Author Topic: Contradictions  (Read 39826 times)

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Offline croatian_girl

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« on: November 04, 2007, 12:14:27 AM »
Hi Fellas,

So I have been reading this forum for a little while now, observing what kind of hate a certain group of grown men (and women I assume) can fit into a text box. And I know since my nationality is already on your shitlist, nothing I say will adhere to your brains, but I don't care - I decided to write anyways.
  First of all, I have to ask, how many of you have ever been to Croatia? Secondly, Croatia has a population of about 4.5 mil and yes, we do have some extremists (like any country/nationality/religion I might add) but there is majority that doesn't support any politic or propaganda. In all honesty you have to admit - since you are fighting to "Save Serbia" here, that croatian USTASA is the same thing as serbian CETNIK.I have no hate towards Serbs, despite the wars and their crazyman Milosevic, and I won't even get into the conversation of who did what or who started what, because it's pointless. I will just focus this on the "jewish part" since this is a JEWISH task force. I don't know how many of you actually look into history from different aspects, and really look into how Jews were treated in Yugoslavia - you can't seperate the countries since they were together - with a capital of Beograd which is in (drum roll please) in Serbia! So therefor you can assume where a lot of political decisions were coming from. I am not here to pass judgements onto anybody, I am here to try to get you guys to give a fare shot to a nation that lived in supression for a long time - as Jews did, and I am talking from the Austro-Hungarian times and prior.
  Also, I read a comment somewhere on this forum - that xenophobia is only good if its not against Jews, which I find to be such a contradictory thing, since it seems that Jewish people victimize themselves due to their past, but at the same time they will pass the same judgements they endured onto another human being. It really makes no sense.
  One more thing, in mention of Croatian tourism. I could speak of American tourisam and Israeli tourism, where people get robbed, beaten up and whatnot all the time and I know coz I live in NY and travelled all around the world.It seems this forum is just a need to collect negative points of croatia an villinize it to the max, when I am sure the same events happen in Serbia, Israel, USA, Slovenia, Italy, France etc...
  I don't listen to Thompson, I don't support Nazi regime, I don't care for past issues and holding on to hate over someone who died a long [censored] time ago over something that was relevant then. Croatia deals with their negativities as much as they can, we try to improve the standard and open up eyes, but Croatian as people also have been through a lot and saw their fathers killed in a pointless war, fighting their friends who they shared dinner with the night before and laughed over the latest episodes of the show Audition (Audicija).

Guys, I think your forum has taken a bad turn and instead of it being a coallition for bettering the world, its becoming the same hate filled bunch of immaturity you were bashing to begin with.

Have a great night and hope you figure yourself out.


Croatian Girl.   

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2007, 02:08:25 AM »
Croatians have the ability to choose good or evil. G-d gave everyone free will. But you have chosen evil if you come on here and attack JTF. There are some righteous Croatians. In fact there was one Croatian woman who became Jewish and married a Jewish man and brought him back to Judaism. That proves that everyone has free will and the ability to chose between good and evil. If you chose good, then denounce what your country has done to our peoples (Jews and Serbs) and become a Righteous Gentile.

Oh my god u r crazy. It is 2007 and you are asking me to denounce my country like its middle ages. I am sorry mr. We are in the age of computers moderniziation, globalization, capitalizm, and ekumena. Therefor, I won't let myself be sucked into your "crusade" - coz - Check yourself - you are pushing a crusade - very similar to islamic extremists....similar tone, similar choice of words...If you can't recognize a criticizm from an attack then you are either very sensitive or unaware of how socializing functions. Secondly, I must be evil? yes sir, by your standards I MUST be evil, coz I am a woman, not jewish, I wear pants, I am croatian and I was raised as a catholic but declare myself as an atheist - I must be a devil down on earth, just came to "attack" this forum, coz I am SOOOO EVILLL. I am SOOOOO EVILLLL that I try to promote tolerance and equality, I am SOOOO EVILLLLL that I try to raise awearness in my country for other religions and races...I am SOOOO EVIL that I never attacked directly on what Serbia did to the whole Yugoslavian area and I mentioned how croatians do have their own crazies - but you guys constantly seem to FAIL to REALIZE - judge yourself first before you judge others. Fix whats wrong in your own back yard before you start [censored] on others.

So..yes. I must be evil. Seriously - check yourself.

