Newman always has an interesting perspective

I thought Munich sucked.
The thing about Spielberg that pisses me off, is that he's so politically correct that he chooses to generate compassion for the statanic mooozie genocidal savages and minimize the suffering of their victims.
He's just got to raise the question of whether it's morally justifiable to hunt the mass murdering mooozie bastards down and kill them.
It's the old 'mercy' question-- and of course [censored] Speilberg has to side with being merciful to the merciless by having the central Israeli character question the 'rightness' of his mission.
At the end of the movie the Israeli agent is questioning his veteran Mossad handler along the lines of 'What's the whole point ? We kill them and by doing so we generate more of them. They just keep coming back."
The Mossad handler correctly tells him 'You cut your fingernails, don't you ?'.
That's the whole problem with Speilberg. He thinks, and his movie is sympathetic to the idea that we shouldn't kill terrorists, because it's cruel and pointless.
Speilberg is a clueless twit with long, uncut fingernails.