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Offline Rubystars

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Ron Paul
« on: November 30, 2007, 12:15:51 AM »
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« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 06:20:43 PM by Rubystars »

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 12:35:33 AM »
I agree with you in most ways, I always like Ron Pauls stance on firearm ownership. As Newman has said, I really think Ron Paul is a blessing in disguise. I know many won't agree with me.

This is the only way I can really defend Ron Paul, I know there has been talk that he is a anti-semite because he "appeals" to anti-semites. Think of it from this perspective.

I am a political activist. I have been involved in many political protests against illegal immigration with the minutemen and what not, we get a lot of criticism from leftists and liberals and Mexicans, what's worse is sometimes we get people that show up who are in the KKK or part of StørmFrønt or Neo Nazis. They don't always identify as one but they start talking about the same issues we do then people say "Hey if you are against illegal immigration, you must support neo nazis!" this is just a comparison.

I am a advocate of gun rights, in many of my gun debates, unfortunately guns are viewed in a bad light. I say how guns have been used for good purposes and some liberal will say how crazy rednecks and nazis love guns and claim i'm some right wing extremeist red neck with a confederate flag on my wall (well I do have a confederate flag living in the south). They associate gun owners as redneck racist white trailer park trash.

Judaism, you know what? I am Jewish, Nazis accuse me of being a liberal leftist neo-con who supports homosexuality, gay marriage, gun control, communism, hollywood, pornography, globalism, the war on Iraq, and democrats. Guess what, some people who happen to be Jewish (or self hating Jews) do, does that make all Jews liberals or supporters of homosexuality, gay marriage, gun control, communism and whatever else? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Heck JTF is living breathing proof of that.

Guys the point I am trying to make is yes Ron Paul has stated things that are taken out of context.

Not every person who is critical to Israel is a anti-semite, i'll give you an example. Most of us "HATE" our current government. We do NOT hate America. We HATE the government and some of the people here, just like we do not HATE Israel, we HATE the current person in power (OLMERT). We HATE that Sharon sold the Israeli people out. Unfortunately some people find it easier to critisize Israel as a whole rather than the people in power. You are going to get vast variety of people that support Ron Paul on this for different reasons.

Some people support him because they do not agree with foreign aid to Israel, now this could be because they hate Israel that they are neo nazis and muslims, this could be because people don't support the situation going on in Israel today, this could be because we simply do not want to send foreign aid to any country to be fair, and this could also be because we don't want to see Israel become a welfare state (like myself). There are various purposes for supporting this.

9/11, same. Ron Paul never said that 9/11 was a conspiracy, he never said 9/11 was a inside job nor did he blame America or Israel. He blamed US policy which is quite a bit different. This again can be taken into context.

Some conspiracy nuts associate this as that 9/11 was a inside job by the government, therefore they support Ron Paul and use this to their agenda. Some neo nazis use this and claim it is our alliance to Israel or that it was done by Israel. Others like myself simply feel that our involvement in the middle east gave them a reason to attack us.

Intervention. Ron Paul abides by the founding fathers that they were against intervention. Some may feel that this is similar to the democrats that he doesn't want to fight and wants to back down, some feel Ron Paul is doing it because he is sympathetic to muslims, others like myself feel he doesn't want to get involved because he simply doesn't see Iran as a threat to the United States and this is moreso a threat to Israel and they are capable of taking out Iran by themselves.

The point I am making here is that Ron Paul does not have a agenda, He is not an anti-semite, you must realize that people are using Ron Paul for their own political agendas. Think of it from their viewpoint how he benefits them, then think of Ron Paul how he benefits you.

To the Nazi, Ron Paul benefits them because they figure (please note these quotes are sarcastic)

"Hey this guys against illegal immigration, we all know how Jews love illegal immigration to destroy white culture"

"Hey he believes 9/11 was a sham, we all know those Jews and Israel did it!"

"Hey he's against foreign aid, no more aid to the zionists woo hoo!"

"Hey he supports guns, we all know those Jews support gun control for the new world order!"

"Hey he's against the war in Iran, we all know Zionists are mad about this because we won't fight their war for them!"

"Hey he's against the IRS, no more money for Israel!"

Now reverse that and think how he benefits us, the Jews

"Hey this guys against illegal immigration, so are we, illegal immigrants are destroying this country"

"Hey this guys against foreign aid, not only will Israel be free from US money with strings attached, but US will no longer funds Israels enemies!"

