Author Topic: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !  (Read 19491 times)

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2007, 03:54:37 PM »

I kaže se 'daješ' ne 'davaš'!

Al si pametna, pa moze i jedno i drugo...

Ali naucices i ti mala, kad budes naisla na pravog Srbina!


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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2007, 03:57:17 PM »
Bravo, bravo. Jos i vi trebate da se sukobite...

Srusice se srbija i srpski narod, takodjer i kosovo sada. Zapravo, ono je vec odavno prodato...

Pusti nju brate, vidis da je zivcana, hehe
« Last Edit: December 02, 2007, 04:03:11 PM by DALMACIJA »


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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2007, 04:07:50 PM »
, keep your mouth shut.


I was not rude toward you.
I never said something bad against you..
Can't you handle a joke?
Take it easy lady, it is just a forum...

don't tell me to shut my mouth. That's not the right way to speak with a Serbian man. I understand you live in the UK, you don't know any thing about the Serbian culture.

Spend some time in Serbia. And learn to be a woman.
Take its easyyyy..

Offline Srbin

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2007, 04:20:24 PM »
, keep your mouth shut.

don't tell me to shut my mouth. That's not the right way to speak with a Serbian man. I understand you live in the UK, you don't know any thing about the Serbian culture.

Spend some time in Serbia. And learn to be a woman.
Take its easyyyy..

Of course she knows culture, how can you say that?

But please stop guys...
Бог нам помого. Али богами Срби изгледа да нећемо нигде стићи ако се не зложимо. Не смемо заборавити да;

Само Слога Србина Спашава!!!

Али морамо да верујемо у Бога!!!


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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2007, 04:57:41 PM »
Excuse me!

@ electronica..
You need a real Serbian man who is able to teach you to behave like a real woman!

Maybe you need to remember how to behave like a gentleman.

Yacov has read this thread and I am trying to help you.

Anyway please be patient.

Offline Srbin

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2007, 05:02:10 PM »
Excuse me!

@ electronica..
You need a real Serbian man who is able to teach you to behave like a real woman!

Maybe you need to remember how to behave like a gentleman.

Yacov has read this thread and I am trying to help you.

Anyway please be patient.

TheInfidel. If you are going to help, say to Yacov that NO ONE is going to get banned. I don't want any of my serb brothers banned just because they can't agree.
Бог нам помого. Али богами Срби изгледа да нећемо нигде стићи ако се не зложимо. Не смемо заборавити да;

Само Слога Србина Спашава!!!

Али морамо да верујемо у Бога!!!

Offline Srbin

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2007, 05:11:48 PM »
No one is getting banned but this thread will be locked if people don't stop fighting.

REMOVE it, I can't watch them fight...
Бог нам помого. Али богами Срби изгледа да нећемо нигде стићи ако се не зложимо. Не смемо заборавити да;

Само Слога Србина Спашава!!!

Али морамо да верујемо у Бога!!!


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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2007, 06:33:35 PM »
Excuse me!

@ electronica..
You need a real Serbian man who is able to teach you to behave like a real woman!

Maybe you need to remember how to behave like a gentleman.

Yacov has read this thread and I am trying to help you.

Anyway please be patient.

TheInfidel. If you are going to help, say to Yacov that NO ONE is going to get banned. I don't want any of my serb brothers banned just because they can't agree.

I am sure things will workout, and now you can rest knowing Yacov is dealing with it.

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2007, 06:34:27 PM »
, keep your mouth shut.


I was not rude toward you.
I never said something bad against you..
Can't you handle a joke?
Take it easy lady, it is just a forum...

don't tell me to shut my mouth. That's not the right way to speak with a Serbian man. I understand you live in the UK, you don't know any thing about the Serbian culture.

Spend some time in Serbia. And learn to be a woman.
Take its easyyyy..

Please , stop harassing woman, you sound like a muslim!!!!
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline SerbChicago

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2007, 08:28:54 PM »

I kaže se 'daješ' ne 'davaš'!

Al si pametna, pa moze i jedno i drugo...

Ali naucices i ti mala, kad budes naisla na pravog Srbina!
excuse me are you applaying that we "real"serbs beat our women?
« Last Edit: December 02, 2007, 08:31:54 PM by serbchicago »
The truth,justice and Serbian way

Offline milos

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #35 on: December 03, 2007, 07:24:09 AM »
Dalmatia, all people are different so they have similar or different look on thinks, try to debate whit Husar, like me, if you not find same language, expose your opinion in new subjects, and if your opinion in thinks is better that Husar, we will support you, try to debate whit him In facts ! We are here for that ! Use brein !CCCC  O0


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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #36 on: December 03, 2007, 11:37:21 AM »
Maybe you need to remember how to behave like a gentleman.

Yacov has read this thread and I am trying to help you.

Anyway please be patient.

I am only a gentleman toward real and serious women, and you are a good example..Because you talk with patience and respect.

Others can learn from you  O0

But to say shut your month to a Serbian man  without a reason.. a real Serbian woman would never behave like that…

Offline Husar

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2007, 11:55:14 AM »
DALMACIJA and I concluded Peace.


