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Ask JTF For Motza'ei Tzom Asara BeTevet, Sunday, December 31.
Shalom Chaim
What do you know about the benefits of drinking alcoholic beverages?
Almost everyday there seems to be a new study confirming that light to moderate drinking is in fact good for your health. Obviously beer is no good, but what about wine to go along with your main meal? Scotch? Gin? [Yacov Menashe adds: What about vodka? Chabad always drink it.]
Can one become an alcoholic even if one is not genetically predisposed to it?
Thank you.
Geulah Achshav
Dear Chaim
You have mentioned a couple times before that JTF (or is it VJA?) sponsors a programme in Israel studying the Jerusalem Talmud. Could you tell us more about this Talmud? Why is it that Jews over the centuries have only really used the Babylonian Talmud for authority? The Babylonian Talmud is Holy (since it is simply a written compendium of oral traditions and practices which have existed since the time of the giving of the written Torah) but is the Jerusalem Talmud holy?
The Bab. Talmud if I remember right (and please correct all my demonstrations of ignorance) is about ten times larger than the Jer. Talmud but it actually has commentaries on fewer of the tracts of the Mishnah. Therefore it would be fascinating to know what is in the Jer. Talmud since it must surely mention a few things which are not in the Bab. Talmud.
Finally what is your opinion on the process of translating Holy Writ like the Mishnah or Talmud or Midrash and allowing scholars and non-Jews to read it in their own language? WHat is your opinion on the Kabbalah Centre who translate Zohar and missionize gentiles with it? Apparently the Kabbalah CEntre is subsidizing the provision of Zohar translations to poor people so it is not just about converting rich celebrities to their cause. Are these people part of the NWO plot or are they doing something they believe is morally right?
Thank you Chaim! :)
Shalom Chaim, I hope you are well and thank you very much as always for answering my questions. Although having nothing to do with JTF, I was going to ask your opinion on the Rothschilds but due to a recent arguement have decided to ask the following quetion: From your knowledge, What do you know about Albert Einstein, did he believe or not believe in G-d? I have read many differing opinions and writings and wish your input on the subject... Toda roba ve shalom... Marzutra ;)
Shalom Chaim, kol tuv
I have a question about the verse in Chronicles which says "10 of ye shall chase 1000 of ye, 100 of ye shall put 10,000 of ye to flight". Do you think that that verse referes to Israel alone, or all righteous and willing nations? For example the American Revolutionaries vs the British, the Finns (at the time were righteous people) vs the Red Army, Serbians vs the German Nazis & the Ottoman Empire etc.. I would like to say the Czechs, but as you have pointed out before they were sold out by informers to Nazi Germany. But given those examples, could the verse pertain to all righteous nations? Just wanted your opinion..
Toda Raba,
Dear Chaim happy birthday,
I know that for many years Israel propped up the South African government, and then shamefully abandoned South Africa under world pressure, after South Africa had been a loyal ally to Israel for many years. Do you feel that anything can be done for South Africans, to make up for our abandonment of South Africa?
Also, I will be making my pilot trip to Israel this February and I'd like to get in contact with Baruch Marzel to help him set up some media facilities, recording rallies marches and debates, and promo videos etc. I have sent multiple e-mails to the e-mail addresses on his site but I have recieved no response. Can you help me get in contact with him?
Chaim, one last thing, in last weeks show you wrote about Joseph Mccarthy, I think one thing you arent considering is that Mccarthy made being a Communist something shameful. So yes many of his actions backfired but after him, a serious politician couldnt openly be a COmmunist.
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