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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« on: December 05, 2007, 08:56:42 AM »

I believe that former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is the lesser of the evils among the major candidates for the presidency. I do not agree with his positions and do not like his record on a number of key issues, but that is also true for all of the major presidential candidates. On the other hand, on some vital issues, Huckabee is clearly the best candidate. And I believe that he has the best chance of beating either Hillary Saddam Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama in November 2008.

Here is how I see the race at this point:

1. On Israel, Huckabee is the best major candidate. Only Huckabee and Congressman Duncan Hunter have publicly stated that they against any further Israeli territorial retreats. All of the other candidates support pressuring tiny Israel to make suicidal retreats if the Arab Muslim Nazis promise for the millionth time that they will stop murdering Jews and seeking another holocaust. Of course, there is no guarantee that Huckabee will remain firm on this issue when the Arab oil sheiks, the Europeans, the Russians, the world news media and the self-hating Jews start pressuring him to do what every American president has done since 1967, which is to demand that tiny Israel commit national suicide for "peace". But for now, Huckabee has taken the right stand and his stand is based upon his belief in the Bible. As far as Hunter is concerned, he is good on Israel but he has absolutely no chance of winning the presidency.

2. Huckabee is the best candidate on energy independence. Only Huckabee has flatly promised that he will make America energy independent within ten years. He has also criticized everyone else for saying that energy independence in the near future is unrealistic. Huckabee says that the first thing he will do as president is introduce a major new crash program to develop alternative sources of energy and to drastically reduce our current consumption of oil. Huckabee understands that this is a national security emergency and that we cannot win the war against Islamic terrorism as long as we remain dependent on Muslim terrorist oil-producing nations. If he carries out this promise and if he gets Congress to pass his proposals, this will in the long term be a devastating blow to our Islamic enemies.

3. Huckabee promises to completely eliminate the income tax, the IRS, and taxes on savings and capital gains. This would be great if he really followed through and if he could get the Congress to go along. Huckabee wants to replace taxes on income, savings and capital gains with a large national sales tax. This would be a tremendous boost for the economy, and would restore the Constitutional rights of American citizens which the income tax blatantly violates. We should note that despite taking this stand, Huckabee's own record on taxes as governor of Arkansas is a terrible one. Huckabee raised taxes and increased spending in Arkansas. Will he act differently as president as he now promises? Who knows?

4. Huckabee's record on immigration is terrible. He did support taxpayer-funded scholarships for the children of illegal aliens. When a state legislator proposed taking action against the flood of illegal aliens in Arkansas, Huckabee called him a racist and said that the legislation is un-American and un-Christian. Huckabee refuses to use the word "aliens" because he says that these are human beings, not creatures from outer space. Now that he is running for president, Huckabee claims to support securing the border and building a fence. But I think his record clearly shows that he cannot be trusted on this issue. Like all of the major candidates, Huckabee is pro-amnesty although he dishonestly denies it. On immigration, Huckabee STINKS, but then again so do Romney, Giuliani, McCain and Thompson. They are ALL pro-amnesty.

On many other matters, Huckabee is "politically correct". He pushed to reduce prison time for convicted drug dealers in Arkansas, and he helped release a convicted rapist who then went on to murder two women. Huckabee has promised to reduce prison time for convicted crack dealers in the federal system.

On the other hand, Huckabee is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment and against the homosexual Sodomite agenda. On social issues, he is better than the other major candidates.

It's a mixed bag. There are serious problems with Huckabee as with all of the major candidates, but on balance, I believe that he is a lesser of the evils.

Finally, I think he has the best chance of beating Clinton or Obama. He is the ONLY major candidate who would have a united and enthusiastic Republican base behind him. And Huckabee is the best speaker, best debater and most personally likable of the Republican or Democrat candidates running for president.

Therefore, I recommend that we support him and begin a major campaign on his behalf.


Offline Dan

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 09:37:41 AM »
I Agree with you Chaim!
I also started saying that we should somehow combine - Huckabee  and Hunter for VP !!!!
This match up will solidify the GOP Republicans come Nov 08.
What do you think?

