Author Topic: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.  (Read 48297 times)

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #50 on: December 07, 2007, 02:44:05 PM »

I believe that former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is the lesser of the evils among the major candidates for the presidency. I do not agree with his positions and do not like his record on a number of key issues, but that is also true for all of the major presidential candidates. On the other hand, on some vital issues, Huckabee is clearly the best candidate. And I believe that he has the best chance of beating either Hillary Saddam Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama in November 2008.

Here is how I see the race at this point:

1. On Israel, Huckabee is the best major candidate. Only Huckabee and Congressman Duncan Hunter have publicly stated that they against any further Israeli territorial retreats. All of the other candidates support pressuring tiny Israel to make suicidal retreats if the Arab Muslim Nazis promise for the millionth time that they will stop murdering Jews and seeking another holocaust. Of course, there is no guarantee that Huckabee will remain firm on this issue when the Arab oil sheiks, the Europeans, the Russians, the world news media and the self-hating Jews start pressuring him to do what every American president has done since 1967, which is to demand that tiny Israel commit national suicide for "peace". But for now, Huckabee has taken the right stand and his stand is based upon his belief in the Bible. As far as Hunter is concerned, he is good on Israel but he has absolutely no chance of winning the presidency.

2. Huckabee is the best candidate on energy independence. Only Huckabee has flatly promised that he will make America energy independent within ten years. He has also criticized everyone else for saying that energy independence in the near future is unrealistic. Huckabee says that the first thing he will do as president is introduce a major new crash program to develop alternative sources of energy and to drastically reduce our current consumption of oil. Huckabee understands that this is a national security emergency and that we cannot win the war against Islamic terrorism as long as we remain dependent on Muslim terrorist oil-producing nations. If he carries out this promise and if he gets Congress to pass his proposals, this will in the long term be a devastating blow to our Islamic enemies.

3. Huckabee promises to completely eliminate the income tax, the IRS, and taxes on savings and capital gains. This would be great if he really followed through and if he could get the Congress to go along. Huckabee wants to replace taxes on income, savings and capital gains with a large national sales tax. This would be a tremendous boost for the economy, and would restore the Constitutional rights of American citizens which the income tax blatantly violates. We should note that despite taking this stand, Huckabee's own record on taxes as governor of Arkansas is a terrible one. Huckabee raised taxes and increased spending in Arkansas. Will he act differently as president as he now promises? Who knows?

4. Huckabee's record on immigration is terrible. He did support taxpayer-funded scholarships for the children of illegal aliens. When a state legislator proposed taking action against the flood of illegal aliens in Arkansas, Huckabee called him a racist and said that the legislation is un-American and un-Christian. Huckabee refuses to use the word "aliens" because he says that these are human beings, not creatures from outer space. Now that he is running for president, Huckabee claims to support securing the border and building a fence. But I think his record clearly shows that he cannot be trusted on this issue. Like all of the major candidates, Huckabee is pro-amnesty although he dishonestly denies it. On immigration, Huckabee STINKS, but then again so do Romney, Giuliani, McCain and Thompson. They are ALL pro-amnesty.

On many other matters, Huckabee is "politically correct". He pushed to reduce prison time for convicted drug dealers in Arkansas, and he helped release a convicted rapist who then went on to murder two women. Huckabee has promised to reduce prison time for convicted crack dealers in the federal system.

On the other hand, Huckabee is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment and against the homosexual Sodomite agenda. On social issues, he is better than the other major candidates.

It's a mixed bag. There are serious problems with Huckabee as with all of the major candidates, but on balance, I believe that he is a lesser of the evils.

Finally, I think he has the best chance of beating Clinton or Obama. He is the ONLY major candidate who would have a united and enthusiastic Republican base behind him. And Huckabee is the best speaker, best debater and most personally likable of the Republican or Democrat candidates running for president.

Therefore, I recommend that we support him and begin a major campaign on his behalf.


