Author Topic: Noose at Columbia  (Read 18130 times)

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #75 on: October 15, 2007, 04:57:39 AM »
Well, there you have it folks, Erica and Daniel have aligned, you can basically kiss a rational discussion with them goodbye.
We aligned months ago, Barach. This is no secret. But we ALSO respectfully disagree with each other. And what you can kiss goodbye with me (not speaking for Daniel) is that cookie cutter mentality you have; where everyone has to think like you, walk like you, talk like you, and act like you. I dance to the beat of my OWN drum...I don't need to align myself with friends to feel important. Daniel and I just click on a professional/ and semi-professional level where education well as common sense. Something you seem to be lacking in since you can't find any joy in your life to share with the forum. All you do is HATE, HATE, Hate, Hate, Hate....
You're right, I do hate you. I hate you because you're a liberal. A liberal is a communist wrapped in a different title. Everything you preach is in the Communist Manifesto. Liberalism is communism. I hate communists. They are an enemy to this country. They have no respect for this country. They hate this country. They hate the Constitution, and believe it to be old-fashioned and a hindrance. You commies are the hindrance to this country! You hope to end all morality and religion, and turn this country into a corrupt government-controlled jungle. What I say to you is not hate, it is a defense for America  and its beautiful Constitution.

Erica, Daniel, G-d is going to severly punish you for your treason. This is a nation that was founded under G-d, and when you're disrespecting G-d, I have a major problem with it!
You are a sick, sick person. Is happiness so out of your reach that the least bit of positivity sets you off to Angryland? Daniel and I aren't hateful individuals (although I actually told someone here, I believe JB) that I hate them..I was reacting straight out of emotion. Of course I didn't mean it because I don't even know him. YOU are disrespecting G-d by passing judgment on people you don't know personally, but who also have the heart to teach those you say are unteachable ; and reach those you say are unreachable. I don't hate you. I love you, man. I'm not going to let your bitterness upset my progress.

Have a nice life.
I'm sick? I'm direspecting G-d? How dare you. You're a communist, a traitor to this country. You have stated that religion is incorrect, made statements against morality and defended vicious criminals. You want a jungle, a lawless society, where the Constitution is thrown out the window. Liberals are communists. Your attitude torward things greatly reflects the communist party's, so you are definitely a true liberal/communist.

The Constitution was a document written with the help of G-d's words, and is what further links G-d to this great nation.

Yes, you belong in China and Russia, where the communists are, the people who hate this country. But maybe you would like it in Africa, too, since you want the country to turn into a jungle, anyway.

You can't reason with a communist. All I can say is, your communist ideals will lose out in the end, because this is a nation founded under G-d, and unlike what the Communist Manifesto suggests, the will of the American people will not be broken!

Erica, you have no place in this movement. JTF is a movement for right-wingers, and an enemy of the communist party. Go find a nice Nazi communist movement, where your ideas will be appreciated, and you will be worshipped.
If I'd entered this forum saying things like 'f-the white man' I'd understand your anger. But I didn't. The worst thing I actually did by coming here was speak my mind, stand my ground, apologize when I needed to, stand up for myself when I needed to, admit that I want to teach urban youth in Elementary school, say that I don't blame the white man today for slavery, mention that I have no favor for evil blacks, mention that Al Sharpton and the others don't float my boat, stand up for unjust jailtime (Jena 6) when none of the white kids and a grown white man didn't spend time in jail for what THEY did, tell JB that I love him, then turn around to tell you that I love you also despite your's and my differing views. If its communistic to think I can help the black community by teaching its youth...then I guess I'm guilty as charged... if its communistic of me to think that I can respect the opinions of those who disagree with me and STILL do well in my own life...I guess I'm guilty again.

