You know Lisa,
since Chaim gave me his message,
I won't ask for anybody to be banned.
But you certainly noticed
that "SerbianChetnik2" started all of this,
by insulting me as being a NAZICROAT,
just like that, all of a sudden.
You also noticed, perhaps,
that I was only responding
to him by jokes and fun.

Then he went to insult Serbian Army,
just because Serbian Army defended me.

That's all.
As far as I am concerned,
the LAST thing I'd wish,
is YOU to be bothered by us, Serbs.
We just LOVE you so much.

Even if it was true,
that his family was killed by USTASHA
(GOD BLESS THEM ALL, if it's true),
why on earth does he INSULT us, Serbs ?...