Offline AussieJTFer

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2007, 02:16:59 AM »
The croats butchered tens of thousands of innocent Jewish men, women and children at Jasenovac (not including the almost million Serbs) in such brutal barbarity that even the german nazis were in disbelief at their cruelty. The croatian catholic clergy were themselves involved in the orgy of blood and death and one of these catholic priests cut the heads of 1,500 men in one day. To me there is no difference between a stinking croat and a stinking german, they are both satanic infestations of inhumanity and death and will never change their fascist, murderous and barbaric ways. The croats still buy mein kampf in record numbers and name their streets after the ustasa butchers.
Show me any evidence of the Serbs committing such cold and calculated slaughter at such a grand scale for the sole purpose of total annihilation of the Jews.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 02:18:35 AM by AussieJTFer »

Offline croatian_girl

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2007, 02:24:41 AM »
The croats butchered tens of thousands of innocent Jewish men, women and children at Jasenovac (not including the almost million Serbs) in such brutal barbarity that even the german nazis were in disbelief at their cruelty. The croatian catholic clergy were themselves involved in the orgy of blood and death and one of these catholic priests cut the heads of 1,500 men in one day. To me there is no difference between a stinking croat and a stinking german, they are both satanic infestations of inhumanity and death and will never change their fascist, murderous and barbaric ways. The croats still buy mein kampf in record numbers and name their streets after the ustasa butchers.
Show me any evidence of the Serbs committing such cold and calculated slaughter at such a grand scale for the sole purpose of total annihilation of the Jews.

so you will support a nation that did the same thing to Croats and Bosnian Muslim - only because it wasn't done to Jews? Seriously, how can you be sure they wouldn't do the same thing if put in a different situation. And yes, we know about Jasenovac and we admit it and we try to fix certain things - but there is a lot of serbian propaganda from those times speaking against Jews, you can look it up online, I doubt you even tried branching out in that direction.

Secondly, to the person before - say whatever you want to say, I don't doubt that you respect certain groups - but I also see huge amounts of hate towards people you never met or know anything about their independant culture.All the events you speak of were comitted under Serbian ruling and prior - when you are told you will go to jail for showing your religion, and when you are not allowed to celebrate Catholic Christmas in a "union" where you are supposed to be one of the majorities, it really makes you wonder how easy it was for one party to twist the story to go their way...
I didn't want to get into this, because I only protested your blatant hate and in some cases rasism and whatnot (especially in some people's footnotes and signatures).


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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2007, 02:26:22 AM »
Hi Fellas,

that croatian USTASA is the same thing as serbian CETNIK.

Zdravo CroatianGirl,

Inform your self about the real facts.
Cetniks and Ustasas are two totally different things.

You know well who had death camps during WW2 and who had not.
It is a great insult for us to put Nazi Ustase who slaughter million people together in the same corner with the resistance movement like the Cetniks.  

The Croatians are calling bad Serbs Cetniks what is totally unreasonable.
You can not compare criminals with heroic Cetnik fighters.  You can not call Serbian exceptions Cetniks.

Offline croatian_girl

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2007, 02:32:05 AM »
Hi Fellas,

that croatian USTASA is the same thing as serbian CETNIK.

Zdravo CroatianGirl,

Inform your self about the real facts.
Cetniks and Ustasas are two totally different things.

You know well who had death camps during WW2 and who had not.
It is a great insult for us to put Nazi Ustase who slaughter million people together in the same corner with the resistance movement like the Cetniks.   

The Croatians are calling bad Serbs Cetniks what is totally unreasonable.
You can not compare criminals with heroic Cetnik fighters.  You can not call Serbian exceptions Cetniks.

oh, a quick question...something relatively recent... Ever seen the videos from Vukovar.... or photos? those huge lines of people being sent away etc... so the same people you so strongly defend did the same thing as we are being so victimized for (which I never denied). Its funny how we can "choose" which evil is good or the end..its all evil and should be treated the same.

and cetnici did the same thing - they ethnically cleansed for the purpose of their "great serbia" dream.


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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2007, 02:39:49 AM »

about vukovar :
In Vukovar were also Croats living during RSK.

What are you saying???
Cetnici were active in Vukovar?
The Cethnik movement existed during WW2.
The only legal army who was operating in Vukovar was the Yugoslav regular army.
Remember in 1991 Vukovar was still recognized as Yugoslavia! Inform your self!

Offline croatian_girl

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2007, 02:42:51 AM »
recognize anybody?

    in this one especially

and cetnici which I speak of are the ones that called themselves that during the Croatian - Serbian war mister, same way these young croatian kids call themselves ustase without knowing what it really stands for. therefor, same way you guys [censored] about thompson concert and the new generations of croats, is the same way we can talk about CETNICI (and that term serbs used a lot during the war)

and yes we were recognized as a yugoslavian army which mostly was operated by serbs, which gathered all the ammo thus us needing to find help from USA and other governments.
also another reason why croatian infrastructure wasnt built because beograd was always taking all the money from tourism etc... u inform yourself.


