Category Archives: Articles

Dallas Chief: Suspect in Ambush That Killed 5 Officers Wanted to Kill White People, White Cops

Said he was upset about recent police shootings and was part of “Black Lives Matter”. Five Dallas police officers were killed and seven wounded by a sniper who “wanted to kill white people” during an anti-police brutality protest Thursday, an explosion of violence that President Obama declared a “vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement.” A gunman identified by […]

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Trump Flip-Flops Again: Now Supports North Carolina’s Transgender Bathroom Regulations

There was a time when Donald Trump actually resisted the siren song of populist culture war backlashes. Back in April, Trump said he disagreed with the part of North Carolina’s legislation that monitored public bathroom use and required transgender people to use the gender on their birth certificate in government and school restrooms. At the time, Trump said, “There have […]

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BREAKING: State Department Reopens Hillary Email Investigation

Just in: The AP reports that the State Department is reopening their investigation into the Hillary Clinton email scandal. The State Department is reopening an internal investigation of possible mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and top aides. Spokesman John Kirby says the emails probe is restarting now that the Justice Department isn’t pursuing a criminal prosecution. The State […]

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Chillul Hashem: Leftist Jewish Groups Celebrate Killing Babies

Leftist self-hating Jews who trample the Bible and have complete disregard towards Israel are a major cause of anti-Semitism. Several prominent Jewish organizations hailed the Supreme Court decision Monday striking down a restrictive Texas abortion law as a testimony to the importance of upholding women’s rights. In Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, the Supreme Court voted 5-3 to strike down provisions of HB2, […]

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Ohio: Muslim pleads guilty to jihad plot on U.S. military official, local police station

The government says an Ohio man has pleaded guilty to plotting attacks against a U.S. military official and a local police station. Documents unsealed Thursday say Munir Abdulkader of West Chester in southwestern Ohio was arrested in May 2015 and pleaded guilty in March. Charging documents say Abdulkader pleaded guilty to attempting to kill officers and employees of the United […]

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Blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites

And only 40.1 percent of the victims of black violence are black. Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has just published a table of statistics on race and violent crime that she received from the Department of Justice. For the first time in figures of this kind, DOJ has treated Hispanics as a separate category rather than lumping them […]

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Eyewitness Reveals More Details Surrounding the Jihad Murder of 13-Year-Old Israeli-American Girl

While the knife jihad in Israel continues, new details emerged about what exactly happened last week Wednesday when 13-year-old Israeli-American Hallel Yaffa Ariel was slaughtered by a 19-year-old PLO Arab terrorist in the town of Kiryat Arba near Hebron in Israel. A source in the security forces of Kiryat Arba who wishes to remain anonymous told Western Journalism what happened in […]

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Hillary Clinton’s email scandal: There’s one set of laws for her, another for everyone else

The FBI’s investigation has ended, and no criminal charges will be filed against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton related to her email scandal. (“FBI recommends no prosecution in Hillary Clinton email case,” July 5) She is the Teflon candidate: Whatever impropriety she commits she is absolved of through deceit, lies and political power. Is Clinton above the law? She […]

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Trump healthcare plan would leave 18 million uninsured, study finds

We are still not sure if Trump’s plan would lower the cost of hair implants. Donald Trump‘s healthcare plan would make 18 million people uninsured, but also lower premiums significantly for policies purchased directly by consumers, according to an independent study released Thursday. The new policies would be stingier than what’s sold now. Trump’s plan would have little effect on […]

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German Intelligence Report: Iran Still Seeking to Procure Nukes

An annual report issued last month by the German equivalent of the FBI indicates that Iran is still seeking to acquire illegal nuclear and missile technology. The Jerusalem Post reports: Germany’s  intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, said in the report, that Iran’s “illegal proliferation-sensitive procurement activities in Germany registered by the Federal Office for […]

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GOP Report: Billions in Obamacare Payments Were Illegal

Republicans on two leading House committees have released a 150-page report they say proves the Obama administration funded an Obamacare cost-sharing program illegally. Even though Treasury lawyers concluded in 2012 that payments for the cost-sharing program and the healthcare law’s insurance subsidies can’t come from the same fund, the administration prepared a legal memo explaining its justification for doing so […]

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Donald Trump and Anti-Semitism

Consider Trump’s tweet last week featuring an image of Hillary Clinton in front of piles of money with a six-pointed star next to her; emblazoned on it were the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever.” Originating with a group that has a long history of posting racist, anti-Semitic messages, it was intended to associate Clinton with crooked Jews. Some people have […]

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Ted Cruz Rips Into FBI Director for Rewriting the Law to Protect Hillary

