Category Archives: Articles

Trump Says U.S. Should Accept Putin’s Conquest of Crimea

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is suggesting the U.S. accept Russia’s annexation of Crimea if it would lead to better relations with Moscow and stronger cooperation in fighting Islamic State [terrorists]. In an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Trump suggested that the people of Crimea would rather be part of Russia. That runs counter to the Obama administration, which […]

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Arab Muslim protester urges IDF soldiers to shoot his young son

During weekly protest near town of Modiin Illit, Arab protester sends small child towards IDF soldiers, tells them to shoot his son. For nearly a decade, residents of the villages of Nilin and Bilin, located near the haredi town of Modiin Illit, have held fiery, often violent demonstrations against the construction of the security fence every Friday. The demonstrations, which […]

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Time For Israel To Walk Away From U.S. Aid

…And better serve the country’s security interests in the process. On Monday, acting head of the National Security Council Yaakov Nagel will sit down with his US counterpart, Susan Rice, and try to conclude negotiations about a new, multi-year defense assistance package. We must all hope that he fails. No clear Israeli interest will be advanced by concluding the aid […]

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Why All Six Baltimore Cops Walked Free In Freddie Gray Case

More than a year after the death of Freddie Gray and the ensuing riots, all six charged Baltimore police officers walked free and the attorney who prosecuted them faces a mountain of lawsuits, possible disbarment and calls for her resignation. While the lawsuits face a tough battle and the disbarment is unlikely, Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby did make a series of mistakes […]

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After Trump Calls on Russia to Hack Hillary, Now The Clinton Campaign Has Been Hacked

First it was the DNC, then the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and now the network that is utilized by the Clinton campaign has been hacked. Reuters is reporting the Department of Justice is investigating as to whether these braches constitute a national security risk. They added that the hackers, whom U.S. officials determined are Russian, gained access to the entire […]

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Democrats Boo CIA Director for Saying Islamic State ‘Must Be Stopped’

On the third night of the Democratic convention, a speaker finally brought up defeating ISIS and other terrorists — only to be met with boos from the crowd. “These murderers must be stopped,” declared former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director Leon Panetta. Cue the deafening chorus of boos, plus chants of “No more war!” from convention delegates. Mind you, […]

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Another Flip-Flop: Trump’s Call for $10 Minimum Wage Spurs Confusion, Opposition

No one flip-flops on key issues the way Trump does. Donald Trump said Wednesday that the federal minimum wage should rise to $10 — and many conservatives and experts are wondering if the Republican presidential candidate had flipped yet again on the issue. “The minimum wage is something that will deter hiring low-skilled, inexperienced people,” Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the […]

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Republican National Convention Admits Donald Trump is “Not Really A Republican”

That is one heck of a concession from the Republican National Committee. After declaring Donald Trump their nominee, the GOP is now admitting that Donald Trump is “not really a Republican.” In a research paper on Doug Elmets, a Republican critic of Trump’s, the GOP notes that Elmets has given $2200.00 to Democrats over six years. Because of that giving, […]

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Mike Pence, Trump’s VP Pick, Just Said Politics Is No Place For Name Calling

Mike Pence might have just committed his first gaffe during this election season. While speaking to radio show host Hue Hewitt, Pence responded to President Obama’s comments about Trump, when Obama called him a “demagogue.” “I don’t think name calling has any place in public life, and I thought that was unfortunate that the president of the United States would […]

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Obama Viciously Attacks Israel for Building Homes and Apartments in Jerusalem

Once again Obama, via his anti-Israel State Department, is attacking Israel for building homes and apartments in Jerusalem. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. REUTERS – The United States is deeply concerned about Israel’s reported plans […]

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Trump: I Was Being “Sarcastic” About Asking Russia to Commit Espionage Against America

After receiving plenty of heat for his comments, with some even going so far as to accuse him of being treasonous, shapeshifter Donald Trump now claims he was “being sarcastic” about Russia finding Hillary Clinton’s missing emails. In an appearance on Fox and Friends Thursday morning, when asked about his statement, Trump said: “Of course I was being sarcastic.  And […]

