Democrat 2028 frontrunners – comedian Jon Stewart, Josh Shapiro, JB Pritzker (JTF video)


Please publicize this important video everywhere possible.

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  • You left out Anthony Weiner

    • A person typed online today
      “I keep reading about and hearing about — including from some of you — that the United States is provoking “World War III.”
      Those who influence you are convincing you that by strengthening Ukraine and allowing Ukraine to defend itself and strike against its enemies, America is being provocative. Such is the logic of isolationists. They seem to believe that the same advice our grandmothers gave us about bumble bees applies to our international enemies: “Leave them alone and they’ll leave you alone.” It doesn’t work that way.
      There are already currently at least FOUR “World War III”s: The Axis of Evil (china, russia, iran, n korea) against America; there is the Paris Climate Accords war against America; there is the BRICS economic war against America; there is the demographic war to flood our nation with criminals across our borders war.
      There are many ways that war is waged: economic, cyber, demographic, political — in addition to military. Who is worrying about and trying to win THESE wars?”

    • Online articles say
      Germany is preparing for a potential war with Russia
      While an ex-top Ukrainian General says World War III has officially begun

    • About the late
      Rabbi Meir Kahane has an article by
      Alex Sternberg
      “They will never understand…..”
      Nov 22, 2024

    • Earth has tilted 31.5 inches

  • Anyone Remember the
    2004 black comedy crime thriller film “The Ladykillers” with
    Tom Hanks
    Remember this one scene of dialogue in the film
    Between the characters of
    Marva Munson &
    Goldthwaite Higginson Dorr

    MRS. MUNSON. “…Y’all sound pretty good. It’d be
    nice if you’d come by the some day, give us a recital.”
    Dorr then takes her by the arm and escorts her back to the stairs.
    DORR: “Oh madam, you are too kind. Our music,
    however, is — how shall I put it?–rather Roman in its outlook; many of our pieces were commissioned by the Holy See.”
    “Oh, I see all right, but we don’t
    make a big whoop-dee-do about
    denominations; everybody welcome at our church. We’ve had Methodists come in. Episcopals. Even had a Jew
    come in once with a guitar back in the sixties.”
    DORR : “Indeed. Excuse me, one moment, ma’am,
    and I shall see you off…”

    Anyone find that comment about a Jew with a guitar a bit offensive ?
    Plus in this Movie the Vietnamese character
    of “The General” with the perpetual half-smoked cigarette in his mouth , “The General” was the
    mostly silent owner of the
    Hi-Ho Donut store in the town
    It’s strongly implied that he gained his rank and experience tunneling for the Vietcong
    Why does “The General”
    have a Hitler moustache
    Why does the character of
    “The General” have a
    Hitler moustache ?
    Why ? Was the Movie trying to make the Hitler Moustache
    “cool” ?

    • Anyone Remember the
      2004 film
      “The Ladykillers”

    • This scene from
      “The Ladykillers” reminds us of how sadly many Blacks backstabbed and betrayed the Jews and Whites who helped them so much during the
      Civil Rights Movement

      • Garth Pancake in this clip shown from
        “The Ladykillers” mentions
        What about Libertarians ?
        America Needs Real Freedom
        REAL Freedom
        Libertarian Freedom
        Where Adults can Actually do what they want with their own lives and bodies

        • The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse all the time
          The Sufferings of Incels
          People with Chronic long term
          Involuntary Celibacy Problems
          Americans want
          Libertarian Freedom
          Libertarian SEXUAL Freedom for Adults

          • Are you a troll?

