Democratic Congressman Lacy Clay Hangs “Black Lives Matter” Painting Depicting Cops as Pigs in U.S. Capitol

The “painting”, done by David Pulphus, looks like a drawing created in prison using crayons.

This is beyond offensive. Democratic Missouri Congressman Lacy Clay chose the painting below as part of the United States Congressional Art Competition. The so-called artist is David Pulphus and it is meant to depict the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, where a police office shot Michael Brown. That officer wound up moving and ending his career over this even though he did nothing wrong. Brown charged him and he did what he was trained to do. Black Lives Matter and the left immediately began to push the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” lie. That never happened, but tell a lie often enough and you’ll get a good number of useful idiots to believe you.

Pulphus paints the officers as pigs in his artwork. Two of the officers carry guns while protesters march towards them carrying signs that read “history,” “stop killing” and “racism kills.” It’s all kinds of wrong. It’s full of cop-hatred and racism, not to mention pent up violence. And my personal opinion is it just sucks as art. I guess I just don’t get BLM nuance. Pulphus’ artwork won first place in Missouri’s 1st Congressional District, so his painting now hangs in a tunnel between the Capitol building and the Longworth House Office Building. It should be in the trash.

From Young Conservatives:

The police have been demonized by the media and the left in this country over the last few years.

There is no question about that.

Some radical groups, like Black Lives Matter, have even called for the murder of police officers.

It’s been scary to watch.

You wouldn’t expect politicians and educated leaders to buy into the nonsense.

But that’s exactly what has happened.

Check out the picture that was approved to hang in the United States Capitol building.

From BizPac Review:

A Missouri congressman has approved a painting that depicts cops as pigs to hang in the U.S. Capitol building.

The painting, done by David Pulphus, shows the unrest in Ferguson, Mo. after a police officer shot Michael Brown, reports the Independent Journal Review.

And the Democratic Congressman who approved the painting? He’s a piece of work himself. Rep. William Lacy Clay, Jr. is supported by the Communist Party USA and the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists. He’s part of the Progressive Caucus and the Black Caucus. Clay is a Marxist and a racist, so it figures he would be all in on this painting. He is a strong supporter of Black Lives Matter as well.

Clay praised the painting as a “colorful landscape of symbolic characters” in a press release. “The painting portrays a colorful landscape of symbolic characters representing social injustice, the tragic events in Ferguson and the lingering elements of inequality in modern American society,” the press release stated. Do tell… so you call cop-hatred colorful? Not everyone shares those sentiments… “Unfortunately, many people of influence have taken part in promoting offensive and inaccurate caricatures of the very people who do the most to protect our families,” Washington GOP Rep. Dave Reichert, a former police officer, told the Independent Journal Review.

A senior Republican congressional aide also blasted the artwork in a scathing statement provided to IJR:

“That a sitting member of Congress thought it was a good idea to honor the depiction of police officers as pigs — in the U.S. Capitol of all places — is reprehensible. I feel incredibly sad that the officers working nearby have to see this on the wall. These officers protect this congressman, his staff, and his office every day, never knowing if it may be their last. Meanwhile, he’s encouraging teenagers in his district to treat police officers as animals. It’s disgusting, and he should be ashamed. This hate masquerading as art needs to be taken down now.”

Naturally, Clay could not be reached for comment. He’s all for others threatening police officers, but when it comes to standing on his convictions, Clay seems to be more missing in action than activist at times. Clay also reportedly called the piece of art the “most creative expression that I’ve witnessed over the last 16 years” during remarks on the House floor.

It’s a massive disgrace that a painting depicting cops as pigs is hung in our Capitol. I’m fairly certain that if President-elect Trump has anything to say about it, that painting will be deep-sixed as it should be.

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