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How Hillary Clinton Mainstreamed Al-Qaeda Fundraiser Abdurahman Alamoudi

Right now, prisoner #47042-083, Abdurahman Alamoudi, sits in his cell in a federal prison in Ashland, Kentucky. It’s a long way down from being one of Hillary Clinton’s favorite colleagues. Alamoudi organized White House events during the Bill Clinton administration. Under Hillary’s supervision, he held official positions: Alamoudi was strategically placed at the White House, the Pentagon, and the State Department. […]

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Hamas terrorist leader: “We never engaged in random killing sprees of either occupiers or settlers”

Yeah, right. I found the interview that Hamas leader Khaled Meshal gave to some reporters from India where the media reported it as if he was “moderate.” In the interview, Meshal stressed that Hamas is not a terrorist organization, but that it was a group of freedom fighters. We are a national resistance movement, not a terrorist organisation. We have […]

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International AIDS Conference: “HIV is spread through sexism, racism, homophobia”

The idiotic left hates real science and loves playing the false victim card to offload any personal responsibility for their own choices. Quoting the Center of Disease Control, HIV is almost always spread from homosexual perverts having so many partners. Even far-left Time magazine admits that 20% of homosexual men are HIV positive and half don’t even know it. Not only […]

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Trump calls on Russia to hack Clinton’s private email server!

Evidence mounts of Russian interference in election. Donald Trump suggested on Wednesday that Russia to commit a cybercrime against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, saying he hoped Russia would hack into Clinton’s private email server and recover some of her deleted emails. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said […]

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Anti-Hillary Protesters Burn Israeli, American Flags Outside DNC

A group of anti-Hillary Clinton protesters outside of the Democratic National Convention burned Israeli and American flags, while chanting “Black Lives Matter,” and “Long Live Palestine,” eyewitnesses reported. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. According to these […]

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Muslim Man Attacks 79-Year-Old Woman Visiting Her Sister’s Grave And Rapes Her In The Cemetery

Another Muslim predator attacked an old lady visiting her sister’s grave and raped her right there in the cemetery. This man, a 40-year-old “refugee” from Eritrea, was caught fleeing after people heard the old woman screaming for help: A new rape scandal is brewing in Germany after 40-year-old man from Eritrea with official refugee status was arrested as he was […]

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All girls school bans words “girls”, “ladies” and “women” for gender-neutral only language to support LGBTI

How can you be an all female school and not be gender specific? The world is completely insane. A LEADING Sydney girls’ school’s decision to eliminate gender-specific terms from its teachers’ vocabularies has prompted calls for sackings and government intervention at the exclusive institution. Teachers at the prestigious northwest Sydney school, Cheltenham Girls High School, have been asked to stop referring […]

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SHOCK. Donald Trump Had Brother’s Children Cut Out His Father’s Will; Reneged On Promised Medical Help Of Child

I know you are all going to be as shocked as I am to discover that Donald Trump would actually connive to have his own brother’s children cut out of the will of their father, Fred Trump Sr., who was suffering from senile dementia… something that seems to be an inherited condition. You would be further heart-broken and gobsmacked to […]

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Democratic Platform: Killing the Unborn Is Fine with Us

Don’t forget that Donald Trump said “Planned Parenthood does some very good work” and attacked “so-called conservatives” who disagree. The Democratic Party is about to approve the most radically pro-abortion platform in its history. It’s a Hillary platform, a Hillary party, and a Hillary convention. Tragically, making it easier to kill unborn children has been a Hillary Clinton priority throughout […]

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Planned Parenthood’s Public Enemy #1, David Daleiden, Cleared Of All Charges By The DA

The man behind the undercover sting videos that exposed Planned Parenthood’s baby parts for profit scheme, David Daleiden, was indicted on sham charges of attempting to purchase baby parts from Planned Parenthood. These charges are viewed by many as a smoke screen to pull attention away from Planned Parenthood, and cast shade on Daleiden. But now, Daleiden has been cleared […]