          • Not a troll
            But Speaking Out against
            Issues related to Jews and Israel as well as
            Obscene, Unjust, Cruel, Inhumane, Retarded
            “laws” in America and the Incel Crisis
            The Incel plight

          • Libertarian Freedom
            America has many Unjust Obscene Profane
            Countless Americans are Not Patriotic and can’t stand America because of the hideous lack of Freedom
            Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
            Most Americans want
            1. Prostitution, Sex Work Legal in Every State of America at Reasonable Prices
            2. An End to the
            “War on Drugs” once and for All
            3. The Right To Die
            Voluntary Death with Dignity
            Doctor Assisted Death
            Made Legal and Available, Free of Charge for Suffering Mentally ill and all other Suffering people who want a Quick, Peaceful and Painless Death
            Most Americans are Not
            Pro-Life and are
            Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism

          • I am not sure the comment section here gets a huge amount of readers.

          • If the comment section here doesn’t get a huge amount of readers , are any World Governments reading these comments ?

          • Most Americans know the sad ugly truth that America Sucks in many ways
            Very Severe Lack of Freedom
            America is a Disgusting Nation in many ways
            Sad but True

          • The American people desire and deserve
            REAL Freedom
            Libertarian Freedom
            Where Adults are Able to do what they want with their own lives and bodies
            It’s that simple

        • America Needs More
          More Freedom
          More Freedom
          Libertarian Freedom
          Some Sheeple are still saying
          America is a
          “free country” How ?
          Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies

    • Also why in “The Ladykillers” does
      Goldthwaite Higginson Dorr
      look like
      Colonel Sanders 😆

  • has an article headlined
    “Jessica Tisch, Jewish public servant, appointed as commissioner of NYPD”
    By Luke Tress November 20, 2024

  • A person typed online today about the Relentless Arab
    Genocide against the innocent Jews in
    “in what world is a child trained to run and cower in a room…in my world, that’s where and to be honest, there is no other world for me.

    That room where the child runs was build specially for her, to keep her safe. It is a sign of love from her family, her people, her country. It is a sacred trust between her and the army – we will defend you, please just run to this room and stay there for us.

    It’s been several months and I can still remember holding my little granddaughter in our bomb shelter and feeling her entire body shake with fear. There was nothing I could do to stop the terrible shaking of her little body. I kept telling her she was safe, that the room would protect us, that the army will protect us.

    I will never forget the feel of her body shaking and my fear of what such terror could do to a child.

    If not for the horrors of all they have done to us, for this alone, I curse our enemies.”

  • The ICE Czar is an open supporter of Russia. I don’t agree. Most immigrants are contributing to society and some are caught up in the political football of immigration in the USA not providing any way for citizenship which 60% believe they should have a path. Deporting them could cause prices to rise for work that they do that american citizens don’t want to do. They may have to be put in detention centers as they have been here too long to be repatriated elsewhere.

    Don’t you find this cruel to some who are here because of their parents to be punished for their parents sin.

    • America is sadly a Very Cruel Nation in many Ways
      We cannot be in denial over that
      Adults in America cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , Not even that
      The Examples discussed in the comments here many times

      • America is sadly worsening the sadly Growing Incel Crisis
        Male Sexlessness is sadly rising
        Countless people are Suffering from horrible Mental and Physical Problems because of the Chronic Lack of Sex
        America is sadly Making many hideous Problems worse and worse

      • Can we all agree that
        America is a Very Evil Cruel Inhumane Nation in many ways , America unjustly Forces Countless Millions upon Millions of people to go for many many years without SEX
        Decades upon Decades without Sex , how is that
        Sexual Deprivation is Torture for Countless people

  • A person typed online
    November 21, 2022
    According to the findings, 37% of American Jewish teens expressed sympathy for Hamas, a stark contrast to just 7% of Jewish teens globally.
    Similarly, 42% of US Jewish teens believe Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, compared to only 9% of their international counterparts.”

  • Why do they call it a
    “Czar” doesn’t that sound kind of
    Russian ?

