Colin Powell’s email hack: Strong words against both Trump and Clinton

colin-powellFormer secretary of State Colin Powell labeled Donald Trump “a national disgrace” and “international pariah” in emails he sent to a former colleague in 2016.

The retired four-star general is the latest government official to have his emails hacked. Other leaked emails indicate “Hillary’s mafia” had tried to drag him in to commenting about Clinton’s email scandal, multiple sources reported late Tuesday.

Powell had claimed Clinton’s “minions repeatedly said that they are making a mistake trying to drag me in, yet they still try. The media isn’t fooled and she is getting crucified … the differences are profound and they know it.”

Powell made the incendiary Trump remarks in June, shortly after the billionaire businessman became the Republican Party’s likely nominee. The former State official had been corresponding with Emily Miller, a news reporter who had worked under Powell in the State Department.

More than 30,000 emails were stolen from Powell’s account, making him one of the first Republicans to be hacked after the Democratic National Committee and hundreds of Democratic congressmans’ personal information was divulged earlier this summer.

Just last month, Powell wrote to Miller again, saying, “The whole birther movement was racist … that’s what the 99% believe. When Trump couldn’t keep that up he said he also wanted to see if the certificate noted that he was a Muslim.”

Powell would not confirm or deny that his email account had been hacked.

One comment

  • has an article headlined
    “Reconsidering Colin Powell’s record on Israel and Iran”
    Moshe Phillips
    Nov 2, 2021

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