Save Western Civilization > Save America


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--- Quote from: cjd on September 07, 2006, 02:22:45 PM ---You are exactly right when you call New Orleans blacks sick filthy morons. They were well warned to leave they figured the water would never come in as it did and they would be free to loot at will. I can still remember watching  them filthy beasts splashing around in knee deep water. The more malevolent ones going from store to store  looting life sustaining items such as TVs and 20 pairs of jeans. The shame is some innocents such as the elderly who could not escape the storm  were relying on mayor Nagins help sadly they were waiting in vain. The looters and more fit should have picked up the ball where local government droped it. But that would be what normal humans would do.

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It's worse than that... when they tried to fly in and save these bozos from certain death... they fired weapons at the helicopters!

And that shows all that you can take the animal out of the jungle but can't take the jungle out of the animal.


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