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The Chocolate City Mayor, Mayor Nagin of New Orleans has gone on record for 60 minutes comparing a hurricane hitting New Orleans and 9/11 and quote "You guys in New York can't get a hole fix and its been 5 years".
And idiots of New Orleans re elect this? The nerve.  Within 2 weeks New York after something that was an act of war no warnings to get back on its feet.  New Orleans still looks like a third world water dump and its been over a year.  What the hell does Nagin wants others to do for New Orleans that he hasn't done yet?  It's time for New Orleans to clean up New Orleans. Its been a year and it looks the same now as it did a year ago.  Who's responsible for that? Wouldn't Chocolate Mayor be the one that's suppose to take care of this? It will be aired this Sunday on 60 minutes.  I don't care what anyone says about former Mayor Rudy Guilianni, he showed true leadership and told the Saudi Prince to shove his check.




I don't know who is more stupid Nagin or the people that reelected him. I saw a piece on the TV the other night it showed the state of things in the New Orleans devastated neighborhoods after almost a year . I must say it made me sick to the point that I could not finish watching it. Some people there are really working hard to restore their lives however the vast majority are waiting for Uncle Sam to come in and start doling out the greenbacks. They showed homes that although damaged could be made livable with just some cleanup. They showed homes that still had been untouched food on the counters, dishes in the sink covered with mud.  In short untouched since the waters receded a year ago.

I don't know if it was me and my house was still standing after the floods I think after a year I would at least had cleaned the place out. It doesn't cost anything to remove mud and debris from the place this is just lazy animals waiting for handouts and someone else to do the work for them. They showed people just starting to clean up  now after a year. Yes New Orleans is a chocolate city and it shows that painfully. So I guess Mayor Nagen is right.

I remember when rescue went down to New Orleans and these savages where shooting at EMS and rescue and stealing the ambulances. Who the hell can help these beasts to begin with they started looting the moment they saw fit.  And I don't want to hear them say oh but we are hungry since when you eat a television or furniture?

"You guys in New York can't get a hole fix and its been 5 years"

   This is probably the only intelligent thing this idiot has ever said. While Nagin did nothing to rebuild New Orleans, New York is also run by third world excrement and that is why it takes forver to get anything built. Forget about the second avenue subway line, the east side expansion or additional river crossings into the city. I worked for a contractor that would make bids to build bridges. We made one bid in Utah which was six times the time and expense that anybody else bid. Turns out you don't need five men to do the simplest thing such as installing a light bulb because one man can do everything. (Drive the truck, do the work(often two people), supervise, inspect for safety.)

I saw two transit 'workers' working on the subway platform on Jay Street. They could not figure out how to take out the screws that held the cover on. Then one of them starting screaming obsenities at the object in an effort to scare the screws out. The screws did not come out no matter how many mf's he muttered. The problem was, I think, that the screwdriver he was using was not the right size so that it chewed up the screw head.


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