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Offline Baltimore

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Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« on: November 18, 2007, 08:44:35 PM »
Here is what I came up with:

Let us analyze the current situation on this forum. We have over 1000 members and most of the time it seems like there are 200 guests viewing the forum.  Conservatively I would say we have about 100 very active members. These are very valuable people. Imagine in a 3 day period if every one of these 100 super members uploaded a video, emailed a newspaper, or posted about JTF on a forum? We would quickly have a lot more super members and the likelihood of some media attention would increase dramatically.  We need to set some goals for JTF in terms of new members and media exposure. We need to create a plan that will allow us to achieve those goals.  Super members need to understand that while the forum can be a lot of fun that in the long run there is a greater goal. The more you “have fun” on the forum the less time you are devoting to the greater goal. Here are my ideas:

Goals for 2008

1.   By 12-31-2008 have 10,000 registered forum members
2.   Have JTF appear as a major part of at least four news stories in major print media publications in North America (these can be local publications, but they have to be major)
3.   JTF needs to be mentioned (does not need to be the main focus of the article) in one major national publication in North America
4.   A JTF spokesperson needs to be interviewed (A scheduled interview not a call in to a talk show like anyone can) on 4 major North American radio (or TV) stations by 12/31/2008.
5.   2008 total combined contributions to JTF and VJA must be triple that of 2007. 2009 total combined contributions should be ten times that of 2008!

All of these goals require increased exposure of JTF and the JTF forum. As of today the JTF forum is the more dynamic and exciting aspect of the JTF brand. It also is interactive and thus attracts more interactive (as opposed to passive) participants. I hope is spruced up some but that is not the most urgent of issues. We need to increase the exposure of the forum and the best way to do that is over the Internet. Videos are the main way to accomplish this but there are other major ways also like posting in other forums and on Craigslist.  Below is a step by step list explaining how to increase exposure and attain the above 5 goals:

1.   Create a JTF video clearinghouse. Right now we have a terrible bottleneck in the video process. In order for any Chaim video to be posted, Chaim must do this himself! This is very inefficient.  It is true that others can make videos but before we can be totally comfortable with that we must give every JTF member the option of either creating their own video or posting a Chaim video. Until every JTF video has been uploaded to the clearinghouse site I strongly recommend that Ask JTF be discontinued. Ask JTF is fun and entertaining but it takes up 2.5 hours of Chaim’s life that could go toward something more important. It also takes up 2.5 hours of many members lives who could spend those 2.5 hours spreading the word about JTF instead of passively listening. Eventually a fair compromise would be allowing ask JTF to be answered by Chaim on one of his videos. But the questions would have to pertain to one predetermined subject.

The clearinghouse itself does not have to be at I think somebody mentioned that there is a free site where people can upload videos to and where others can download them for free. We need to make this site known to all JTF members and the general public. We must encourage every member of JTF to set up a youtube account and to upload their favorite JTF videos on to it.  I also think liveleak has some potential and I will get in to that later.  Imagine if once a week we asked JTF members to pick one Chaim video to upload as an answer to another controversial and popular video on youtube. The JTF message would spread like wildfire to all corners of youtube. Posting videos as replies to other popular videos is something we have not done yet.  I can not stress how important it is that the JTF video clearinghouse site be created (with every JTF video ever created on it) ASAP.  Until this happens the rest of the plan can not happen and our goals will not be achieved.

2.   So once the clearinghouse site is created and all the current JTF videos are on it, Chaim can go back to making new videos once a week. I strongly suggest that until Ron Paul drops out of the race that Chaim makes one video about Ron Paul every week.  It will be our responsibility as members to save this video to our own accounts and upload it as a reply to other popular Ron Paul videos. We can also upload it as replies to popular Clinton and Rudy videos.  I would not be opposed to having a page on : where there is a summary of his nazi-like ways along with links to JTF videos. We could go all around the web posting this simple URL everywhere we see a Ron Paul fan post.  If we stick to a plan of giving major attention to Ron Paul non-stop until Super-Duper Tuesday we almost certainly will gain media exposure

JTF videos must also be posted as replies to popular Nazi/KKK videos on youtube and on liveleak. Sadly, there seem to be endless amounts of videos that fit in to this category. So many of these psychos believe Jews control the media. We will make them paranoid and make them think that those Jews might just be us. Instead of saying Jews control the media they will start to mention JTF specifically. It would be great if JTF became the biggest enemy of these Nazi’s. I strongly recommend that everyone emails the Jewwatch nazi in St. Louis and inform him that got him kicked off youtube. Here is his email address: [email protected]