Electra is a WONDERFUL member.


Hello to "the infidel".

If you're a woman,
I'm glad you're preocupied by my modest person...


Are you still working on me to be banned ?

Sounds great,
towards a Serbian HOT-TEMPERED JTFer...

"Hussar alias Rac (Serb)"
"Hussar or gussar originally meant "a robber" in Serbian. These horsemen served not only under the Polish and Lithuanian colors but also under those of the Holy Roman Emperor;"
"Bardzo prawdopodobne, że początek swego istnienia husarze zawdzięczają Serbom. Po klęsce na Kosowym Polu w roku 1389 wszędzie szukali okazji do pomsty na Turkach.
Jan Długosz zapisał pod rokiem 1463, że w bitwie nad Sawą bił się Cohors Raczanorum (oddział Raców - Serbów). Po śmierci króla Macieja Korwina Serbowie udali się do Polski, aby kontynuować walkę z Turkami po usarsku."
"The hussar concept began in Serbia, near the end of the 14th century. In the 16th century, painted wings or winged claws began to appear on cavalry shields. Wings were originally attached to the saddle and later to the back. In 1645, Col. Szczodrowski was said to have used ostrich wings.
In 1500, the Polish Treasury books make reference to hussars. Early on, they were foreign mercenaries, and were called Racowie from "Rascia" a word meaning "of Serbia." They came from the Serbian state of Ras."
"Serbian Gussars"
"Les serbes avaient reconnu la nécessité d'une cavalerie légère, (...) ils développèrent leur propre cavalerie légère, les GUSARS ou USARS, d'où sont venus les hussards."
"Originaires de Serbie, les hussards furent des cavaliers d'élite, connus surtout en Hongrie puis en France, et imités par la suite partout en Europe."
"The area around the present Zorinsk (Ukrainia) belonged to the Serb Hussar Major Vuyich at the end of the 18th century."
" Arsenije III (...) was inaugurating new Serb infantry and hussar regiments that were sent to the ongoing war."
"Jan Długosz pod rokiem 1463 napisał, że w bitwie nad Sawą, biły się
"Cohors Raczanorum" / Początki husarii w bitwie na Kulikowym Polu
w 1389 r."


Offline Cojpe

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #38 on: December 03, 2007, 05:49:59 PM »
we should let the croats come back to forum, because when there is no enemy nearby serbs are fighting among themselves :::D :::D

Couldnt agree more :)

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2007, 06:18:36 PM »
we should let the croats come back to forum, because when there is no enemy nearby serbs are fighting among themselves :::D :::D

Couldnt agree more :)
Let's go hunting muslims on YouTube!! YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!

Greets to my Serbian Christian Brothers!!

Love all of you!!!

Death to Islam!!
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.


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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #40 on: December 03, 2007, 07:24:18 PM »
Maybe you need to remember how to behave like a gentleman.

Yacov has read this thread and I am trying to help you.

Anyway please be patient.

I am only a gentleman toward real and serious women, and you are a good example..Because you talk with patience and respect.

Others can learn from you  O0

But to say shut your month to a Serbian man  without a reason.. a real Serbian woman would never behave like that…

All women are passionate at times, like the ocean calm one minute, stormy the next 

All men must ride the waves  ;)

I give respect and understanding to real men, you have shown me such.


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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #41 on: December 03, 2007, 07:31:44 PM »
DALMACIJA and I concluded Peace.


Electra is a WONDERFUL member.


Hello to "the infidel".

If you're a woman,
I'm glad you're preocupied by my modest person...


Are you still working on me to be banned ?

Sounds great,
towards a Serbian HOT-TEMPERED JTFer...


Husar I am used to HOT-TEMPERED men, my first husband was Russian  ;)

And yes I am a woman.

Banning lol, more taming the beast  :::D

But do not all women?

I am glad you have made peace.

Offline Husar

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2007, 03:21:03 AM »
All women TRY to tame men...
Not all do succeed...

"Hussar alias Rac (Serb)"
"Hussar or gussar originally meant "a robber" in Serbian. These horsemen served not only under the Polish and Lithuanian colors but also under those of the Holy Roman Emperor;"
"Bardzo prawdopodobne, że początek swego istnienia husarze zawdzięczają Serbom. Po klęsce na Kosowym Polu w roku 1389 wszędzie szukali okazji do pomsty na Turkach.
Jan Długosz zapisał pod rokiem 1463, że w bitwie nad Sawą bił się Cohors Raczanorum (oddział Raców - Serbów). Po śmierci króla Macieja Korwina Serbowie udali się do Polski, aby kontynuować walkę z Turkami po usarsku."
"The hussar concept began in Serbia, near the end of the 14th century. In the 16th century, painted wings or winged claws began to appear on cavalry shields. Wings were originally attached to the saddle and later to the back. In 1645, Col. Szczodrowski was said to have used ostrich wings.
In 1500, the Polish Treasury books make reference to hussars. Early on, they were foreign mercenaries, and were called Racowie from "Rascia" a word meaning "of Serbia." They came from the Serbian state of Ras."
"Serbian Gussars"
"Les serbes avaient reconnu la nécessité d'une cavalerie légère, (...) ils développèrent leur propre cavalerie légère, les GUSARS ou USARS, d'où sont venus les hussards."
"Originaires de Serbie, les hussards furent des cavaliers d'élite, connus surtout en Hongrie puis en France, et imités par la suite partout en Europe."
"The area around the present Zorinsk (Ukrainia) belonged to the Serb Hussar Major Vuyich at the end of the 18th century."
" Arsenije III (...) was inaugurating new Serb infantry and hussar regiments that were sent to the ongoing war."
"Jan Długosz pod rokiem 1463 napisał, że w bitwie nad Sawą, biły się
"Cohors Raczanorum" / Początki husarii w bitwie na Kulikowym Polu
w 1389 r."