"Hey he supports guns, nazis took away guns from Jews, this guy supports the constitution and believes in getting rids of backround checks"

"Hey this guys against the IRS, the 16th amendment was never ratified and we have more money to spend for private college or stocks or whatever, good for business"

Guys the point i'm making is you can make Ron Paul out to what you want him to be, you can make him out to be a Nazi, you can make him out to be a Muslim sympathizer, you can make him out to be a Anti-Semitic Jew hating bastard, whatever you want. The problem is, you are projecting your views on him because unfortunately there are anti-semites who happen to support him and muslims who support him. Would you not vote for Guiliani or Hunter or Huckabee if Nazis were donating money to him?

Even Ron Paul said, he doesn't screen donations, he doesn't question who sends him money, he only cares about freedom or liberty. Isn't that what America is about?  You guys really need to look at the bigger picture, the Nazis and the White Supremists are the fools for voting for him, the Nazis are practically opposite of what Ron Paul supports.

Sorry if anything I said was taken the wrong way but I don't view Ron Paul as evil.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2007, 12:40:52 AM by Cohen »

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 12:39:43 AM »
By attempting to blame the Iraq War on AIPAC, are you attempting to blame it on Jews?

Maybe AIPAC supported the Iraq War but in no way should the idea of the Iraq War be attributed to them. 

You are repeating false propaganda. 

Some politicians said that the war would make security in the region safer.  Some politicians probably to AIPAC that the Iraq War would improve Israel's security.  So people affiliated with AIPAC who supported the Iraq War were probably wrong to believe the politicians.     

You have no idea what you're talking about.  Don't be making accusations like that when you misinformed. 

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2007, 12:39:49 AM »
Ron Paul is practicing Nazi taqqiyah.

He says he is a non-interventionist, but really wants America to enter an alliance with Syria, Lebanon, and Iran.

He is a filthy liar.

If he is such a neutral person on the subject of Israel, then why does he hang out with and accept checks and endorsements from white supremacists all over the world?

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2007, 12:42:58 AM »
"Israel espionage in America"

You have no idea what you're talking about. 

Most politicians know that Jonathan Pollard was correct and that they were wrong.  They keep him in jail because they have no respect for Israel and they try to use him as a pawn for political purposes against Israel with threats that the only way he'd ever get released is if Israel makes concessions--to those who hate Israel.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2007, 12:44:15 AM »
Ron Paul is practicing Nazi taqqiyah.

He says he is a non-interventionist, but really wants America to enter an alliance with Syria, Lebanon, and Iran.

He is a filthy liar.

If he is such a neutral person on the subject of Israel, then why does he hang out with and accept checks and endorsements from white supremacists all over the world?

Ok please provide the evidence where he wants america to enter an alliance with Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2007, 12:51:52 AM »
Have you looked at his voting record, read his essays and editorials, or listened to Chaim during Ask JTF?

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2007, 12:52:56 AM »
Have you looked at his voting record, read his essays and editorials, or listened to Chaim during Ask JTF?

Yeah I have, i've read plenty of his essays, voting record and watched both of Chaims videos on it. I have NEVER heard of him wanting to ally with Syria or Iran or Lebanon. Where has he actually said "I support an alliance with Lebanon and Syria" or what not? He's never said that.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2007, 12:53:55 AM »
Did you read any of what he said about Israel and Hezbollah last summer?

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2007, 12:59:02 AM »
Did you read any of what he said about Israel and Hezbollah last summer?

Yes I've seen the article, he also wrote a very interesting article about foreign aid how in many ways we fund Israel but at the same time we fund Israels enemies and we continue to fuel the fire in the region and that we shouldn't be involved. He has never chose one side over the other. He has also spoken on terrorism before. He is not directly opposed to the war on terror as he has wrote said articles about it but feels the war in Iraq has absolutely nothing to do with it and our soldiers in Saudi gave the terrorists a reason to attack the world trade center on 9/11. That doesn't mean he directly blames Americans for this but rather foreign policy. There is quite a difference.