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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2007, 02:44:40 AM »

and cetnici did the same thing - they ethnically cleansed for the purpose of their "great serbia" dream.

You are saying that the Cetniks did the same things like the Nazi Ustasas? Old story.
Your are making me tired.

You made great Croatia on Serbian lands. We wanted to unite our homeland after the collapse of Yugoslavia just like the Germans did in 1990 afther the collapse of USSR, what wrong with that?

You exiled 800.000 Serbs from Krajina and Croatia what about that???
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 02:49:07 AM by DALMACIJA »


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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2007, 02:46:58 AM »
recognize anybody?

and yes we were recognized as a yugoslavian army which mostly was operated by serbs,

You know really nothing.

Offline croatian_girl

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2007, 02:49:32 AM »

and cetnici did the same thing - they ethnically cleansed for the purpose of their "great serbia" dream.

You are saying that the Cetniks did the same things like the Nazi Ustasas? Old story.
Your are making me tired.

You made great Croatian on Serbian lands. We wanted to unite our homeland after the collapse of Yugoslavia just like the Germans did in 1990 afther the collapse of USSR, what wrong with that?

You exiled 800.000 Serbs from Krajina and Croatia what about that???

   we are of same kind mister.

Serbian lands?

you should change your username, you have nothing with dalmacija. remember to bring your passport when you come to visit - we will be kind hosts.

Offline croatian_girl

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2007, 02:52:17 AM »
recognize anybody?

and yes we were recognized as a yugoslavian army which mostly was operated by serbs,

You know really nothing.

you know things how you learned from your perspective
i know them how i learned from mine. deal with it.


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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2007, 02:54:57 AM »

you should change your username, you have nothing with dalmacija. remember to bring your passport when you come to visit - we will be kind hosts.

Serbs lived also in Croatia.

Serbs lived in Dalmatia, Lika, Kordun, Slavonia and in Baranja.
You had no right to take those lands.

Croatia was also our homeland.
Remember Serbs were present in Croatia and in Krajina for centuries long.

We had the same rights in Croatia like you!

Offline Eliav

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2007, 03:01:56 AM »
Croatian_Girl. What do you think of Thompson, the Croatian Neo-Nazi band playing in North America right now? Or Hajduk hooligans who have been known to wear this shirt, clearly Nazi-inspired?

Offline croatian_girl

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2007, 03:02:27 AM »

you should change your username, you have nothing with dalmacija. remember to bring your passport when you come to visit - we will be kind hosts.

Serbs lived also in Croatia.

Serbs lived in Dalmatia, Lika, Kordun, Slavonia and in Baranja.
You had no right to take those lands.

Croatia was also our homeland.
Remember Serbs were present in Croatia and in Krajina for centuries long.

We had the same rights in Croatia like you!

and there are still serbs in croatia, they have their own politics party and nobody seems to really G-A-F (im sure u understand that part) about who lives in croatia or not - for all we care the more the marrier. . It seems you guys really have much more grudge on certain things and just chewing over the same topic again and again.AND, you see Croatia as this big mean strong country - dude, there is only so much of us, and we were always under someone elses ruling because we wouldnt survive at those times, but also, if you really look at the nation closely, majority of people were against what was happening, and against any form of facism, especially in Dalmatia, and they still stay very true to the "necu politiku u moju butigu" moto.

Offline croatian_girl

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2007, 03:04:42 AM »
Croatian_Girl. What do you think of Thompson, the Croatian Neo-Nazi band playing in North America right now? Or Hajduk hooligans who have been known to wear this shirt, clearly Nazi-inspired?

fyi that shirt is being pulled. because it is unfortunate that a soccer team fan club (which consists usually of bullies) support this excrement. It doesnt mean that all city supports that. And I am from Split and I support Hajduk but not this, because I don't connect myself to this part of Torcida which consists of Skinheads and jerks that just want to bust someones head open..they would beat u up regardless if u r jewish or not, and in fact they are usually lower class and lower education which explains much.

also this is not an official shirt.

and the last time i checked every country has a bunch of racist morons.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 03:06:21 AM by croatian_girl »


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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2007, 03:13:33 AM »

and there are still serbs in croatia, they have their own politics party and nobody seems to really G-A-F (im sure u understand that part) about who lives in croatia or

Your are very childish. You have totally no respect.

Own politics?

90% of the exiled Serbs from Croatia and Krajina did not return to their homelands.
Serbian property is stolen or destroyed in Croatia, where must they return?

There is no Serb population in Croatia any more.
There are no Serbs representatives in Croatia.