As far as religion goes, I can disagree with what I feel is unfair TO ME, that dosen't make it unfair to you. I respect your right to practice whatever religion you want to practice, that dosen't mean that I have to agree with everything in your religion. I'm a westernized woman. I like having the freedom to choose my own clothing, however I'm aware that there are women in many other cultures who dress differently who I would NOT dare tell how to dress. I can only offer my opinion. Thats it. If you can't respect someone's opinion, unless it mirrors your own, then I don't know what to say to you.
You've stated that you're a Christian. Want to set your life back on the right track? First, drop your unholy liberal/communist mindset. Second, pick up the Christian Bible, you'll discover that G-d does want you to free, but he does expect some things in return for placing you on this planet, meaning you can't do everything you want, Erica. I know that sounds like a foreign concept to you, but it's true. Third, follow the Ten Commandments. They're the basis of Christianity, and should be followed by every Christian.

You still never answered my question: Why are you a part of this movement? You're not right-wing, you oppose most of its views and you're an enemy of this movement by being a liberal/communist. You seem like you're here just to ruffle feathers, which you do quite efficiently.
First off, I don't think someone with so much hate in them has the right to tell me to pick up a Christian Bible to learn how to be Christian. You may want to specify about "You can't do anything you want, Erica." part. YOU follow the 10 commandments, my friend. And not to sound like a Bible-thumping idiot but you have broken one rule I remember from the Bible... "Judge not lest YE be judged." You can't tell me that I'm not Christian enough when you demonstrate traits of an evil person, yourself.

I answered that question many, many, many times before...I'm not here for religion. I came here because judeanoncapta and Allen T (Samanthathecat on the JTF videos) asked me to ask Chaim some questions about race relations. So simply, I'm here talking about race relations. That's it. I'm not part of a 'grand scheme' to put a black cloud of the heads of JTF's members, I just like voicing my opinion on race relations. And for the record, I don't visit the religious threads often. But I do frequent the General Discussion (Which covers all topics under the sun) and the AACrisis forum to give my .02 cents on THAT subject.
Well, you're horrible at race relations, because you're one-sided and will defend some of the worst black criminals, because they're black. It doesn't matter if you dislike Al Sharpton. You're still carrying out his ideals for a black-dominated nation, which America has become.

"Bible-thumbing idiot"? You are a communist!

I am judging you based on your ideas, so, I am perfectly justified to judge you. You admitted to being a liberal. With that admission I can rightfully judge you as evil.
I don't even know what a communist is or does, but I do know what evil people do. The same things YOU do. And you still didn't specify what it is you feel I 'can't do'. ("YOU CAN'T DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT, ERICA). What does that mean?

And you are a lunatic if you think I've ever said that blacks should dominate the world. LOL I can't believe you ...actually I can because I can't expect anything other than what you'd normally and hatefully say. I talk about bettering the black community, and that makes me evil... so be it man. And I've said that the JENA 6 were guilty of what they did. They just didn't deserve the amount of time they spent in jail for it. The white teens and the white male who beat up one guy and pulled a gun out on another one without provocation didn't get ANY time in jail at all. Mychal Bell, by helping to beat up Justin Barker deserved to be put to trial because he violated his probation...the other boys didn't deserve to spend 8 months in jail. They should have been punished though, without a doubt.
G-d's children will inherit the Earth, not this group of white people, or this group of black people.

Just because I'm black, it doesn't mean that I'm going to THINK the way you think all blacks think. (too many 'thinks, I know') But I said that to say this. YOU are one-sided. You think your side is right as rain 24/7, when in all actually you are right about some things and WRONG about other things. I can respect that about you. But what I can't respect is someone who gives a one-sided view of something THEN accuses the other person of being one-sided on the opposition's side when they're opposed to as many things as you are.

By saying you can't do what every you want means G-d doesn't want to you do anything you want. G-d put you here to follow his principles. You're a Christian, so, he wants you to follow the ways of Christianity.

Obviously, you believe G-d's word doesn't apply to you.

I realize there are evil whites. Hilter, David Duke are some.But black evil GREATLY excedes white evil.
So you must be the second coming? Speaking as a Christian but with evil, devilish thoughts about killing blacks off? Is THAT what Jesus would do?
YOu STILL didn't address what it is exactly you think I shouldn't be able to do.