In the wake of FBI Director James Comey’s decision to recommend that charges not be pursued against Hillary Clinton, elected officials and journalists have heaped mounds of scornful criticism at Comey and the Obama Administration. The conflicts of interest and improprieties the events of the past week have showcased have given rise to accusation of corruption. Former Republican presidential candidate, Senator […]

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Trump Praises Saddam Hussein

El Trumpo decided to remind everyone that he just loves despotic genocidal maniacs who ignore the rule of law to do whatever they want. Trump: Saddam Hussein “was a bad guy”, but killed terrorists “well”. Also refers to Iraq as “Harvard for terrorism”. — Mic (@mic) July 6, 2016 How is this not a huge flag for people who […]

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Of Course: Hillary Clinton Open to Keeping Loretta Lynch as Attorney General

As announced by Director James Comey this morning, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not face federal charges for mishandling with “extreme carelessness” top secret, classified information. The non-indictment comes just four weeks after President Obama endorsed Clinton for president and just one week after Bill Clinton held a secret meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch in Phoenix. Over […]

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Obama Tells Us Sanctions Don’t Work With Cuba; Proceeds To Impose Sanctions On North Korea

When it came to spinning the decision to remove sanctions on Cuba, the Obama administration told us that sanctions don’t work. The left told us that sanctions were “archaic” and even “barbaric”. So it should not come as a surprise to you that the Obama administration has decided to hypocritically impose sanctions on North Korea. According to the US Treasury […]

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US State Dept Questions Israel’s Desire to Reach “2-State Solution” With Mass Murdering Terrorists

Of course, no one in the Obama administration is questioning the Arab Muslims who are continually stabbing and murdering innocent Jews. There is no peace with an enemy that openly calls for genocide. The U.S. State Department is questioning whether Israel really wants to make peace with the PLO, and whether the Netanyahu government really supports the “two-state solution.” State Department […]

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Lawsuit: Iowa Trying To Censor Church’s Teaching On Sexuality, Force Transgender Bathroom Access

There goes freedom of religion. Now the Bible is becoming illegal. A Christian church in Iowa is suing the state’s civil rights commission, claiming the state is trying to censor the church’s teachings on sexuality and force the church to allow men who identify as women to use the women’s restrooms. At issue is the commission’s interpretation of the 2007 […]

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Arab Theft of 1.1 Million Gallons of Water Daily in Judea and Samaria

Netanyahu has done absolutely nothing about it. The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee’s Subcommittee on Civil Affairs and Security in Judea and Samaria, headed by MK Mordhay Yogev (HaBayit HaYehudi), on Monday discussed the problems of water supplies to Judea and Samaria. “The authorities have ‘dried up’ the residents of Judea and Samaria – Jews and Arabs alike,” Yogev […]

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Inside Trump’s financial ties to Russia and his bro-mance with Vladimir Putin

Donald Trump was in his element, mingling with beauty pageant contestants and business tycoons as he brought his Miss Universe pageant to Russia for a much-anticipated Moscow debut. Nonetheless, Trump was especially eager for the presence of another honored guest: Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump tweeted Putin a personal invitation to attend the pageant, and a one-on-one meeting between the […]

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FBI Director: No Criminal Charges Despite 110 Emails Sent Or Received On Clinton Server Contained Classified Information

The FBI won’t recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while secretary of state, agency Director James Comey said Tuesday, lifting a major legal threat to her presidential campaign. But Comey called her actions “extremely careless” and faulted the agency she led for a lackadaisical approach to handling classified material. Comey’s decision almost […]

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Immediately after major terrorist attacks in Israel, Unconcerned Netanyahu flies off to Africa

While his own people are being killed, Netanyahu flies to predominately Muslim Africa and proclaims “Africa has no better friend than Israel”. NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Africa has no better friend than the state of Israel for the practical needs of security and development, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday on the second leg of a four-country tour to […]

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Trump’s Anti-Semitic ‘Star of David’ Tweet Originally From White Supremacist Nazi Site

The controversial graphic of what appeared to be a Star of David in an anti-Hillary Clinton tweet from Donald Trump reportedly surfaced 10 days earlier on an Internet message board loaded with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and neo-Nazi ideology. Trump was accused of anti-Semitism after the graphic, featuring the six-point star and a pile of cash along with Clinton’s image, and […]

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Revealed: Netanyahu’s “deal” allows Turkey to funnel money into Gaza

Attorney blasts ‘shameful’ revelations, after previously unpublished portion of reconciliation agreement with Turkey comes to light. A portion of Israel’s recent controversial reconciliation agreement with Turkey which was not initially made public has come to light, and has given critics of the deal significantly greater room for concern. Under the deal, apart from providing $20 million in compensation to the families […]

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Muslim “Refugee” Sexually Assaults Woman and Bites Off Pieces of Her Face and Neck; Only Gets 30 Hours of Community Service