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2007, 10:03:24 AM »
Great post chaim

Huckabee has flaws, but as you said yourself chaim, we will never agree 100 percent on everything. The fac tof the matter is, huckabe, is pro tonak, which can only be a good thing for rightous jews and gentiles. He knows G-d commands him to support little israel.

I am very impressed with his oil independancy, not only will it stop the evil raghead scum from blowing us up, but also it is enviromentally very sound as well.

Plus the fact that hes pro life and anti gay maridge tops it off for me....
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 11:35:17 AM by RationalThought110 »

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2007, 10:15:56 AM »
I agree Chaim, we're never going to agree on a candidate 100 percent. I really hate the fact he supports illegal immigration but I don't think anyone has a solid plan to eliminate illegal immigration anyways. I may consider voting for Huckabee, I have to admit, he impresses me more than Giuliani and his stance on the IRS and Guns sounds pretty good. I am still undecided at this point however. I will need to research more into Huckabee and watch videos and what not to get a better understanding who he is. I know I definitely won't vote for Giuliani.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 10:18:36 AM by Cohen »

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2007, 10:16:41 AM »
Many liberals accuse Bush Jr. of basing many decisions on his religion.  I don't think that's the case.  However, do you think the fact the Huckabee is certified as a preacher could hurt him in a general election?  Supporters of the Democrat candidate would probably try to accuse him of being just like Bush Jr. and would try to also accuse Huckabee of basing decisions based on his religion. 

Although the media is sort of promoting Huckabee's candidacy as an underdog type story, it won't be surprising when they turn on him in a general election. The same would be true of any one who runs as a Republican though. 

The following is something that the National Jewish Democrat Council wrote about Huckabee:

Another criticism from the NJDC and far-left Huffington post:

I can't stand that group.  Their rational and logic is awful on many issues. 

Now, they have a "war against Ann Coulter." 

They defend anything Hillary says or does. 

The Republican must have differences from Bush Jr.  With Huckabee, if he's sincere about an energy independence plan and the tax plan, then that might be a decent start. 

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2007, 10:18:18 AM »
I agree. I'm now crossing party lines to support him (although I'll probably end up crossing party lines regardless of who the nominee ends up being).

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2007, 10:21:09 AM »
I really hate the fact he supports illegal immigration but I don't think anyone has a solid plan to eliminate illegal immigration anyways.

Tom Tancredo has a plan.  Duncan Hunter also understands the situation well.  The other politicians should take their advice on the issue rather than pandering to the open-borders lobbyists.   

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2007, 10:33:05 AM »
There is no way I'm going to vote for someone who is weak on immigration. I live in Texas and my neighborhood is already being trashed by these third world scum pouring over the border. People are getting murdered and raped by these turd worlders here.

Any president who isn't willing to stop an invasion from a foreign power doesn't deserve to be president, and doesn't even really deserve to be called American.

Any so-called presidential candidate that isn't tough on immigration should withdraw from the race immediately.

The only thing I could think of that would cause a presidential candidate to support illegal immigration is perhaps to get votes by the hispanic community who have relatives who are illegals. Come the day they get amnesty, the candidate gets elected a second term when their made citizens. It's [censored] unfortunately that's what it's come down to. I can't stand illegal aliens. I left Chicago because they were taking over my neighborhood. Those beaners were all over driving their cars with their crappy polka music and mexican flags, getting drunk in the forest preserve, and never spoke a damn word of English.

What happens when I move down to panhandle of Florida? All is quiet and good come up to about a year ago, now their flooding this area and crime is increasing. Everytime I go to walmart, they are all over the place. They look like little jumping beans, they are so small and they don't speak a damn word of english arghhhh! I've never seen so many pregnant women named Rosa Sanchez in my life!