I'll clear up some things for you though... There are passages in the Bible which I don't subscribe to. Yes..that doesn't mean I don't love my God. That doesn't mean that I don't RESPECT my God. The Bible was written by man, not God. So I take from it what I need. For instance, I LOVE shellfish... I eat crab legs, shrimp, lobster, and crawfish. In the Bible though, it says not to do that. Another thing... I am a woman and I have cut my hair on more than one occasion. It was not to make God angry but to make myself happier in my physical self. Surely God didn't mind when I did that. I'm not burning in the firery pit of hades for those things. What makes me a good Christian is that I care about others' feelings, I acknowledge that if I have a problem I can't solve on my own that prayer is the best way to ask God for help. I love and respect my husband as I respect myself. I love my kids and mentor to other kids who need guidance. And I am going to dedicate my life to teaching America's youth the importance of not letting a dream slip away because of illiteracy and where they live. I'm here (on Earth) for a reason. Alas, I'm not perfect and don't pretend to be.


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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #76 on: October 15, 2007, 05:37:18 AM »
Every time there is a noose or some quaran down a toilet some contreversy happens. What about when a Torah scroll is defamed, not a word.
Cosmo, I know that you don't acknowledge your 'black side' and I understand that you may have some issues with your father's parentage of you. However, its rather telling that you see the hanging of a noose to threaten blacks as a joke. I can't speak for ALL blacks but I can speak for myself.

When I heard about the noose incident, I thought we had flipped back into the year 1823. Slaves were hung because they wanted freedom. Slave women were hung because they fought off their masters. Slave children were beaten and hung just for being born. On from there... after slavery was abolished, the kkk was formed and they went out WITH INTENT to look for blacks who were doing well without the white man breathing down their necks...caught them, strung them up on nooses and left them to die. They continued this 'crap' when, during the civil right's movement, they caught 3 young men...two blacks and one Jewish man driving down a stretch of road alone. They followed them and ambushed them. They beat them ALL, then hung them from trees where they left them to die.

Nooses are exactly like swastikas to me. I don't relate flushing the Quran down the toilet to nooses and swastikas though...that may make me weird. I'm a Christian, but if I heard that someone had flushed a Bible down the toilet, I'd just be happy I had mine. Its just that nooses and swastikas are threats on people's lives and livelyhood. Bibles are free.


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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #77 on: October 15, 2007, 05:53:59 AM »
Every time there is a noose or some quaran down a toilet some contreversy happens. What about when a Torah scroll is defamed, not a word.
Cosmo, I know that you don't acknowledge your 'black side' and I understand that you may have some issues with your father's parentage of you. However, its rather telling that you see the hanging of a noose to threaten blacks as a joke. I can't speak for ALL blacks but I can speak for myself.

When I heard about the noose incident, I thought we had flipped back into the year 1823. Slaves were hung because they wanted freedom. Slave women were hung because they fought off their masters. Slave children were beaten and hung just for being born. On from there... after slavery was abolished, the kkk was formed and they went out WITH INTENT to look for blacks who were doing well without the white man breathing down their necks...caught them, strung them up on nooses and left them to die. They continued this 'crap' when, during the civil right's movement, they caught 3 young men...two blacks and one Jewish man driving down a stretch of road alone. They followed them and ambushed them. They beat them ALL, then hung them from trees where they left them to die.

Nooses are exactly like swastikas to me. I don't relate flushing the Quran down the toilet to nooses and swastikas though...that may make me weird. I'm a Christian, but if I heard that someone had flushed a Bible down the toilet, I'd just be happy I had mine. Its just that nooses and swastikas are threats on people's lives and livelyhood. Bibles are free.

