I used to know a girl who was a so called "born-again" type Christian, with the fish thing sticker on the back of her car, she was the daughter of some pastor, they would try and convert me everytime they saw me, they were definetly not the "love everybody type", they didn't explicitly hate Jews but you could tell that they were resentful of the fact that I could refute their arguments and that the Jews were not Christians despite the fact that they were our "successors" and that we were "replaced". Oh yeh, they were "love everybody" when it came to the muslims. I have never known such hypocrites in my whole life like those people, whilst this girl was trying to "save" me from my "sinful" life, she was happily taking it up the arse and screwing some other so called "born-again", the ugly sodomite whore she should burn in g'ehenom. This was up in Brisbane which thankfully I don't live up in that shitehole of a city anymore.
All of the muslims in this country should be sent up to that wasteland swamp of a city. Sometimes I think that it was too bad that the Japs didn't invade Queensland, a few bogans under Japanese control, big loss!