who pretend to be conservative while acting like left-wing agitators. Bristol Palin is decrying the “slut-shaming” of Melania because of the nudey lesbian pics that surfaced this last week. And she’s demanding that celebrities jump on her cause: […]

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“Mayor for Hillary” Arrested for Trading Meth for Gay Sex Orgy

Richard “Scott” Silverthorne, mayor of the city of Fairfax, Virginia, and a supporter of Hillary Clinton, has been arrested after allegedly giving methamphetamine to an undercover detective in exchange for a homosexual encounter, according to Fairfax County police. The mayor allegedly promised to bring more men, turning the sexual event into an orgy. The 50-year-old Silverthorne was arrested Thursday at […]

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Federal Court to IRS: Prove You Don’t Target Tea Party Groups

A federal appeals court Friday strongly chastised the IRS, ruling that it did indeed unfairly target Tea Party groups, must prove that it has stopped, and accused the agency of using catch-22 principles against the affected organizations, the Washington Times reports. Judge David Sentelle of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit rejected the IRS’ position that it […]

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Former CIA Director: “Trump is an Unwitting Agent of the Russian Federation”

The former CIA Director Michael Morell slammed Trump on “This Week,” saying that Putin had outsmarted plenty of people smarter than Trump, and that he was an “unwitting agent of the Russian Federation” in Putin’s eyes… Here’s more from Morell on Trump and Hillary: “Donald J. Trump is not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a […]

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PLO makes money off of stolen Israeli cars when they aren’t mass murdering Jews

“Some 40,000 vehicles in the West Bank are actually stolen from Israel” – when they aren’t stabbing, mowing down and mass murdering innocent Jews. Last month I noted that [the PLO] were [supposedly] “cracking down” on car-theft rings and destroying the cars that were found – and I showed that most of those cars were stolen from Israel. Instead of returning the […]

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What was Iran hiding? Iranian Scientist who gave U.S. nuclear intelligence executed

Iran confirmed on Sunday that it has executed an Iranian nuclear scientist who gave the U.S. intelligence about the country’s contested nuclear program. The official IRNA news agency quoted a spokesman for Iran’s judiciary, Gholamhosein Mohseni Ejehi, confirming the execution of Shahram Amiri, an Iranian nuclear scientist caught up in a real-life U.S. spy mystery who later returned to his […]

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Hillary Clinton: Jews and Christians Have to Change Their Beliefs to Fit Pro-Abortion Cause

For those who need a reminder of how horrid Hillary is, here’s when she talked about changing Christianity [and Judaism] to fit her pro-abortion political agenda. Watch below: Because for liberals, everything is subjugated to their political agenda. Liberalism is their god, not just a political ideology. For the conservative, politics is just a tool to further freedom and liberty so […]

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Muslims Furious as First Country to Ban Islam Set to Destroy More Than 80 Mosques

The African nation of Angola has become the first country in the world to entirely ban Islam. Angolan Minister of Culture Rosa Cruz e Silva stated that Islam is “contradictory to the customs of Angola culture,” and so it cannot exist in the Christian nation. “The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human […]

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Hillary Clinton: I didn’t lie to the public, I “short-circuited”

[Hillary is] an elderly android programmed to lie. Clinton told reporters at an event for the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists that she might have “short-circuited” in her comments to Fox News. “I was pointing out in both of those instances that the Director Comey had said that my answers in my FBI interview were […]

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Trump Protesters Booed, Tossed Out of Rally for Holding Up Copies of the Constitution

I’ve never heard of a candidate who has bouts of PTSD attacks whenever someone waves a Constitution, but apparently it’s like kryptonite to the Donald and his followers. Watch below: Notice how he couldn’t help but humiliate Mike Pence by letting everyone know that he has to run to him for permission for everything. Here’s another view of the constitutional […]

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Trump’s Strategy For The General Election: Begin Making Excuses Now For Why He Will Lose

For the entirety of the primaries, Trump was short on solutions, although heavy on vague, empty promises and slogans he ripped off from the 80s. He had much ire for his Republican competitors for the nomination, but was oddly short on attacks against Democrats. Now, here we are, three months away from the general election. Trump has vanquished every legitimate, […]

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Hostage Deal Is Latest Example of Obama’s Sell-Out to Terrorist Iran

The only thing more pathetic than the Obama administration paying the Islamist Republic of Iran ransom for American hostages, and thereby ensuring more Americans will be taken hostage by thug regimes around the world, is that they expect us to believe, despite evidence to the contrary, that they didn’t. Right. First, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry […]

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Report: 11% increase in UK Anti-Semitism in 2016

The first six months of 2016 saw an 11% increase in anti-Semitic hate incidents recorded in the UK compared with the same period in 2015, according to the Community Security Trust (CST) Anti-Semitic Incident Report January-June 2016, published Thursday. CST recorded 557 anti-Semitic incidents nationwide during the first half of 2016, compared with 500 anti-Semitic incidents during the first six […]

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Donald Trump Campaign In Freefall: GOP Leaders Planning Intervention And Trump Exit