I have no problem with my black side at all. My father was a wonderful man, who I wish was still alive today. The issue I have is that we, the Blacks have to get ourselves out of a mess we are in and help ourselves, not rely on other people. We cant let things offend us all the time. Yet Erica, I am a Jew first, and Jews are a hell of alot more hated than any Black. Believe me. 
Well, man. I don't hate you because you're a Jew. But I don't love you JUST because you're black also. I'm not saying we need to rely on ANYONE. I'm as independant as black women come, trust me on this. I'm saying that when someone hangs  3 nooses from a tree that 3 black boys sat under the day previous, that's a threat that if they came back to the tree, they'd be hung. Just like the swastika posted up by Nazis today still mean that "we have the power to kill Jews"...its a threat. What we DO have to do as blacks, in the Jena 6 situation, is learn to take words and turn them into air and walk right through them. Losing our tempers and getting physical with someone because they called you a name isn't going to solve the problem. You're going to be just as hated the NEXT day and the NEXT day. What does matter is what you do with the time you have on this earth. I've been called a n more times online than I have in the physical world and this was before any of my videos were downloaded on youtube. I could have slapped a few people for what they said but I had to bring myself to the realization that I love myself more than they hate my color, race, the gap in my teeth, the naps on my head, and the way I speak.

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #78 on: October 15, 2007, 05:59:16 AM »
This smell of a hozx, columbia didn't want to turn over the tapes to the cops, the cops are reluntant to tell us what is on the tape, al and jesse are missing from the scene. Sounds like a hoax to me. Even the white hater that writes for the news stanley crouch said it looks like a hoax. This, I am sure was an attempt by the black students and profs. to have more watered down classes and give them an easy 3 more credits to an affrimative action degree. I can see the term papers now, 'the goose in the noose', 'way shoelaces are racist', 'the little noose that could'. What dribble.


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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #79 on: October 15, 2007, 06:06:40 AM »
This smell of a hozx, columbia didn't want to turn over the tapes to the cops, the cops are reluntant to tell us what is on the tape, al and jesse are missing from the scene. Sounds like a hoax to me. Even the white hater that writes for the news stanley crouch said it looks like a hoax. This, I am sure was an attempt by the black students and profs. to have more watered down classes and give them an easy 3 more credits to an affrimative action degree. I can see the term papers now, 'the goose in the noose', 'way shoelaces are racist', 'the little noose that could'. What dribble.
I'm in agreement with you...I wish they would release the tape so that it could shut some people up AND repremand the idiot who hung the noose in the first place.

Remember you typed out that "dribble" yourself. No one came out with those titles to term papers but you. lol I would direct you to a site that would explain what Diversity studies are about but you wouldn't visit it...and even if you did, you'd talk about how covert the class is. "Oh, the description says that its a class with open discussions of racism in America and Diversity...but when they close the door its all ..."WHITEY WHITEY WHITEY WHITEY WHITEY!!!!! >:( "  You're too funny for words, fjack.

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #80 on: October 15, 2007, 10:41:27 AM »
It won't be long before she is on the lecture circuit. She can charge the same amount of money as that dirt worshiper Ward Churchill gets.

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #81 on: October 15, 2007, 05:47:35 PM »
When I was in college I saw worse 'dribble'. Blacks would attempt to write papers on 'why trig is racist', 'all math be egyptian', and, I'll never forget this one, 'columbus said he saw black men ships when he came to america'. The english teacher was a white hater from the islands and he didn't believe it. He did give me an 'A' since I compared the 'letter from a birmingham jail' and compared it with the 'Declaration of Independence' and I said that Thomas Jefferson stoled this from the ancient nubians and that dr. king was a greater thinker than the racist Thomas Jefferson. He thought that was brillant and said I was a white man how finally 'got it'. I was 56 at the time. That was English 202. That was a required course. Once I started my engineering and advanced math courses, there were no more minorities to deal with. The blacks went into education, sociology and africana studies.