The so called Serbian political party in Croatia SDSS is a union of self hating Serb traitors who were in Croatia during the whole war. Real Serbs were banished from Croatia and went to Krajina. Respectable  Serbs who stayed in Croatia agreed with the fascist Croatian plan.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 03:16:08 AM by DALMACIJA »

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2007, 03:19:34 AM »

and there are still serbs in croatia, they have their own politics party and nobody seems to really G-A-F (im sure u understand that part) about who lives in croatia or

Your are very childish. You have totally no respect.

Own politics?

90% of the exiled Serbs from Croatia and Krajina did not return to their homelands.
Serbian property is stolen or destroyed in Croatia, where must they return?

There is no Serb population in Croatia any more.
There are no Serbs representatives in Croatia.

The so called Serbian political party in Croatia SDSS is a union of self hating Serb traitors who were in Croatia during the whole war. Real Serbs were banished from Croatia and went to Krajina. Serbs who stayed in Croatia agreed with the fascist Croatian plan.

"real serbs" - wow what a way to choose it. I guess you would only be happy with a radical, a serb is someone with a serbian citizenship, sorry to burst your bubble - i find it foolish to believe that somebody can be more serbian/less serbian or any kind of nationality. deep down u still represent your crowd.
secondly, since I lived through the war  I saw the side of things being taken away as well for instance - my uncle and aunt in Sarajevo lived in their apt. for 20 years, and when they were kicked out during war , a serbian person moved in - stole it basically, and refused to leave, it took them 10 years in courts with all the proper paperwork to remove the individual - and there are many many cases of that sort. so it works both ways.

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2007, 03:23:26 AM »

and there are still serbs in croatia, they have their own politics party and nobody seems to really G-A-F (im sure u understand that part) about who lives in croatia or

Your are very childish. You have totally no respect.

Own politics?

90% of the exiled Serbs from Croatia and Krajina did not return to their homelands.
Serbian property is stolen or destroyed in Croatia, where must they return?

There is no Serb population in Croatia any more.
There are no Serbs representatives in Croatia.

The so called Serbian political party in Croatia SDSS is a union of self hating Serb traitors who were in Croatia during the whole war. Real Serbs were banished from Croatia and went to Krajina. Respectable  Serbs who stayed in Croatia agreed with the fascist Croatian plan.

oh and can u elaborate on the current Croatian fascist plan, since I mean, you clearly don't live in Croatia, so therefor you would have all the insight of what a country wants for their own people?
get over yourself.

Offline Eliav

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2007, 03:27:20 AM »
Are BBB of Dinamo as bad as Torcida? I've seen foootage where they were the only ones in the stadium.

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2007, 03:29:45 AM »
Are BBB of Dinamo as bad as Torcida? I've seen foootage where they were the only ones in the stadium.

i don't know how much they tie themselves to politics, but usually the tightest parts of these soccer fan groups mostly work almost as gangs, because they relate to a destructive nationalistic actions. but, its only certain parts of i said, there is always gonna be a bad apple no matter where you look.


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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2007, 03:36:12 AM »

"real serbs" - wow what a way to choose it. I

You have everywhere traitors.
Serbs who did not agree with Tudjman’s government were targeted.
The Serbs who supported the new Croatian government stayed in Croatia.
Like M. Pupavac and his cooperators. They were recognized as respectable Serbs by the new Croatian government because the supported the new Croatian system.

In the same time ethnic cleansing took place. Serbs lost their jobs and properties especially in Croatians towns like, Zagreb, Split, Zadar, Sikas, Osijek and other.

I did not aggress my own home in Croatia or somebody else’s.
The concentrations of those people who violated the Serbs was to large at the time so I went to other places which were not under Croatian authority. It was a smart move.

Offline croatian_girl

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2007, 03:40:36 AM »

"real serbs" - wow what a way to choose it. I

You have everywhere traitors.
Serbs who did not agree with Tudjman’s government were targeted.
The Serbs who supported the new Croatian government stayed in Croatia.
Like M. Pupavac and his cooperators. They were recognized as respectable Serbs by the new Croatian government because the supported the new Croatian system.

In the same time ethnic cleansing took place. Serbs lost their jobs and properties especially in Croatians towns like, Zagreb, Split, Zadar, Sikas, Osijek and other.

I did not aggress my own home in Croatia or somebody else’s.
The concentrations of those people who violated the Serbs was to large at the time so I went to other places which were not under Croatian authority. It was a smart move.

well just so you know, a lot of serbs took away alot of croatian property as well and settled in other people's property.

Offline Eliav

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2007, 03:44:33 AM »
I actually am pretty good friends with a CRoatian girl who is very nice, just so you know.

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Re: Contradictions
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2007, 03:49:09 AM »
I actually am pretty good friends with a CRoatian girl who is very nice, just so you know.

well glad to hear that, but I wonder how she would feel if she knew you support this forum.