Facebook’s Zuckerberg to Bring DACA Illegals to Capitol Hill to Push Year-End Amnesty
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s open borders lobbying group and the United States Chamber of Commerce has teamed up to push an end-of-the-year plan to give amnesty to upwards of 3.3 million illegal aliens.
FWD.us, Zuckerberg’s pro-immigration lobbying organization, has orchestrated efforts with the Chamber of Commerce to bring illegal aliens enrolled in the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to Capitol Hill to lobby members of Congress to pass an amnesty for the nearly 800,000 to 3.3 million illegal aliens.
Zuckerberg’s group and the Chamber of Commerce are working with IBM and the Microsft Corporation to get illegal aliens into meetings with lawmakers in order to promote an amnesty plan, as described in the FWD.us statement.
In September, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on behalf of President Trump’s administration that the DACA program would be officially ended in March 2018. Since the announcement, big business leaders, the open borders lobby and both GOP and Democrat political establishments have been scrambling to craft and quickly pass an amnesty for the DACA illegal aliens.
Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President Neil Bradley said it would be “unthinkable” to not give an amnesty to DACA recipients and illegal aliens who are eligible for DACA.
“The clock is ticking for hundreds of thousands of people who have become an integral part of our communities and economy,” Bradley said in a statement. “A failure to achieve a meaningful solution for DACA would have a negative impact on our economy and our society. It is unthinkable for a nation of immigrants to fail to address this crisis before these hardworking people are forced out their jobs, schools, and communities.”
Likewise, IBM Vice President Christopher Padilla touted in a statement the multinational corporation’s hiring of DACA illegal aliens.
“Every day Dreamers make positive contributions to our company and our economy,” Padilla said. “We have over 30 Dreamers who work at IBM, and I’ve had the chance to meet many of them over the past couple weeks when they’ve come to DC to share their stories directly with Members of Congress.”
“IBM stands by our Dreamers and we are encouraging Congress to pass legislation before the end of the year that would allow these young men and women to continue living and working in the only country many of them have ever known,” Padilla continued.
Padilla’s promoting of DACA illegal alien employees at IBM come just as the company employs more people in India, not the U.S. than any other country in the world, Breitbart Tech reported. In India, the average IBM salary is roughly $17,000 a year. In the U.S., the average IBM salary comes in at $100,000 for senior IT specialists.
At the same time, IBM has consistently lobbied for more foreign workers to be imported to the U.S. through the H-1B visa instead of hiring qualified Americans. Between 2014 and 2016 alone, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty attempted to import nearly 25,000 foreign workers to take U.S. jobs.
The DREAM Act is one of the largest amnesties for DACA illegal aliens that have been crafted thus far in Congress, allowing not just those on the DACA rolls to permanently remain in the U.S., but also those who are eligible for DACA.
The amnesty legislation would apply to roughly 3.3 million illegal aliens in the U.S., according to the Migration Policy Institute, and would set at least 1.7 million of those illegal aliens on a pathway to U.S. citizenship.
Once given U.S. citizenship, illegal aliens are then allowed to bring their foreign relatives to the U.S. in what is known as “chain migration.” As Breitbart News has reported, a DACA chain migration could range from a mass migration of 9.9 to 19 million foreign nationals entering the U.S. over the next few decades.