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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #82 on: October 15, 2007, 07:30:08 PM »
When I was in college I saw worse 'dribble'. Blacks would attempt to write papers on 'why trig is racist', 'all math be egyptian', and, I'll never forget this one, 'columbus said he saw black men ships when he came to america'. The english teacher was a white hater from the islands and he didn't believe it. He did give me an 'A' since I compared the 'letter from a birmingham jail' and compared it with the 'Declaration of Independence' and I said that Thomas Jefferson stoled this from the ancient nubians and that dr. king was a greater thinker than the racist Thomas Jefferson. He thought that was brillant and said I was a white man how finally 'got it'. I was 56 at the time. That was English 202. That was a required course. Once I started my engineering and advanced math courses, there were no more minorities to deal with. The blacks went into education, sociology and africana studies.
You certainly speak like an older person. I am 33 years old. I'll be 34 in February. Now, what I was saying to you is that those titles you came up with for the aformentioned response you gave didn't make sense..just like the 'dribble' you mentioned in the recent response didn't make sense. I'd have probably given those students F's for the titles alone. However I don't believe someone actually wrote a paper entitled "All Math Be Egyptian"... I think you added "be" just to make it seem more urban. I can't see someone spelling the word Egyptian correctly but using an incorrect proposition "be" in the sentence. Maybe its because I woudn't do it.

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #83 on: October 15, 2007, 09:15:26 PM »
Boy, Erica, I didn't know you take things so seriously. 


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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #84 on: October 15, 2007, 09:29:08 PM »
Boy, Erica, I didn't know you take things so seriously. 
Yes...its a habit of mine. A lot of people say things here and they post it as the gospel truth when in all actuality its either a half-truth or an entire lie. For instance someone, (won't mention who) said that Columbus Day was named for Columbus, Ohio. Ohio wasn't even thought of when Columbus arrived. So its natural for someone to think on the logical side.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #85 on: October 15, 2007, 10:04:42 PM »
be good nite

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #86 on: October 16, 2007, 06:11:44 AM »
When I mentioned 'All math be Egyptian' that was a direct quote from the students paper. This is the way they talk. I spare you curses and the rest of the colorful language.

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #87 on: October 16, 2007, 06:08:53 PM »
Well, look at what I've found:

Hate jury too quick to judge

As far as I am concerned, the noose incident at Columbia University could easily be something far less than a hate crime, no more than a bad joke or an attempt to manipulate.

Just as, 20 years ago next month, the Tawana Brawley hoax embarrassed and disgusted all who were incapable of saying that a rotten fish stinks, far too many might be startled if the identity of the person who hung a noose on a black academic's door at Columbia is far different from what the piece of rope indicates.

Outraged black students are already marching and making demands of the administration that it somehow "put a stop to hate crimes right here at Columbia University," as one black kid said on the television news.

Before any questions could be answered, the placards were being carried and the chanting had started. This was accompanied by the assumed victimization one is accustomed to hearing in the voices of young people ready to right a historical wrong or a contemporary version of injustice.

One student held up a sign saying "We all live in Jena," a reference to the Jena, Ala., black students - dubbed the Jena 6 and charged with assaulting a white student - who supporters say are being treated more harshly than three white students who hung nooses from an oak tree on Jena High School property.

The Columbia case is not Jena, and any parallels drawn between the two incidents so early into the investigation are just knee-jerk reactions from overzealous protesters.

Does that mean that there is no racism in the North, or that highly regarded universities are free of bigots or bigotry? Hardly. Any such assumption would be naive to the point of childishness.

Clearly, racism has not been stamped out and never will be for one reason: It has too many rudimentary answers for the ignorant and the simple-minded to resist. Mystery is removed from life and everything is answered, especially the question of evil. The illusion is that if we either kill off or repress "them," all will be well.

Still, we have learned - since the demanding but triumphant days of the civil rights movement - that the illness of bigotry will hold its own, but it may not fester in familiar places. As the Nation of Islam proved to us long ago, if the white people woke up free of all bigotry, there would be neatly dressed cultists with close-cropped hair, bow ties and bean pies ready to take over the hatred and spread irrational explanations for individual and social evil with intense self-righteousness.

The reason I am skeptical of the Columbia incident is that when I taught at the Claremont Colleges from 1968 to 1975, it was not unusual for some black students to send racist mail to themselves to manipulate the administration when negotiations about campus racial policies were at a tipping point.

I distinctly remember visiting a campus on the East Coast where a black student had burned a cross in front of a black fraternity house but, as lunkheads will do, had hidden things under the house which proved the burning a fraud and scandalized those who were up in arms about the "racism" on campus.