And where are these comments coming from that when Ron Paul talks about Neo Cons he's talking about Jews? We critisize Neo Cons all the time here, Chaim has done it as well and we have stated that most are not actually Jewish (though unfortunately some are). Why is it ok for us to call people Neo Cons but if someone else does it, they are using it as a secret code word for Jew? That doesn't even make sense.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2007, 01:08:40 AM »
From an American perspective it can certainly SEEM like all Jews are either neocons or outright liberals, even communists. I know of course that isn't true for all Jews. I don't think you can find a quotation from Ron Paul saying that either. If so, I'd like to see it. I think if there was much dirt to dig up on Paul it would have been out by now. The globalist neocons certainly want to destroy his campaign.

What is certainly true is that most of the globalist organizations, gay rights organizations, feminist organizations, civil rights organizations, pro-immigration organizations, and other civilization rotting groups tend to be either run by Jews or have many Jewish (mostly nonreligious, but some religious) members. This is not anti-Semitism or anti-Jewish to state. It is simply the truth. I'm curious to know JTF's views of these groups and those who run them.

I'd like to stop these groups from harming all people. They want to wipe out our racial and cultural identities and religions.

They're also harming Jewish people in particular by causing anti-Semitic feelings among non-Jews. As has been stated in this thread, when people realize that all these Jewish run groups are harming their nations, and threatening their cultural values and identity, they begin to blame, guess who? The Jews! I call this the "name and blame game". It's not a game though, because it will have deadly serious consequences for innocent Jews who don't have anything to do with this evil stuff that some Jews (and evil gentile helpers) are involved in.

If Ron Paul helps to stop some of these organizations from getting any further with their diabolical plans then there should be a drop in anti-Jewish hatred as well. If you want to prevent another Holocaust scenario then you need to fight day and night against these groups like the CFR and others which are causing hatred against Jews to grow stronger.

I honestly see Ron Paul and other paleocons as one ingredient in the antidote to this globalist mess. Another ingredient that's needed is for good moral Jews to stand up to these corrupt organizations and try to put a stop to them.

I've often been very annoyed by the fact that Muslim imams will not condemn terrorism. This is probably because terrorism is part of their religion.

I'd like to think that Jews are much smarter and more moral in general than Muslims. However, I'm also becoming annoyed by the fact that Jewish leaders are not, by and large, standing up to the likes of these groups in a visible and public way. I think to stop a tide of hatred they need to stand up and have their voice heard before it's too late.

Ruby, I understand where you are coming from. When I grew up in Chicago, I always noticed that much of the Jewish population downtown was very liberal. I used to have a perspective thinking "WHY ARE SO MANY JEWS LIKE THIS WHY!", I just assumed most Jews were like that politically because that's where I grew up. We never left the city. But you know what I realized? These traits that are attached to Jews as being liberals or leftists is not actually a Jewish trait at all, the problem wasn't Jews, it was liberalism.

I took a look at the bigger picture, I noticed that most Jews tend to stick to cities in their own communities. I left the city and I moved to the south isolated from everyone, living amongst the gentiles. At first I thought the right wing ideology was indifferent but I felt at home.

I think the problem is that Jews like any other minority have always felt at home in the city, infact many of the Jews living in the city aren't acting Jewish at all when they vote left wing. When a Jew in Chicago votes Democrat, they are acting like a Chicagoan, when a Jew in New York votes for a democrat, they are acting like a typical New Yorker. These behaviors are not Jewish influenced at all but I could never get that through my head at the time.

I think the problem with Nazis is the same, I'm never going to make excuses for a Nazi but instead of blaming the real problems on a political ideology or a person for their own behavior, they flat out attack us for their problems or the problems in society.

I've mentioned I am a large gun activist, and I used to notice a huge trend of politicians who happened to be Jewish who opposed gun rights, I figured "Why are Jews so anti-gun?" because that's all I saw, I associated Jews with being anti-gun (despite me being one myself) and thought I was out of the norm. One day I woke up and saw an organization called the JPFO. I finally felt I could agree with someone. I realized this isn't Jewish behavior. At the same time, I started wondering, why didn't I start blaming Irish Catholics for being anti-gun or liberal, or how about Europeans who are even more liberal and socialist than us? Because it's not Jewish or Irish to be anti-gun, these people chose these political positions because they are evil people suiting their own agendas.

It's the same way nazis always call Jews communists because Karl Marx had Jewish Parents or Lenin had Jewish background in his family somewhere. Yet these very people were against the principals of being Jewish in the first place.

Everytime I hear of someone with Jewish background being involved in something leftist, I used to want to run my head into a wall, now I don't really care anymore. You know what? They may be Jewish but they don't represent Judaism, they represent themselves when they make a decision.