Iran is a very important issue that many are interested in. I would suggest the Chaim and others create some more Iran videos. Iran videos are special because liveleak actually has a special section devoted to Iran that seems to be quite popular:

Remember to always use good keywords when preparing/uploading a video. JTF probably is not a word a lot of people are searching on. Ron Paul is. Even if it does not have to do with Ron Paul, use Ron Paul. Jew, Jewish, Nazi, Clinton are all popular. Use words that you think people will search for. Spell Giuliani wrong! Yes use “Guliani” as a key word. Few will use that version of it as a keyword but many will look him up that way!

This site allows you to download videos from youtube (we should not need it once the clearinghouse site is set up):

3.   So every day we are going to have JTF’ers downloading videos from the Clearinghouse site and uploading them on to their accounts or as replies to Nazi’s, Ron Paul Fans, and others. We also need JTF’ers to go to popular LOCAL internet forums and post links to videos and to the JTF forum. Again the best way to start off at these forums is to attack the Ron Paul Kook. Do not post right away. Get into an exchange. Post a controversial Ron Paul related title and then say, “Hey check out this video that exposes the truth about Ron Paul” When I say local forums I mean those that are brought to us by the local newspaper. It usually requires one to register but it is worth it. We need to create a full lists of these forums but here are three I randomly selected that you can start at:

4. There is a craigslist site in every major metro area in the USA. Some are very popular. Google searches craigslist easily. I have posted things on craigslist before and within days you can do a google search on a certain word and that craigslist post is showing up on the first page of google!
Go to the rants and raves section and Politics section of every City's Craigslist
   Post something controversial pertaining to JTF. Iran, Ron Paul, Serbia, or just reply to a topic that is already there. Leave the URL and leave a videos URL.

5. We need to email media members in all the early Primary and Caucus states about Ron Paul. We need to create a list of email addresses and names of target reporters in all of these states that we need to email short professional emails to about Ron Paul. They do not get many (if any) anti-Paul emails because the major campaigns instruct their supporters not to make him seem legit and to just ignore him.  Here are the early states, I can help find emails:
• January 3: Iowa
New Hampshire
• January 5: Wyoming (R)
• January 15: Michigan
• January 19: Nevada, South Carolina (R)
• January 26: South Carolina (D)
• January 29: Florida
• February 1: Maine (R)
• February 5: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia,
Idaho (D), Illinois, Kansas (D), Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico (D), New York, North
Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah

I strongly suggest we target media in more conservative and less focused on states. This increases the likelihood of them doing a story on JTF.  WY, SC, ME, come to mind off the top of my head after looking at the above list. Of course we can not forget about IA and NH but of course those reporters are going to be inundated with people emailing them. Do not even think about states that come after super duper Tuesday (2-5-08). Both races will be over by then and we will have to find a new approach to spread the word. This Ron Paul thing is something we need to take advantage of ASAP.

6.   When emailing a media member, posting on a forum, posting a video, or doing anything else interactive on the web it is best to do it late on a Sunday night so on Monday morning your target will be viewing what you did. Monday morning is the most popular day for being on the web. Thursday night, Friday Night and Saturday night are the worst times to post anything. Please try to get used to doing most of your interactive work on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights (daylight hours are fine also)!

7.   If you choose to create your own video remember to be calm, speak clearly and loudly, and look clean if you appear on camera. If you Know how to add music to your video you should do that. If you are young pick songs you know other young people will like.  Westcoast JTF was great by the way.

8.   You are going to stumble upon a lot of like minded people on youtube. Whenever you do be sure to invite them to join the JTF forum. Compliment their videos and say you would be happy to help distribute them and that you know of 1000 other people who will want to help that person spread the word.

9.   Be familiar with how many forum members we have. In your posts or videos be sure to mention the number. We have 1000 strong forum members who are all over the web and the world. People will see us as the movement we are rather than some kook in St. Louis sitting in his living room.

I can help with all aspects of this plan and I can elaborate on specifics.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 08:52:49 PM »
wow....I like this.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2007, 11:45:56 PM »
You have clearly thought this through.