  • A person typed online this
    November 2024
    About Rabbi Meir Kahane
    “Rabbi Kahane’s name has been dragged through the mud. Everything he warned us about has come true.”
    Some people typed in reply
    “Yes he was right. I am ashamed now I didn’t see what he saw”
    “HE was one of my Heros!!”
    “Mine too. And a prophet.”
    “He is owed a huge posthumous apology!!”
    “He must be spinning in his grave”
    “You are right. And so many still refuse to heed his message. Despite all the overwhelming evidence that R’ Kahane was and still is right. We will continue to lose our own for this failure.”
    “We need him and his attitude today.”
    “I had the honor (although I was too young and stupid to realize it) to pick him up at Logan Airport because I was on the committee at Brandeis University which invited him to speak there.

    Like many useful idiots at the time, I was gaslit with all the “racist” and “extremist” rhetoric comparing him to the worst Arab leaders at the time (who wanted to slaughter every breathing Jew; he just wanted the Arabs to leave us alone)

    He sounded so reasonable on the trip from the airport that I marveled at how “extremists” were able to present themselves as so moderate.

    Almost no one in the student audience agreed with him because we all wanted peace and more likely wanted to prove to the world that we wanted peace.

    Of course, all of you know how it turned out – everything he said was 100% true. It’s so tragic it took so many slaughtered Jews to get the rest of us to open our eyes.”
    “There’s no way he could speak at Brandeis or any college today.”
    “they’re completely booked with “Palestinian” terror apologists, SJP, Code Pink, Antifa, BDS, DEI and every America-hating Israel-baiting “activist” they can find. Someone’s got to train the future baristas (at least we get to pay off their $300,000 student “loans”)”
    “Sad but true”
    “I met him at Ohio State University in 1978 where he gave a lecture. Inspiring and sage insight, generational and holy.”
    “He is awesome. I need to read his entire books. I’ve only read bits and pieces and watched his videos. He was prophetic. Unfortunately, most Jews and Jewish org’s in America are tikkun olam libtard Jews who speak ill of him.”
    “Yes he was right. I am ashamed now I didn’t see what he saw”

  • Question , Black Widow aka Natalia Alianovna Romanova, more commonly known as Natasha Romanoff, is a fictional character primarily portrayed by Scarlett Johansson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise—based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name—sometimes known by her alias, Black Widow , could the character of Black Widow possibly be Jewish ?
    Scarlett Johansson is Jewish in
    Real Life

  • It is unfair to criticize a Jewish kid for not fighting back from a bully in a school and compare it to Israel. The Israeli solders know they are part of a larger group and part of a military team, a kid in a USA public school doesn’t have this.

    Even biblical events show that it is nice to think every situation should have guns blazing but it isn’t reality.

    Abraham let his wife get kidnapped and didn’t fight to stop it. Same with Issac. Were they wimps or did they realize as one person with no military behind them this would a foolhardy suicidal move that would only get them killed and wouldn’t save their wives. A kid fighting back to a bully in a class that may have others who are also bigots from their families could get the kid in worse trouble. It is one thing to be outnumbered but you have a team behind you, it is another when you don’t have a larger team behind you and are an isolated individual. We are not suppose to depend on miracles.

  • Hillel Fuld typed online today
    “I asked Grok, Elon Musk’s competitor to ChatGPT, why Jews should move to Israel.

    This was the answer it gave:

    “The reasons why Jews should make Aliyah (immigrate to Israel) are multifaceted and can be understood through several lenses:

    1. **Religious and Spiritual Significance:**

    – **Biblical Commandment:** Some religious Jews view Aliyah as a fulfillment of biblical commandments, particularly based on interpretations of texts like Deuteronomy 30:1-5, where the ingathering of exiles is promised. This is seen as a return to the Promised Land, which holds significant spiritual importance.

    – **Spiritual Elevation:** The term “Aliyah” itself means “ascent” in Hebrew, symbolizing not just a physical move but a spiritual elevation. Living in Israel is often considered a way to be closer to Jewish religious life and the land of their ancestors.

    2. **Zionist Ideology:**

    – **Historical Homeland:** Zionism promotes the idea that Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people, where they can live freely as Jews, practice their culture, and govern themselves. Making Aliyah is seen as a way to contribute to the Jewish state’s development and security.