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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #43 on: December 04, 2007, 03:24:37 AM »
All women TRY to tame men...
Not all do succeed...


True  :::D

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #44 on: December 04, 2007, 09:54:47 PM »
Dalmacija, nemoj slucajno da to kazes opet. Da bi je "ucijo"= bijo.

Offline Husar

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #45 on: December 05, 2007, 07:38:39 AM »
Dalmacija, nemoj slucajno da to kazes opet. Da bi je "ucijo"= bijo.

In english ?
"Hussar alias Rac (Serb)"
"Hussar or gussar originally meant "a robber" in Serbian. These horsemen served not only under the Polish and Lithuanian colors but also under those of the Holy Roman Emperor;"
"Bardzo prawdopodobne, że początek swego istnienia husarze zawdzięczają Serbom. Po klęsce na Kosowym Polu w roku 1389 wszędzie szukali okazji do pomsty na Turkach.
Jan Długosz zapisał pod rokiem 1463, że w bitwie nad Sawą bił się Cohors Raczanorum (oddział Raców - Serbów). Po śmierci króla Macieja Korwina Serbowie udali się do Polski, aby kontynuować walkę z Turkami po usarsku."
"The hussar concept began in Serbia, near the end of the 14th century. In the 16th century, painted wings or winged claws began to appear on cavalry shields. Wings were originally attached to the saddle and later to the back. In 1645, Col. Szczodrowski was said to have used ostrich wings.
In 1500, the Polish Treasury books make reference to hussars. Early on, they were foreign mercenaries, and were called Racowie from "Rascia" a word meaning "of Serbia." They came from the Serbian state of Ras."
"Serbian Gussars"
"Les serbes avaient reconnu la nécessité d'une cavalerie légère, (...) ils développèrent leur propre cavalerie légère, les GUSARS ou USARS, d'où sont venus les hussards."
"Originaires de Serbie, les hussards furent des cavaliers d'élite, connus surtout en Hongrie puis en France, et imités par la suite partout en Europe."
"The area around the present Zorinsk (Ukrainia) belonged to the Serb Hussar Major Vuyich at the end of the 18th century."
" Arsenije III (...) was inaugurating new Serb infantry and hussar regiments that were sent to the ongoing war."
"Jan Długosz pod rokiem 1463 napisał, że w bitwie nad Sawą, biły się
"Cohors Raczanorum" / Początki husarii w bitwie na Kulikowym Polu
w 1389 r."



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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #46 on: December 05, 2007, 09:39:42 AM »
Dalmacija, nemoj slucajno da to kazes opet. Da bi je "ucijo"= bijo.

ajde brate moj,
nemoj sada tu glumiti nekog heroja...

Niko nije spominjao ovdje nasilje, ja nisam.
To sam samo tako reko bezveze, zato sto je ona bila pocela provocirati...

 Ljudi moji bez panike!

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #47 on: December 05, 2007, 10:26:43 AM »
Dalmacija, nemoj slucajno da to kazes opet. Da bi je "ucijo"= bijo.

ajde brate moj,
nemoj sada tu glumiti nekog heroja...

Niko nije spominjao ovdje nasilje, ja nisam.
To sam samo tako reko bezveze, zato sto je ona bila pocela provocirati...

 Ljudi moji bez panike!

?????????How must we understand this???
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #48 on: December 05, 2007, 10:31:03 AM »
We shouldn't, I guess. Anyway, I can talk in languages you (the Serbians) won't understand either, but because it's English forum there is no reason I will. So, please write in English.

Back on topic -
Huser, you are very hot tampered, furthermore you conclude conclusions just too quickly. Let's close this topic and finish this peacefully.
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


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Re: Response to Husar’s false accusation ! ! ! !
« Reply #49 on: December 05, 2007, 05:51:31 PM »
Dalmacija, nemoj slucajno da to kazes opet. Da bi je "ucijo"= bijo.

ajde brate moj,
nemoj sada tu glumiti nekog heroja...

Niko nije spominjao ovdje nasilje, ja nisam.
To sam samo tako reko bezveze, zato sto je ona bila pocela provocirati...

 Ljudi moji bez panike!

?????????How must we understand this???

Thats the point we are not meant too.