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2007, 01:21:03 AM »
moRON Paul

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2007, 01:21:26 AM »
From an American perspective it can certainly SEEM like all Jews are either neocons or outright liberals, even communists. I know of course that isn't true for all Jews. I don't think you can find a quotation from Ron Paul saying that either. If so, I'd like to see it. I think if there was much dirt to dig up on Paul it would have been out by now. The globalist neocons certainly want to destroy his campaign.

What is certainly true is that most of the globalist organizations, gay rights organizations, feminist organizations, civil rights organizations, pro-immigration organizations, and other civilization rotting groups tend to be either run by Jews or have many Jewish (mostly nonreligious, but some religious) members. This is not anti-Semitism or anti-Jewish to state. It is simply the truth. I'm curious to know JTF's views of these groups and those who run them.

I'd like to stop these groups from harming all people. They want to wipe out our racial and cultural identities and religions.

They're also harming Jewish people in particular by causing anti-Semitic feelings among non-Jews. As has been stated in this thread, when people realize that all these Jewish run groups are harming their nations, and threatening their cultural values and identity, they begin to blame, guess who? The Jews! I call this the "name and blame game". It's not a game though, because it will have deadly serious consequences for innocent Jews who don't have anything to do with this evil stuff that some Jews (and evil gentile helpers) are involved in.

If Ron Paul helps to stop some of these organizations from getting any further with their diabolical plans then there should be a drop in anti-Jewish hatred as well. If you want to prevent another Holocaust scenario then you need to fight day and night against these groups like the CFR and others which are causing hatred against Jews to grow stronger.

I honestly see Ron Paul and other paleocons as one ingredient in the antidote to this globalist mess. Another ingredient that's needed is for good moral Jews to stand up to these corrupt organizations and try to put a stop to them.

I've often been very annoyed by the fact that Muslim imams will not condemn terrorism. This is probably because terrorism is part of their religion.

I'd like to think that Jews are much smarter and more moral in general than Muslims. However, I'm also becoming annoyed by the fact that Jewish leaders are not, by and large, standing up to the likes of these groups in a visible and public way. I think to stop a tide of hatred they need to stand up and have their voice heard before it's too late.

You are repeating the same false accusations against Jews that Jew haters have always used.   Why don't you tell the truth and admit if you're a Nazi-supporter?

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2007, 01:25:04 AM »
moRON Paul

That's all you have to say?  Read what's been said in this thread.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2007, 01:28:20 AM »
moRON Paul

Thank you for contributing to the thread, such words of wisdom!  ::)

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2007, 01:32:33 AM »
moRON Paul

That's all you have to say?  Read what's been said in this thread.

What else is there to say?

I don't think Ron Paul hates Jews or Israel but I do think his argument that a cabal of Jewish neocons are pushing Israel's interests at the expense of the United States' is completely invalid.

Ron Paul could even argue that a cabal of Jewish neocons are pushing what they perceive as Israel's interests and that would still be wrong.

The case has been made, time and again, that the neocons promote a CFR/globalist agenda which believes that democracy and neoliberal economics is what will bring stability and security to all regions of the world.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2007, 01:35:00 AM by Trumpeldor »

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2007, 01:35:12 AM »
moRON Paul

That's all you have to say?  Read what's been said in this thread.

What else is there to say?

I don't think Ron Paul hates Jews or Israel but I do think his argument that a cabal of Jewish neocons are pushing Israel's interests at the expense of the United States' is completely invalid.

Ron Paul could even argue that a cabal of Jewish neocons are pushing what they perceive as Israel's interests and that would still be wrong.

The case has been made, time and again, that the neocons promote a CFR/globalist agenda which believes that democracy is what will bring stability and security to all regions of the world.

Ok but we made it clear not all Neocons are Jews, other than that, is it wrong to critisize a Neocon if the individual that takes such a political position is indeed a person who practices Judaism or is considered Jewish? I don't the person being Jewish or not should matter. The issue is Neocons, not Jews.

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2007, 01:37:42 AM »
moRON Paul

That's all you have to say?  Read what's been said in this thread.

What else is there to say?

I don't think Ron Paul hates Jews or Israel but I do think his argument that a cabal of Jewish neocons are pushing Israel's interests at the expense of the United States' is completely invalid.