    – **National Identity:** For many, living in Israel is an affirmation of Jewish national identity, connecting to the land and history of the Jewish people.

    3. **Security and Safety:**

    – **Response to Anti-Semitism:** With rising anti-Semitism in various parts of the world, Israel is often viewed as a safe haven where Jews can live without fear of persecution. Posts on X have highlighted this sentiment, suggesting that Israel is the one place where Jews are assured of protection and solidarity.

    – **Historical Context:** Events like the Holocaust have underscored the need for a Jewish state where Jews can defend themselves, influencing decisions to make Aliyah as a form of protection.

    4. **Cultural and Communal Reasons:**

    – **Community and Belonging:** Israel provides a strong sense of community and belonging for Jews from around the world, where Jewish culture, traditions, and holidays are part of the national fabric.

    – **Cultural Continuity:** For those concerned about assimilation in the diaspora, living in Israel ensures a continuation of Jewish culture and heritage for future generations.

    5. **Practical and Economic Considerations:**

    – **Government Support:** Israel offers various benefits to new immigrants under the Law of Return, including financial assistance, housing, and integration programs. Organizations like Nefesh B’Nefesh and The Jewish Agency facilitate this process, making the transition more manageable.

    – **Economic Opportunities:** Israel’s growing economy, particularly in tech and innovation, can provide job and entrepreneurial opportunities for immigrants.

    6. **Political and Ideological Motivation:**

    – **Support for Israel:** Some Jews feel a moral or political obligation to live in and support the state of Israel, especially in times of conflict or when the country’s policies are under international scrutiny.

    7. **Emergency Situations:**

    – **Global Crises:** In times of global unrest or personal crises, Jews might see Israel as a refuge, a sentiment that has been echoed in posts on X, particularly in response to specific events or increasing threats in other countries.

    In summary, the decision to make Aliyah can be driven by a combination of religious, ideological, cultural, security, and practical reasons, each resonating differently with individual Jews based on their personal, communal, or national identity.”

    Not too shabby. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱”

  • Anyone find it offensive how in the 1971 film
    “Bedknobs and Broomsticks”
    with Angela Lansbury ,
    Which took place in August 1940 England during the Blitz of
    World War II , the
    Nazis were shown and mentioned
    Yet no mention of the
    Persecution of the Jews or other groups by Nazi Germany

  • Trump wants to create the
    Department of Government Efficiency DOGE , doge also stands for
    A doge (/doʊdʒ/ DOHJ,[1] Italian: [ˈdɔːdʒe]; plural dogi or doges; see below) was an elected lord and head of state in several Italian city-states, notably Venice and Genoa, during the medieval and Renaissance periods. Such states are referred to as “crowned republics”.

  • About the tragic murder of
    Laken Riley
    “The memory and name of Laken Riley should be remembered , respected and honored.

    In contrast, the name of that brutal cruel vile heinous fiend who murdered her should be despised ,never mentioned and left to rot.

    For the Bible reveals “The memory of the just is blessed : but the name the wicked shall rot.” Proverbs 10:7. [K.J.V.] “

  • When will the face of
    Rabbi Meir Kahane be added to
    Mount Rushmore
    It’s About Time that the Face of
    Meir Kahane be added to the
    Monument !
    Rabbi Meir Kahane was
    Mad Cool meaning
    “Very Cool”

  • Meir Kahane was an American Hero and an American Jewish Hero
    A Hero that Rised out of the ashes of the Holocaust
    We want the Face of
    Rabbi Meir Kahane to be added to
    Mount Rushmore

  • A person typed online today :
    Democrats are “promising pushback against Trump’s deportations plans.” Interestingly, we didn’t hear much about former President Obama, who was dubbed ‘deporter-in-chief,’ when he deported some 5.3 million illegals during his two terms.”

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