Chaim you also forgot that he is stongly Pro Life.
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #51 on: December 08, 2007, 11:36:01 PM »
Chaim, I have done a lot of research on Huckabee in the last few days and I have been able to find proof that every one of his assertions is a total lie or a total flip-flop, including his stance on Israel. As early as this January, he was publicly voicing sympathy for the Israeli Arab Nazis and claiming that they are getting evicted from their homes. Please visit my blog:

His energy-independence plan was cooked-up, on the spot, as a way to deflect from the fact that he does not want to attack Iran. I can prove this. He also raised taxes all throughout his tenure as governor. I invite you to research this matter and all of his other so-called proposals.

I cannot vote for this man in good conscience, who is a liar and a fraud in the worst way. Rudy or Romney would be better and probably more electable.

I am voting for Duncan Hunter.

G-d bless you, Chaim.


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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #52 on: December 09, 2007, 06:13:51 AM »

CF, I disagree with you that Huckabee is lying on Israel. I know what he wrote in his book about the need to be humane to the Arab Muslim Nazis who call them themselves "Pal-estinians", and of course, it's disgusting. But even in that quote, he wrote about the "divine right" of the Jews to reclaim their land. Huckabee's position has always been that he favors creating a "Pal-estine" state outside of Israel on land that is currently controlled by the Arab Muslim Nazi nations. He is against tiny Israel surrendering land. His "humane" solution is to create such a state outside of the land that Israel currently controls. Because as he wrote in his book, he believes that the Jews have a "divine right" to Judea and Samaria. Now his "solution" is idiotic because there are no "Pal-estinians". And the Arabs will never accept his "solution" because the whole point of their demanding another independent state is to take the land away from the Jewish "infidels". But the bottom line is that Huckabee believes the land belongs to the Jews by divine right and he opposes any retreats. If he sticks by that position, it would be the first time ever that an American president would support Israel's right to Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and Jerusalem. Of course, if elected, he will come under enormous pressure to change his stand. That's why we have to support him now so that if he's elected we can counterpressure him NOT to change by reminding him that we played a role in his election. Once in office, he will certainly want to get re-elected in 2012.

On immigration, I do think he's a phony with a bad record. But his latest immigration proposals are better than those of Romney or Giuliani or McCain. Huckabee knows that his constituency wants tough action on illegal immigration. His latest proposals prove that he is subject to political pressure, and we must keep that pressure on him if he is elected. He knows that if he proposes amnesty like Bush and McCain have done, there will be an enormous political backlash.

As far as Hunter and Tancredo are concerned, I believe that in about a month they both will be withdrawing from this race after being beaten badly in Iowa and New Hampshire. By the time the February 5 "Super Tuesday" primaries are held in California, New York and 20 other states, Hunter and Tancredo will no longer be candidates, in my opinion. CF, I am almost sure that you will not get a chance to vote for them. Tancredo wants to run for the Senate in Colorado in 2010, and Hunter will pull out if he does not do well in next door Nevada on January 19. By February 5, when you and I will be voting in our states, I can almost guarantee you that these two guys will be out of the race.

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #53 on: December 09, 2007, 06:29:23 AM »
CF, I also disagree that Huckabee is lying about his commitment to energy independence. He has made energy independence the centerpiece of his long range strategy to combat Islamic terrorism. Huckabee brings up the issue of oil addiction constantly, and constantly repeats his pledge to make America energy independent within 10 years. This is an issue that I think he really believes in.

CF, we disagree on the question of whether to support Huckabee, but I deeply respect your views. Our disagreement will be only temporary. Why? Because if Huckabee loses the Republican nomination, then we will not be supporting him after all. If he wins the nomination, then I think we have an almost unanimous consensus in JTF that we have to support the Republican nominee against Clinton or Obama. So either way, win or lose, I believe that our movement will be united once the Republican nominee is selected, and that should happen by February 5 when 22 states will hold primaries and caucuses all on the same day.

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #54 on: December 09, 2007, 02:12:32 PM »
All I know is I don't want a man in office who let a rapist out of jail and then the rapist murders two women, that is just too big of a mistake for me to support Huckabee.
That letting people out of jail just sounds too Liberal for me, no true Conservative Republican lets people out of jail, but everyone has their own opinion.

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #55 on: December 14, 2007, 04:47:24 AM »
In terms of Huckabee's stance on Israel, how do we know it's not bluster?  It sounds good.  But then again, talk is cheap. 