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2007, 10:45:22 AM »

The only thing I could think of that would cause a presidential candidate to support illegal immigration is perhaps to get votes by the hispanic community who have relatives who are illegals. Come the day they get amnesty, the candidate gets elected a second term when their made citizens. It's excrement unfortunately that's what it's come down to. I can't stand illegal aliens. I left Chicago because they were taking over my neighborhood. Those beaners were all over driving their cars with their crappy polka music and mexican flags, getting drunk in the forest preserve, and never spoke a damn word of English.

What happens when I move down to panhandle of Florida? All is quiet and good come up to about a year ago, now their flooding this area and crime is increasing. Everytime I go to walmart, they are all over the place. They look like little jumping beans, they are so small and they don't speak a damn word of english arghhhh! I've never seen so many pregnant women named Rosa Sanchez in my life!

The corporate elites and the La Raza lobbying groups want you to believe that to get someone of Hispanic heritage to vote for you, it's a requirement to advocate breaking the laws.

Not all illegal aliens are of Hispanic or Latino heritage.  Yet, when policies are made such as finding out about immigration status, the La Raza groups try to accuse you of being racist against all Hispanics or Latinos.  The ACLU constantly files lawsuits. 

Duncan Hunter's district consists of a high percentage of people of Hispanic or Latino heritage. 
Many vote for him; unfortunately, this will be his last term in congress as he's retiring from it.

Offline Lubab

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2007, 10:56:15 AM »
It appears likely that with Huckabee we will have another George W. Bush. He will probably stab conservatives in the back once in office.

However, the past 8 years under Bush have been far better than they would have been under a Clinton regime. With no good options, I think we must support Huckabee and try to pressure him to choose a truly conservative running-mate like Hunter or Tancredo who will hold him to his current anti-immigration stance.

« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 10:57:47 AM by lubab »
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Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2007, 11:14:54 AM »
It appears likely that with Huckabee we will have another George W. Bush. He will probably stab conservatives in the back once in office.

However, the past 8 years under Bush have been far better than they would have been under a Clinton regime. With no good options, I think we must support Huckabee and try to pressure him to choose a truly conservative running-mate like Hunter or Tancredo who will hold him to his current anti-immigration stance.

I agree that someone like Hunter or Tancredo would definitely be needed as the VP pick.  I think Hunter would be a good VP (He understands many issues: problems with outsourcing and structures of free trade policies, he has military experience and was served on the Armed Services Committee, he knows a lot about immigration and borders) and Tancredo would be good to put in charge of the ICE Department.  Both are retiring from congress and it would be a shame if neither were part of a future administration. 

Since many conservatives don't trust Giuliani or Romney on social issues, either would probably look to put a candidate who they would see as being strong on those issues, so either would likely appoint Huckabee as the VP nomination, since he's already been established by conservatives as being good on social issues--they'd be less likely to make other issues a priority in selecting a VP nominee.  But since Huckabee is already viewed as good on those issues, social issues would probably be less of a priority in selecting a VP nominee so maybe it would be easier to persuade him to select someone like Hunter--who happens to also be a social conservative. 

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2007, 11:29:07 AM »
He is not perfect but he is the best one out there. It was Chaim who called him to my attention many months ago when he said what a great speaker Huckabee is. I agree. NO COMPARISON TO BUSH. Bush can hardly speak English.  Huckabee is a calm firm speaker with a great sense of humor. Something that will not scare off independents.

Although Hunter and Tancredo seem great, they are MINOR candidates. Look at the numbers people! Hunter is putting a focus on Nevada right next door to him and even there he is doing horrible.  They will not be picked as VP's under any candidate.  YOu pick a VP who gains you votes from an area you would not do well in or the clear #2 from your party. Gore picked a Jew, Kerry Picked a guy from the south, Bush picked Cheney which does not follow this pattern but gave the team the experience factor, Dukakis picked a Texan, Mondale picked a woman, Carter picked a Northerner....  If Huckabee wins I see no reason why he would not pick Rudy as his VP. If Rudy wins I see no reason why he would not pick Huckabee as his VP. If Romney wins... I have no idea who he will pick, probably Rudy.

So yes let us support Huckabee!

