Confirmed: Muslims took leading roles in violent BLM riots across U.S.

It’s no surprise that Muslims took leading roles in the Black Lives Matter riots in cities across the US.

Source: Mosque’s first forum examines Muslim women in Black Lives Matter movement – Orlando Sentinel

After a dozen interviews and years of work, Fulbright Scholar Iman AbdoulKarim was finally ready to share her findings with her Muslim community.

After her hourlong presentation examining the role of Muslim women in the Black Lives Matter movement, the audience had a lively discussion on the religion’s role in activism.

AbdoulKarim, who graduated in June from Dartmouth College and has lived in Orlando for about a year, said she’d never presented her research to a roomful of Muslims before.

In August, she plans on attending Cardiff University in Wales on a Fulbright scholarship to pursue a master’s degree in Islamic studies.

AbdoulKarim spent the past three years speaking to Muslim activists in the Black Lives Matter movement, many of whom took leading roles in protests and organizing groups in cities across the nation.

AbdoulKarim and the Orlando Sentinel forgot to mention the violent part, however many of the so-called “protests” ended in violence, rioting, destruction and the assassinations of police officers.

Remember when the anti-Semitic “Black Lives Matter” protesters visited Hamas-Run so-called “Palestine?”

A group of Ferguson protesters has visited Palestine in support of activists aiming to to create ties between the two groups and to “see first hand the occupation, ethnic cleansing and brutality Israel has levied against Palestinians.”

The group consists of members from the Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter, and other Ferguson protesters.

BLM should be designated a terrorist organization just like the Muslim terrorist organization’s whose violence they emulate.

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