Offline WestCoastJTF

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2007, 12:57:20 PM »
I would add that a lot of people have said that JTF's English web site needs a redesign.  It can be a bewildering experience for someone coming in for the first time.  Although it is functional, I think it should be more polished and professional looking - perhaps imitating the design of other activist organizations.  It should be designed with the new visitor in mind.

A problem with the forum is that everything scrolls.  A single page you could bookmark that has all of the videos on YouTube listed would be very useful.

We have not really exploited our membership's power on YouTube.  I see some people rate/favorite/comment every video...but of course, they only do it from one account.  You can set up multiple accounts on YouTube easily.  If everyone rated/favorite/commented from, say, TEN YouTube accounts a week, the numbers would really shoot up.  Get some Gmail or Yahoo or Hotmail accounts and create some YouTube accounts.  BTW, there is nothing in the YouTube TOS that says you can only have one account per person.

BTW, realistically, Chaim is JTF's only major spokesman.  Certainly as far as appearing on a mainstream news channel.

There are some people who've done JTF QPTV vids in the past - Yosef, and another Irish Catholic man (Sean?) whose name I forget.  They might be asked to do more vids in the future.

A Weekly Activist Bulletin would be nice - I've seen other organizations do this.  Here are the five things we ask you to do this week - check them off as you do them.

Offline Lamed

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2007, 02:28:41 PM »
I would add that a lot of people have said that JTF's English web site needs a redesign.  It can be a bewildering experience for someone coming in for the first time.Although it is functional, I think it should be more polished and professional looking - perhaps imitating the design of other activist organizations.  It should be designed with the new visitor in mind.

A problem with the forum is that everything scrolls.A single page you could bookmark that has all of the videos on YouTube listed would be very useful.

We have not really exploited our membership's power on YouTube.  I see some people rate/favorite/comment every video...but of course, they only do it from one account.  You can set up multiple accounts on YouTube easily.  If everyone rated/favorite/commented from, say, TEN YouTube accounts a week, the numbers would really shoot up.  Get some Gmail or Yahoo or Hotmail accounts and create some YouTube accounts.  BTW, there is nothing in the YouTube TOS that says you can only have one account per person.

BTW, realistically, Chaim is JTF's only major spokesman.Certainly as far as appearing on a mainstream news channel.

There are some people who've done JTF QPTV vids in the past - Yosef, and another Irish Catholic man (Sean?) whose name I forget.  They might be asked to do more vids in the future.

A Weekly Activist Bulletin would be nice - I've seen other organizations do this.  Here are the five things we ask you to do this week - check them off as you do them.

1 - I agree with you on that.Improvement in that aspect sure is required,but right now that is not so important.There are some other more important things that must be taken care of which by the way Baltimore have mentioned ih his post.
2 - To be honest by my oppinion Chaim is an excellent speaker,very eloquent I must say,and how someone speaks is very important for the viewers,for the public in general beside what he speaks about which is important as much there's no doubt about it for sure.He leaves great impresion on viewers.For me he is the greatest,he simply is an excellent speaker.I like listening him when he speaks about certain subject.Man simply is the greatest.So he should continue the way he did things till now and I believe that with the little help from others everything should and will work just fine and smooth as always.
Go JTF! O0
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Offline Sarah

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2007, 02:45:59 PM »
This is brilliant. The bullet points need to be stickied into a seperate Topic and locked.

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2007, 03:16:18 PM »
Is there currently any work being done on the video clearinghouse?  The sooner we get that, the sooner we can kick the YouTube campaign into high gear.

this is very important

Offline Baltimore

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2007, 03:02:22 AM »
Is there currently any work being done on the video clearinghouse?  The sooner we get that, the sooner we can kick the YouTube campaign into high gear.

The video clearinghouse concept was my suggestion (although others made mention of something similar) and I have no idea if JTF leadership knows of this concept yet. I think it is vitally important that the clearinghouse be established right away.

For everyone of our 1000 members to have the ability to upload our videos where ever and whenever they want is something that will propel this organization to the next level very quickly.  Right now people are wondering where Chaim should post video A, Video B, Video C, and if Video D and E are too  controversial for site A. We will not have to worry about any of this if we have a video clearinghouse.  Within a week we could have 10 copies of everyone of our videos on all of the major video sites.  WestCoast is correct, we have not even scratched the surface of what we can do on youtube. There are a lot of people worried about using youtube. DO NOT WORRY. Last night on youtube I found the same cat video posted by at least 10 different people. Instead of silly cat videos we can be posting JTF videos!

