Donald Trump RESCUES Hillary from bad press EVERY TIME

trump_liberalThe lovely and brilliant Dana Perino gave her thoughts on the election and kinda touched upon a popular conspiracy theory among Trump detractors, when she said that Trump always rescues Hillary from bad press.

The moment comes at about the 2 minute mark:

Now, I don’t think she was actually saying that she thinks he does it on purpose. The simplest explanation is that Trump has a psychotic and desperate obsession with staying in the spotlight and he’ll do and say anything to steal it away when Hillary gets press.

BUT… I remember even way back when he was pitching the birther conspiracy about Obama that people noticed every “big announcement” just happened to coincide with bad press for Hillary.

And frankly, given how insane this political season has been, it wouldn’t surprise me.

Don’t miss the very clever Putin joke from Dana at the end of the segment. I audibly laughed.

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