Close allies of Donald Trump are planning an “intervention” with the GOP presidential nominee to refocus his campaign “at what could be a make-or-break moment,” NBC News reported Wednesday. Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus, former Republican New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are among those involved, NBC News’ Chuck Todd and Hallie Jackson […]

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Obama Administration Circumvents Law, Paid $400 Million in Ransom to Terrorist Iran In Cover of Darkness

Cash said to have been airlifted in unmarked cargo plane; administration says payment unconnected to release of prisoners. The US government is said to have airlifted $400 million worth of cash to Iran in a secret operation that coincided with the release in January of four Iranian-American prisoners held by the Islamic Republic, including the Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian. […]

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PLO Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas Brags: We Killed 11,000 Israeli Jews

PLO’s Mahmoud Abbas boasts of killing 11,000 Israelis, sacrificing 170,000 ‘martyrs’. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. In honor of an unknown milestone, Fatah yesterday posted a list of its achievements on behalf of the Arabs […]

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Newt Gingrich Hits Trump: “He Is Helping Hillary Win By Proving He Is More Unacceptable Than She Is”

Newt Gingrich, one of Trump’s most loyal defenders and almost Trump’s pick for VP, now claims that Trump is helping to make Hillary Clinton president. Trump is not going to like what Newt just told the Washington post… Former House speaker Newt Gingrich, one of Trump’s most loyal defenders, warned that his friend was in danger of throwing away the election and […]

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Pence: Trump ‘strongly encouraged me’ to endorse illegal-amnesty-supporting phony Paul Ryan

RINO Paul Ryan fully supports and endorses illegal immigration and amnesty. Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence played fireman on Wednesday by announcing he was endorsing House Speaker Paul Ryan in his primary bid with the support of Donald Trump, just a day after Trump declined to back the speaker’s re-election. “I talked to Donald Trump this morning about my […]

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Why Was Trump’s Foreign Policy Adviser In Russia Before The GOP Convention?

So why was Carter Page in Russia? From HuffPo: Just days before Republicans adopted a new, more Russia-friendly plank into their party platform, one of Donald Trump’s top advisers visited Moscow in July to deliver speeches criticizing decades of U.S. foreign policy. Global energy investor Carter Page joined Trump’s team in March. Since then, Page has criticized U.S.-Russia policy in a […]

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Trump Campaign Still Falling Apart: Now Donald Trump Fires Senior Adviser Ed Brookover

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday fired senior adviser Ed Brookover, two sources close to his campaign said. The sources did not say why Brookover was fired. Brookover, who joined the Trump campaign in March, was appointed in June to serve as a liaison between the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee. Prior to joining Trump, Brookover […]

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Trump, The Last Guy Who Should Be Signing Anti-Porn Pledges, Signed An Anti-Porn Pledge

Trump’s casinos were the first in the world to have a strip club and a gay strip club. It wasn’t just last week that Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, was plastered naked on the front of the New York Post being embraced from behind by a Scandinavian model. Trump responded by saying “In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common.” […]

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Obama ‘Admin’ Allows South Korea To Do Iran Trade In Euros

Financial transactions are currently conducted in the local won currency between the two countries because US sanctions prohibit dollar-based trade with Iran. Iran prefers a payment system in euros but South Koreans say it is impossible because they have to convert payments into dollars which could go against US law. According to Korean media reports, the US government has indicated […]

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Hillary’s Lying about lying

I hope FBI director Jim Comey watched the Chris Wallace interview with Hillary Clinton. I trust he did.  Perhaps he noticed the alternate world, the altered reality of Hillary Clinton.  Maybe Mr. Comey has a tinge of regret. In this interview (jump to the 14:30 mark) with Chris Wallace, Hillary explained away with phrases like “in my view” and “that’s […]

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Black Lives Matter Arrives in Israel to Protest “Genocide” Against Terrorists

“The Movement for Black Lives is committed to the global shared struggle of oppressed people.” There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Proving that the Black Lives Matter movement is not about black American lives at all, […]

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Islamic State Answers Pope Francis: Ours Is a Religious War and We Hate You

The Islamic State terror group has come out publicly to reject Pope Francis’ claims that the war being waged by Islamic terrorists is not religious in nature, assuring the pontiff that their sole motivation is religious and sanctioned by Allah in the Qur’an. The Islamic State terror group has come out publicly to reject Pope Francis’ claims that the war being […]

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Julian Assange: Hacked Emails Include Info On Hillary’s Arming of Jihadists, Including Islamic State

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that the US was sending arms from Libya to Syria back in 2011, a year before the Benghazi consulate attacks. Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony (under oath) in early 2013 after the Benghazi terrorist attack. Senator Rand Paul questioned Hillary Clinton about this gun running program back […]

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Pope downplays the Holocaust, defends Islam, and equates capitalism with terrorism

It’s been a busy week for the Pope. What’s next? Accepting homosexuality in the Catholic church? Wait… nevermind. He’s already done that when he said Christians should apologize to gay people and ask for forgiveness. Has the Pope actually read the Bible? So the Pope makes a political and “silent” stop over at the Nazi death camp in Auschwitz and completely downplays the […]

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