Hi Fellas,
So I have been reading this forum for a little while now, observing what kind of hate a certain group of grown men (and women I assume) can fit into a text box. And I know since my nationality is already on your shitlist, nothing I say will adhere to your brains, but I don't care - I decided to write anyways.
First of all, I have to ask, how many of you have ever been to Croatia? Secondly, Croatia has a population of about 4.5 mil and yes, we do have some extremists (like any country/nationality/religion I might add) but there is majority that doesn't support any politic or propaganda. In all honesty you have to admit - since you are fighting to "Save Serbia" here, that croatian USTASA is the same thing as serbian CETNIK.I have no hate towards Serbs, despite the wars and their crazyman Milosevic, and I won't even get into the conversation of who did what or who started what, because it's pointless. I will just focus this on the "jewish part" since this is a JEWISH task force. I don't know how many of you actually look into history from different aspects, and really look into how Jews were treated in Yugoslavia - you can't seperate the countries since they were together - with a capital of Beograd which is in (drum roll please) in Serbia! So therefor you can assume where a lot of political decisions were coming from. I am not here to pass judgements onto anybody, I am here to try to get you guys to give a fare shot to a nation that lived in supression for a long time - as Jews did, and I am talking from the Austro-Hungarian times and prior.
Also, I read a comment somewhere on this forum - that xenophobia is only good if its not against Jews, which I find to be such a contradictory thing, since it seems that Jewish people victimize themselves due to their past, but at the same time they will pass the same judgements they endured onto another human being. It really makes no sense.
One more thing, in mention of Croatian tourism. I could speak of American tourisam and Israeli tourism, where people get robbed, beaten up and whatnot all the time and I know coz I live in NY and travelled all around the world.It seems this forum is just a need to collect negative points of croatia an villinize it to the max, when I am sure the same events happen in Serbia, Israel, USA, Slovenia, Italy, France etc...
I don't listen to Thompson, I don't support Nazi regime, I don't care for past issues and holding on to hate over someone who died a long [censored] time ago over something that was relevant then. Croatia deals with their negativities as much as they can, we try to improve the standard and open up eyes, but Croatian as people also have been through a lot and saw their fathers killed in a pointless war, fighting their friends who they shared dinner with the night before and laughed over the latest episodes of the show Audition (Audicija).
Guys, I think your forum has taken a bad turn and instead of it being a coallition for bettering the world, its becoming the same hate filled bunch of immaturity you were bashing to begin with.
Have a great night and hope you figure yourself out.
Croatian Girl.