And I like the idea about rewarding people on ASK JTF. If you post 50 videos in the previous week then you get your question answered. Something like that. A goal that is not easy.

A Weekly Activist Bulletin is a great idea. I think we have way too many sticky posts now.  Once the Clearinghouse is up and the marketing plan is finalized I think moderators need to send out PM's to every single member asking them to take part in the marketing plan.

I will send my Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008 to Chaim now. If any of you reading this now are a JTF leader I strongly advise you to seriously consider everything I posted, especially the clearinghouse idea. Thanks!

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2007, 03:17:34 AM »
I agree with the idea of a whole new look for the website. It should look more like a campaign web site. Even though Barack Hussein Obama is a terrible candidate he has a kick ass web site.
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh


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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2007, 03:18:25 AM »
This is great!

I agree, does need to be re-designed! Wen i promote JTF, i send them to The page should be the MOST important page for the beginner sees, and so should receive special attention!

Offline EagleEye

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2007, 03:20:25 AM »
Good goals, the hardest part is walking the walk...good luck.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2007, 06:19:54 AM »

This is brilliant! Let me study this when I get home tonight.

One of the problems is my abysmal ignorance of technical computer issues. And another problem is that I do so many programs and deal with so many emails and letters, that I never have a chance to think through an exciting plan like this.

But if we could upload our programs on youtube and make them responses to other videos, this could lead to a huge increase in our exposure.


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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2007, 07:58:36 AM »

This is brilliant! Let me study this when I get home tonight.

One of the problems is my abysmal ignorance of technical computer issues. And another problem is that I do so many programs and deal with so many emails and letters, that I never have a chance to think through an exciting plan like this.

But if we could upload our programs on youtube and make them responses to other videos, this could lead to a huge increase in our exposure.

Chaim, I believe that we do have a couple of members that are really into computers.
I for one have HTML experience...mayby we can get all the web designers together, and we can see what we can do? :)

Offline Baltimore

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2007, 03:38:32 PM »

This is brilliant! Let me study this when I get home tonight.

One of the problems is my abysmal ignorance of technical computer issues. And another problem is that I do so many programs and deal with so many emails and letters, that I never have a chance to think through an exciting plan like this.

But if we could upload our programs on youtube and make them responses to other videos, this could lead to a huge increase in our exposure.

Chaim, you know a lot about computers for a 50 year old person who did not grow up around them and then was away from society for a few years while they were becoming popular. All of the young members of this forum need to take this in to consideration and need to step up and offer technical assistance and easy to understand explanations to Internet related issues.

Two sites were previously mentioned as clearinghouse sites. They are:

It appears (please somebody correct me if I am wrong) that is the easiest to deal with. I am pretty sure (from a past story posted here) that in the past Chaim has received in person technical assistance from a young Jewish JTF member in the NY area. If this person (or another person) could help out Chaim ASAP with the uploading on to this would be great. Thanksgiving day is a day everyone is off and if you are Jewish you most likely do not have that much to do earlier in the day especially. For these reasons I think Thanksgiving day would be the best day to start (and hopefully complete) the uploading.  I have no clue about Chaim's personal schedule I just think this is probably the one day he could get a lot of assistance from others.  Once every JTF video is on EVERY SINGLE JTF MEMBER OR FAN will be able to download every JTF video and do what ever they please with it whenever they want to! A very exciting prospect.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 03:40:53 PM by Baltimore »

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2007, 04:28:26 PM »

OK, I opened a free account with rapidshares and uploaded our first videos. Please check it to see if I did it correctly and if it is easy for our members to upload to youtube and other sites. If I did it correctly, then I will begin downloading many videos and we will map out a strategy for youtube, liveleak, qubetv, myspace and facebook.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 04:45:05 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2007, 07:26:26 PM »

OK, I think I finally figured it out!

1. Here's the link that you should add to your favorites:

2. The password that you need to enter the folder is:


Don't worry - this is NOT the admin password that is needed to add or delete videos or files. This is ONLY the user password needed to access the page with our videos, so it doesn't matter if our enemies see it.

There are 23 of our most recent English videos there that are ready, G-d willing, for upload.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 08:33:06 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

Offline Electra

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2007, 07:28:54 PM »
Excellent! Thank you Chaim.