According to the government, the reason this Muslim refugee beat up and tried to rape and eat pieces this German woman was because of a lack of money, not enough social appreciation, and a lack of access to sex. Not only is this not a joke, but the case, which began earlier this year, has just finished and the rapist […]

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London’s Annual Hate The Jews March

Two reports from yesterday’s annual “Al Quds” Israel hate march are absolutely essential reading. There was a sizeable counter protest this time, it’s always hard because these events are always scheduled on Shabbat. The video was filmed by David Collier who put on a hate scarf and joined the crowd. Esmerelda writing at New English Review covered the counter protest […]

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Even liberals think SEGREGATING grade school kids and teaching ‘white privilege’ is too much

This is a perfect example of racism and New York “values”. An elite grade school in New York is segregating kids by race and teaching them about “white privilege” much to the concern of their stupid parents. From Fox News: An elite New York City K-8 school is instituting a controversial new diversity program that segregates students based on race. Bank […]

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In NYC, You Can Choose from 31 Different Gender Identities

This is complete insanity. Residents of New York City can now select from among 31 different gender identities, and businesses that don’t respect and accommodate an individual’s chosen gender identity risk incurring six-figure fines under rules implemented by the city’s Commission on Human Rights. The list of identities includes options such as “gender bender,” “two spirit,” “third sex,” “androgynous,” “gender gifted,” and “pangender.” […]

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UH-OH. Trump Campaign Chaos Continues

At what point do those on the Trump train willingly admit that they’re about to crash? In the past several weeks, there has been an exodus from Trump’s team of staffers and those assigned to give his campaign an aura of professionalism. Beginning with the firing of the Lilliputian campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, those rushing out the door behind him […]

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American College Student Among 20 Hostages Tortured, Murdered in Bangladesh By Muslim Terrorists

A Miami college student was among 20 hostages killed when ISIS terrorists stormed a bakery cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Friday. Islamic States’ Amaq news agency, which published gruesome photos of victims in the Holey Artisan Bread restaurant as the siege unfolded and today released smiling photos of five terrorists, said its jihadists followed protocol to “make sure of their identity and […]

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Corey Lewandowski grilled over Trump’s illegal foreign contribution solicitation…

The Trump campaign is being accused of illegally soliciting campaign funds from foreigners, and CNN took their “contributor” Corey Lewandowski to task for defending the campaign, and he gets really rattled by it. You can tell he doesn’t know any of the facts of the story and he’s just lashing out with complete ignorance on the subject: Here’s more about […]

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Hillary Interviewed By FBI About Private Email Server

Federal agents grilled Hillary Clinton Saturday morning over her use of a private server for her email while she served as Secretary of State. Clinton voluntarily met with investigators at FBI Headquarters in Washington for three and a half hours to answer questions in an ongoing probe of whether she communicated classified information through a personal email address. Campaign spokesman […]

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Jewish Father murdered in front of his children in Har Hevron terror attack

Arab terrorists overtake family traveling in their car and open fire, killing Michael Marc of Otniel, wounding three other family members. One person was killed and three others wounded in a shooting attack at the Adorayim Junction south of Hevron in Judea. The fatality has been identified as 40-year-old Michael “Micki” Marc from the nearby town of Otniel, who was traveling in his […]

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Iran Deal: Why Is Team Obama Trying So Hard To Hide Information From You?

Why is Obama giving terrorist Iran nukes while they promise to wipe the U.S. and Israel off the map? The Obama administration continues to drag its feet by refusing to release important information about the deal with Iran –- information the American public wants and deserves. My organization, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) filed Freedom of Information […]

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European leaders cheer Abbas’ accusations of Jewish Rabbis “poisoning Muslim Arab wells”

Let’s not forget how Netanyahu still kisses terrorist mass murdering Abbas’ tuchus. One of the more remarkable aspects of the blood libel sounded by PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas in his address before the European Parliament in Brussels last week is the claim that he ad-libbed the part about rabbis poisoning [so-called] “Palestinian wells”. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or […]

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Pentagon lifts ban on transgender military troops

Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced Thursday that the military will no longer “discriminate” against transgender troops, knocking down one of the last barriers to service based on gender identity or sexual orientation. The move, nearly a year in the making, came despite last-minute concerns were raised by top brass about how to deal with the medical, housing and uniform issues for […]

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State Dept. to Spend $1.25 Million Taxpayer Dollars on Cartoon Series for Pakistan

Why are our hard earn tax dollars going to terrorist Muslim Pakistan? The State Department is spending more than $1 million of taxpayer dollars on a cartoon that promotes “living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle” and “women’s empowerment” for kids in Pakistan. The division of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) issued a grant for a two-season TV show that […]

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