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2007, 11:29:39 AM »
i don't like 4th one at all,he lost my vote right took me 2 years to come over here legally and for him to be for illigal migr. is an insolt to me,sorry.i did like him,but now i like romney mitt!
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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2007, 11:34:22 AM »
In terms of Huckabee's stance on Israel, how do we know it's not bluster?  It sounds good.  But then again, talk is cheap. 

As I see it, conservatives get in trouble when they start backing who they think is "electable" as opposed to a candidate who is a true conservative.  So if they were to spend most of their time and energy pushing true conservatives vs. those who seem "electable" this whole issue would be moot. 


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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2007, 12:26:01 PM »
He stinks. But he stinks less than the other likely presidential candidates!

OY, what a choice!

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2007, 01:30:16 PM »
Huckabee sounds like a softer version of Alan Keyes...Because he is a baptist minister, he knows very well that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse ISrael will be cursed. He is also against using foreign oil...therefore, Huckabee can support Israel and discourage suicidal concessions without reprecutions from Muslim Arabs.
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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2007, 01:43:32 PM »
In terms of Huckabee's stance on Israel, how do we know it's not bluster?  It sounds good.  But then again, talk is cheap. 

As I see it, conservatives get in trouble when they start backing who they think is "electable" as opposed to a candidate who is a true conservative.  So if they were to spend most of their time and energy pushing true conservatives vs. those who seem "electable" this whole issue would be moot. 
I agree, I'm down with Tancredo (and Hunter as number two) until the end...its better to send a message which will force the winner to consider the immigration issue, than to give a stamp of approval among various lesser evils.

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2007, 10:19:46 PM »
I think we should place a poll here.
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Offline Jasmina

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2007, 10:21:28 PM »
I also support Huckabee since he has an actual chance of winning... Not my first choice though!
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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2007, 10:38:28 PM »
Huckabee's actions in the past and what he says on the campaign trail are not always in agreement. I like the fact he is good on the issue of Israel however his actions here at home are in conflict with his campaign promises. His stand on immigration is really a big negative in my eyes. He talks fiscal conservatism but has a reputation for big spending. At best I can take a neutral stand with Huckabee. The only thing he has going for him is his position on Israel and I don't know how sincere he is about that.
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Offline shimon

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2007, 11:13:34 PM »
i like huckabee because hes not like the other candidates such as romney mccain thompson who keep on saying "no your more liberal" its getting preety sad.  and he probably will pick tancraedo or hunter as his v.p if the time comes. i really dont think hes another bush. he is smart and you can tell that he knows what hes talking about even if you dont agree with him

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2007, 12:08:48 AM »
Wow. Watch this video:

The Best of Mike Huckabee
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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2007, 12:09:17 AM »
Huckabee is good on abortion, he's pro-life, right now also seems like he supports Israel and is bible believing. Though on many other issues he's just like the rest of them.

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2007, 12:15:48 AM »
I agree with Chiam Huckabee is a mixed package but It's his good side that counts. Plus he can win.
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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2007, 01:40:20 AM »
Chaim, with all due respect, I cannot agree with you.

By your own logic, someone who is kind to the wicked will be wicked to the kind. Huckabee has proven that in spades. He is in love with wetbacks, black rapists, drug dealers, Gitmo terrorists, and pretty much all other scum of the earth. Yes, most of the candidates are, but he commits the abominable libel of hiding behind his (alleged) Christian faith to do so. Huckabee is worse than the so-called Reform "rabbis" who claim that Judaism supports Israeli national suicide and giving over America to the wets and blacks.

If Huckster is willing to bend over backwards for illegals and black rapist/murderers, and argues ad nauseum against "torturing" proven terror suspects, can you really take seriously that his pro-Israel rhetoric is anything besides what he thinks Christian voters want to hear? How can he support Israel and be for al-Qaeda monsters? How can he be for unborn babies and also for murderers?

I am very sorry that he has no chance of winning, but I must vote for Duncan Hunter, who is a noble and genuine patriot in all areas. Please think about what I said.