Ron Paul could even argue that a cabal of Jewish neocons are pushing what they perceive as Israel's interests and that would still be wrong.

The case has been made, time and again, that the neocons promote a CFR/globalist agenda which believes that democracy is what will bring stability and security to all regions of the world.

Ok but we made it clear not all Neocons are Jews, other than that, is it wrong to critisize a Neocon if the individual that takes such a political position is indeed a person who practices Judaism or is considered Jewish? I don't the person being Jewish or not should matter. The issue is Neocons, not Jews.

I think it's fascinating that many of the prominent neocons are Jews given the insignificant percentage of Americans Jews who would identify as neo-conservatives.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2007, 01:41:56 AM »
Neocon is a fake term.

The real term is "globalism."  There are politicians affiliated with both political parties are globalists. 

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2007, 01:46:37 AM »
Neocon is a fake term.

The real term is "globalism."  There are politicians affiliated with both political parties are globalists. 

When I think of Neocon, I think of mainstream republicans that support authoritarian garbage and political correctness, people that work with the world community though you may call it globalist if you want, those that claim loyalty to Israel but are really loyal to a two state solution and foreign aid, those that claim they support the constitution but tax us on our labor and pass restrictive gun control laws, those that claim to build a border fence and allow illegals in. Basically they are nothing more than Liberals who have infiltrated the Republican party. Romney is a perfect example of that who used to be a liberal and became a lobbyist quicking switching his views when it benefitted him.

If the majority of Neo Cons as you claim are truely of Jewish background, then why shouldn't we critisize them? It is our duty to educate fellow Jews so they do not follow in their footsteps. It isn't anti-semitic for us to critisize a fellow Jew. It shouldn't be anti-semitic for anyone to question a person of any ethnic background because of their political agenda. I mean, put it this way, doesn't it [censored] you off when Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton make a outlandish statement and then when you critisize them, they claim your racist or anti-black? We are not anti-black for calling them out on disputes in regards to their political agenda.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2007, 01:48:26 AM »
You are repeating the same false accusations against Jews that Jew haters have always used.   Why don't you tell the truth and admit if you're a Nazi-supporter?

If I said I was a Nazi-supporter, I'd be lying. I'm being honest about my feelings and my observations.

I am a proud white gentile woman and a Christian. According to some groups, that's enough right there to get labeled as a Nazi, but I'm certainly not that. I wouldn't bother to be here if I felt that way.

I didn't realize that you had to be PC on this board or I wouldn't have come. If I step over the line then I trust a moderator will let me know, and I'll tone it down, but I don't think I've said anything hateful. On the contrary, I want to prevent genocide, both of my people and yours.

I see a very real danger looming on the horizon for Jews, coming from angry white gentiles who are blaming all Jews instead of the perpetrators of this mess, and I also see a real danger on the horizon from certain groups of extremist Jews toward my people.

I would think for such a dilemma, this would be one of the best possible forums if not the best forum for me to discuss it and get perspective on it.

I think the dilemma is real, and I think it needs to be resolved for innocent people (both Jew and Gentile) to be safe.

I've proposed a couple of steps to help solve it, but I'm sure that the people on this board could think of more constructive ways to mend these wounds.

What do you mean your people? 

JTF is an alliance of Jews and Christians. 

Angry white gentiles?  Are you referring to StørmFrønt?

You made accusations against Jonathan Pollard without defending them:

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2007, 01:48:54 AM »

Just because the war in Iraq didn't turn out to be good for Israel after all, that doesn't mean that certain groups, like AIPAC, weren't pushing for the Iraq war. You may call them self-hating, but I don't see how you can deny their input into the push for the Iraq war and now for Iran.

I would like evidence for your assertion that AIPAC 'pushed' for war with Iraq. Also, I would like evidence of their 'undeniable push' for war with Iran. Lastly, I would like you to rate, on a scale of 1-10 how influential AIPAC was in the drive to go to war (with 10 being the most).

I think it is very possible to be supportive of Israel as a nation, yet hate the Israeli lobbyists, Israeli espionage in America, and other things related to those.
Who are the Israeli lobbyists? Define this term. Also, please give examples of Israeli espionage in America

I don't understand why they're actually pushing so hard for something that's ultimately going to harm Israel, and yet, claim to be working for Israeli interest.

Where is the proof of this claim?

I want there to continue to be friendly relations between Israel and the United States, but I want that relationship to be much different than it currently is.