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Trump Flip Flops On Minimum Wage, Uses Liberal Talking Point To Attack Uncaring Republicans

El Trumpo once again showed that his policies will change from day to day depending on how schizophrenic the egomaniac feels at the time. Now he’s flip flopping on a minimum wage raise after saying wages are “too high” and that he would oppose any minimum wage raise. He made the comments while speaking to Bill O’Reilly: Don’t miss out […]

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Report: Anti-Semitism, Violence Against Jews Surge on College Campuses

Jewish students targeted ‘for harm’. Anti-Semitism surged on college campuses across the United States during the first part of 2016, according to a new study that found Jewish students supportive of Israel are being targeted “for harm.” Nearly 100 more anti-Semitic incidents were recorded on U.S. college campuses during the first six months of 2016 compared with the same period […]

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Islamic State Ignored: Moral Sickness at the Democratic Convention

The real story from day one at the Democratic National Convention is that in sixty-one speeches never once did these so-called “liberals” mention terrorism. The next morning, in fact almost simultaneously, if you take into account the the time zones, an 84-year-old priest in Rouen was having his throat cut by ISIS maniacs during morning mass. The Islamic terrorists had him […]

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George Will: Trump Won’t Release Tax Returns Because They Show Russian Ties

Donald Trump refuses to release his tax returns because they might reveal that “he is deeply involved in dealing with Russia oligarchs,” Fox News contributor George Will suggests. The syndicated columnist has no tangible evidence to back up his claim, which he made on the network’s “Special Report” live from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. According to The Hill, Will […]

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Naftali Bennett leads Israel in joining up with the anti-Semitic U.N. to battle against “homophobia” in schools

It is a disgrace and a chillul Hashem that Naftali Bennett wears a kippah. Accord signed by Education Minister Naftali Bennett states Israel’s commitment to fighting discrimination, violence against LGBT community, including bullying in schools. Teachers to be trained to address bullying over sexual orientation, gender identity. Israel was the only Middle Eastern country to sign on to a UNESCO initiative […]

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RNC Chairman Priebus: “Trump Lies – So What?”

The latest cringe-worthy narrative to come out of Reince Priebus was in regards to Trump’s vile suggestion of Senator Ted Cruz’s dad being tied to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Priebus couldn’t avoid responding on this one, due in no small part to pointed questioning on Twitter by RedStaters. Speaking on Sunday, Priebus, with a straight face, uttered this explanation: […]

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Netanyahu praises gay march in Jerusalem: LGBTs an integral part of Israeli society

Netanyahu tramples the Torah in favor of leftist homosexual marches in Judaism’s holiest city. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that the LGBT community is an integral part of Israeli society, calling the pride parade in Jerusalem a “march of unity” for all those who believe in equality. The Hebrew message was followed by an English video stressing the differences […]

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Trump Goes After Republicans: Ready To Invest Millions To End Cruz And Kasich’s Careers

Newsworthy, not because Trump is actually going to do it but because it shows you where his mind is, allegedly, the day after the biggest triumph of his life, with a presidential election ahead. Hillary Clinton? Sure, we’ll get to her later. Right now there are Republican enemies to destroy. Who’s the source here? Given the vindictiveness involved, I’d say […]

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REWIND: FBI Shuts Down Russian Spy Ring for Getting Too Cozy with Hillary Clinton

With the Democratic Party set to officially anoint Hillary Clinton as their presidential candidate during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this week, and with accusations of Republican candidate Donald Trump’s supposed close associations with Russia, it is worth noting that Clinton has her Russia issues as well. In March 2009 (the early days of Clinton’s tenure as secretary of […]

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Pathetic: Trump Spox Blatantly Lies About Cruz to Justify Trump’s Insult to His Wife

Professional scumbag and occasional shop-lifter Katrina Pierson made sure to earn her paycheck from the Trump campaign when she went on national television and spewed forth a ridiculous sewer of lies to justify the Donald’s despicable behavior. If you missed it, she says that Ted Cruz’s surrogate called Melania a “whore” and posted naked pictures of her. All of that […]

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