Do the files eventually expire, or will they remain there?
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Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2007, 07:37:04 PM »
Excellent! Thank you Chaim.

Do the files eventually expire, or will they remain there?

They will expire if no one accesses them for 90 days. But as long as we access them, they remain there indefinitely.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2007, 09:20:25 PM »
Ok, I've successfully got that first video from the rapidshare site uploaded onto YouTube, and I have it as a response to another video: 

This is the video on Hillary and her appeasement of Iran and terrorism in general.  There was no title or description on the rapidshare site to copy so I just improvised.

Looks like this method has a lot of potential.  I'll continue to upload in my spare time as well as keep the downloaded files on my own computer for easy upload ability in the event that my YouTube account gets removed.

Fantastic, Dan! This is exactly what we need. If a lot of people do this, G-d willing, we will have greater exposure than we had before youtube disabled our accounts.

Offline Baltimore

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2007, 03:51:18 AM »
Ok, I've successfully got that first video from the rapidshare site uploaded onto YouTube, and I have it as a response to another video: 

Dan you are awesome! Every JTF member needs to follow Dan's lead and do this.
If you go to
You will see that West Coast JTF has posted what each video is about. The Ron Paul video is the one that everyone should select if they are only selecting one video. I am doing this right now on Youtube and liveleak. It is almost 4AM!

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2007, 07:24:51 AM »
This is great!

I agree, does need to be re-designed! Wen i promote JTF, i send them to The page should be the MOST important page for the beginner sees, and so should receive special attention!

Exactly! O0 These ideas all sound great for 2008.

Offline Lubab

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2007, 01:45:08 PM »

JTF videos must also be posted as replies to popular Nazi/KKK videos on youtube and on liveleak. Sadly, there seem to be endless amounts of videos that fit in to this category. So many of these psychos believe Jews control the media. We will make them paranoid and make them think that those Jews might just be us. Instead of saying Jews control the media they will start to mention JTF specifically.

Great stuff but I do believe the person you respond to on YT must approve your response before it shows. I've tried this.

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Offline Baltimore

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2007, 07:54:40 PM »
Below is a list of South Carolina writers that we should all email about JTF and the views JTF has toward Ron Paul and other presidential candidates.  These are all writers that deal with politics. The first guy is the most important person to email. Send the Ron Paul video URL if you feel like it.

      John O'Connor
      Staff Writer
      [email protected]
      (803) 771-8358

      Leroy Chapman
      Governance Editor
      [email protected]
      (803) 771-8387
      Lee Bandy
      [email protected]
      (803) 771-8648
      Steve Brook
      Deputy Managing Editor
      [email protected]
      (803) 771-8464
      Roddie Burris
      Staff Writer
      [email protected]
      (803) 771-8398
      Sammy Fretwell
      Staff Writer
      [email protected]
      (803) 771-8537
      Aaron Gould Sheinin
      Staff Writer
      [email protected]
      (803) 771-8658
      Wayne Washington
      Senior Writer
      [email protected]
      (803) 771-8385

Offline Baltimore

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2007, 10:56:45 PM »
yes you are correct. Never ever attach a video. Only provide a link to a video.
Great job!

Email sent.  Word to the wise:  it might be problematic to send a video attachment.  It couldn't be done on my email.  I figured the best thing to do would be to post a link at the end of my note to Baltimore's Ron Paul video on Liveleak.  This is because we could wake up tomorrow and have one or more of the YouTube Ron Paul links gone due to another banning incident.  The Liveleak video may be the safest bet at this point as far as links go.

I'm assuming that the main point of the letter should be to briefly state what JTF is, and about our particular position on Ron Paul and how a story on us could be of interest to their paper in light of the upcoming primaries--just in case anyone is wondering how to approach writing the letter.

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Re: Goals and Marketing Plan for JTF in 2008
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2007, 08:55:41 PM »
Here's a letter I sent to jewwatch:

Dear Jew Watch,

We at have a movement of Zionist Jews. We launched a smear campaign against your anti-Jewish videos and thank God, kicked you off YouTube.

By the way, it isn't true that Jews control America. I wish this were true. As it is, AIPAC and ADL and all the others are left wing organizations that would like to see Israel destroy Judea and Samaria, and are pushing for it. They don't realize that if that happens, Israel will be destroyed. So I would suggest to you, if you really are an enemy of the Jews, to support the Jewish lobby of America.


A Proud Jew
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