This does not make less serious any proof of the presence of racism wherever it might appear, North or South, East or West, but I would suggest that we take our time and find out as much as we can so that the energy of young people intent on doing the right thing is not dissipated in meaningless rituals that are the result of mistaking manipulative paper tigers for the mauling and murderous beasts of bigotry.

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
Teach us, Lord, to trust Thee still:
Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #88 on: October 16, 2007, 11:17:19 PM »
The Black Panthers on the city council are going to have a field day with this.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #89 on: October 17, 2007, 12:39:15 AM »
You'd think in a college class they would correct that kind of grammar.
Harvard and Yale have remedial classes for near-retarded black students, who were accepted due to Affirmative Action.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #90 on: October 17, 2007, 12:42:00 AM »
When I mentioned 'All math be Egyptian' that was a direct quote from the students paper. This is the way they talk. I spare you curses and the rest of the colorful language.
You can't teach a vicious animal anything. This is how they communicate and nobody is going to be able to change that.

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #91 on: October 17, 2007, 06:09:41 AM »
In the city university system, CUNY, in New York City they have all kinds of special programs to 'save the black male'. Remedial classes in English and Math, special tutoring for 'students at risk', and 'special scholarships for special peole', that means not white, and the list goes on. In the city university system we have all kinds of 'cultural events' such as 'moslen day', 'caribbean day', 'african day' etc. where they take over a major part of the main floor and 'celebrate' their culture. It is nothing more than an excuse to skip classes. It is sickening to see the way we must cow tow to these turd world and 'born in America' trash.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #92 on: October 17, 2007, 07:38:52 AM »
Monkey see ,monkey do. ::)

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #93 on: October 17, 2007, 02:09:32 PM »
In the city university system, CUNY, in New York City they have all kinds of special programs to 'save the black male'. Remedial classes in English and Math, special tutoring for 'students at risk', and 'special scholarships for special peole', that means not white, and the list goes on. In the city university system we have all kinds of 'cultural events' such as 'moslen day', 'caribbean day', 'african day' etc. where they take over a major part of the main floor and 'celebrate' their culture. It is nothing more than an excuse to skip classes. It is sickening to see the way we must cow tow to these turd world and 'born in America' trash.
It's true. I know about this, first hand, because I go to Queensborough Community College. It's a disgusting school system that encourages Islam and other filth to overrun the schools on certain days.

There is even urban poetry being read out long, where black students crticize the white race for their shortcomings in ebonics! If it wasn't for the white race these near-retarded idiots wouldn't even be in the school!

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #94 on: October 17, 2007, 02:17:20 PM »
Their geniuses are our retarded>And its true, which makes it even  more sad.

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #95 on: October 21, 2007, 09:20:50 AM »
The nonsense starts way before college. My daughter just recently took the National Merit Scholarship exam, it is for high school students. She did not qualify for the top level, about 1% of about 1.2 million students. She did however qualify for the next level, the commended level, the next 1%, as did three other white girls in her school. Though, there were three girls from her school who did qualify for the National Merit Scholarship even though they scored lower than all of the white girls from the same school. See, they were able to qualify for the Black NMS and the Hispanic NMS, not the one that everyone else must qualify for. The rewards of scholarship for these raced based qualification tests are the same as the main test. Did I mention that my daughter goes to a private school so that means that these deprived poor minorities are attending the same private school that these four white girls do but they get extra help and extra chances. So, by the time college level is reached this nonsense is already deeply embedded.
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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #96 on: October 21, 2007, 05:01:17 PM »
When I mentioned 'All math be Egyptian' that was a direct quote from the students paper. This is the way they talk. I spare you curses and the rest of the colorful language.

I knew a girl whos parents wanted her to go to a certain school, which she didn't like....she purposefully replaced "you" for U and repeatedly wrote, innit, yeahh man, watchamacallit in the entrance exam so she would fail.

The school passed her, and she had apparently been one of the best applicants. This was in a private, not public school.