Tell me how you think Israel's alliances would change/stay the same if the U.S. stopped providing it funding.

Stop babbling and please use logic to support your simplifications and/or outright lies.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2007, 01:53:17 AM by Trumpeldor »

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2007, 01:52:32 AM »
Neocon is a fake term.

The real term is "globalism."  There are politicians affiliated with both political parties are globalists. 

When I think of Neocon, I think of mainstream republicans that support authoritarian garbage and political correctness, people that work with the world community though you may call it globalist if you want, those that claim loyalty to Israel but are really loyal to a two state solution and foreign aid, those that claim they support the constitution but tax us on our labor and pass restrictive gun control laws, those that claim to build a border fence and allow illegals in. Basically they are nothing more than Liberals who have infiltrated the Republican party. Romney is a perfect example of that who used to be a liberal and became a lobbyist quicking switching his views when it benefitted him.

If the majority of Neo Cons as you claim are truely of Jewish background, then why shouldn't we critisize them? It is our duty to educate fellow Jews so they do not follow in their footsteps. It isn't anti-semitic for us to critisize a fellow Jew. It shouldn't be anti-semitic for anyone to question a person of any ethnic background because of their political agenda. I mean, put it this way, doesn't it [censored] you off when Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton make a outlandish statement and then when you critisize them, they claim your racist or anti-black? We are not anti-black for calling them out on disputes in regards to their political agenda.





Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2007, 01:53:24 AM »

Just because the war in Iraq didn't turn out to be good for Israel after all, that doesn't mean that certain groups, like AIPAC, weren't pushing for the Iraq war. You may call them self-hating, but I don't see how you can deny their input into the push for the Iraq war and now for Iran.

I would like evidence for your assertion that AIPAC 'pushed' for war with Iraq. Also, I would like evidence of their 'undeniable push' for war with Iran. Lastly, I would like you to rate, on a scale of 1-10 how influential AIPAC was in the drive to go to war (with 10 being the most).

I think it is very possible to be supportive of Israel as a nation, yet hate the Israeli lobbyists, Israeli espionage in America, and other things related to those.
Who are the Israeli lobbyists? Define this term. Also, please give examples of Israeli espionage in America

I don't understand why they're actually pushing so hard for something that's ultimately going to harm Israel, and yet, claim to be working for Israeli interest.

Where is the proof of this claim?

I want there to continue to be friendly relations between Israel and the United States, but I want that relationship to be much different than it currently is.

Tell me how you think Israel's alliances would change/stay the same if the U.S. stopped providing it funding.

Not all Israeli lobbyists are loyal to Israel in it's original form. That's like the United Kingdom saying they'll give us money if we give up the southwest chunk of America to Mexico so that they can retain peaceful terms with the rest of south america.

Heck, on youtube, people claim Hilary Clinton is a Zionist. You guys know she's not a Zionist. AIPAC composes of many people that are supposedly in support of Israel from different political parties. That really depends what you consider a Zionist. Hillary Clinton supports the two state solution, same with Giuliani and Bush. They pledge money to Israel but does that make them loyal Zionists? Absolutely not. These are the people that harm Israel.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2007, 01:55:07 AM »
Neocon is a fake term.

The real term is "globalism."  There are politicians affiliated with both political parties are globalists. 

When I think of Neocon, I think of mainstream republicans that support authoritarian garbage and political correctness, people that work with the world community though you may call it globalist if you want, those that claim loyalty to Israel but are really loyal to a two state solution and foreign aid, those that claim they support the constitution but tax us on our labor and pass restrictive gun control laws, those that claim to build a border fence and allow illegals in. Basically they are nothing more than Liberals who have infiltrated the Republican party. Romney is a perfect example of that who used to be a liberal and became a lobbyist quicking switching his views when it benefitted him.

If the majority of Neo Cons as you claim are truely of Jewish background, then why shouldn't we critisize them? It is our duty to educate fellow Jews so they do not follow in their footsteps. It isn't anti-semitic for us to critisize a fellow Jew. It shouldn't be anti-semitic for anyone to question a person of any ethnic background because of their political agenda. I mean, put it this way, doesn't it [censored] you off when Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton make a outlandish statement and then when you critisize them, they claim your racist or anti-black? We are not anti-black for calling them out on disputes in regards to their political agenda.




Yeah it's wikipedia but you can look at the citations if you like. This explains the definition.