As I see it, conservatives get in trouble when they start backing who they think is "electable" as opposed to a candidate who is a true conservative.  So if they were to spend most of their time and energy pushing true conservatives vs. those who seem "electable" this whole issue would be moot. 

I strongly feel that Huckabee is the one. If we were to expend our vote elsewhere it would be wasting ammunition. I feel that Huckabee in contrast to other opinion maybe holding back some of his stronger conservative views to appease the left to center votes, not a bad strategy. We have decided to edorse and puch him as best we can. Mitt Romney on the other hand is in my opion a snake in the grass, and at the same time cannot endorse a person that would distort the Hebrew and Greek text of the the Holy Bible. JUST MY OPINION.
Genesis 12
 1 Now the L-RD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Offline Shiptar

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #56 on: January 06, 2008, 12:51:05 PM »
As of right now, i think Huckabee is the best of the bunch. No, he aint perfect. His record on immigration is atrocious, but i think theres so much pressure on that issue that he's gonna have to get tougher there eventually. He does have alot of good things going for him....strongly pro-life, strong military, energy independence, and wants to abolish the IRS. He's generally right-wing on social issues and i find his sense of humor and authenticity as a person appealing. It seems like when he talks to you he's telling the truth, at least moreso then the other candidates.

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #57 on: January 06, 2008, 01:04:44 PM »
Just to add....
I have major concerns that Huckabee can win the general election. M-A-J-O-R.
Guiliani, however, can very well win a general. He will get ALOT of the independent voters, who usually decide the race. He might even get some democrats to vote for him.

So although my preference would be Huckabee, i might have to go with Guiliani b/c the bottom line is we CANNOT have a democrat in office.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 01:07:39 PM by Shiptar »

Offline LindaSoG

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #58 on: January 14, 2008, 03:39:21 PM »
I can't and I won't get behind Mike Huckabee, in fact, I wouldn't back him for dog catcher.

I'm backing Fred Thompson right now.

Offline christians4jews

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #59 on: January 14, 2008, 04:13:07 PM »
I can't and I won't get behind Mike Huckabee, in fact, I wouldn't back him for dog catcher.

I'm backing Fred Thompson right now.

well thats pointless.

Fred thompson is practically dead, as chaim said is the laziest candidate ever. He supports mccaine who is a illegal immigrant nutjob and wants 20 million in america.

I really think you should reconsider and ote for huckabee.

Fred thomson is a wasted vote...

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #60 on: January 14, 2008, 04:36:52 PM »
well thats pointless.

Fred thompson is practically dead, as chaim said is the laziest candidate ever. He supports mccaine who is a illegal immigrant nutjob and wants 20 million in america.

I really think you should reconsider and ote for huckabee.

Fred thomson is a wasted vote...

Don't be ridiculous.  Fred is far from dead, and its way too early to make the assumption that any of these guys will win or lose.  I don't believe Fred is lazy either, although you might if you only pay attention to the MSM. I have been informed and aware of what he does, and where he does it.

Huckabee is a terribly flawed candidate, he has way too many ethics problems, financial misdeeds while in office, and his history of pardoning anyone and everyone who claims "I found Jesus" is sickening.

Sorry but no, I won't back him.

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #61 on: January 14, 2008, 04:56:20 PM »
well thats pointless.

Fred thompson is practically dead, as chaim said is the laziest candidate ever. He supports mccaine who is a illegal immigrant nutjob and wants 20 million in america.

I really think you should reconsider and ote for huckabee.

Fred thomson is a wasted vote...

Don't be ridiculous.  Fred is far from dead, and its way too early to make the assumption that any of these guys will win or lose.  I don't believe Fred is lazy either, although you might if you only pay attention to the MSM. I have been informed and aware of what he does, and where he does it.

Huckabee is a terribly flawed candidate, he has way too many ethics problems, financial misdeeds while in office, and his history of pardoning anyone and everyone who claims "I found Jesus" is sickening.

Sorry but no, I won't back him.

So basically you are anti christian, thats what it boils down to.

You have nothing to back up your hate for huckabee apart from he s arightous man, and hes the best on israel, hes the best on energy independence and hes the best on moral issues and hes the best on the 2nd ammendment....

Bsically you are a liberal leftist pseudo con, admit it, why dont you vote for the muslim hussein obamba while yuo are at it :rolleyes:

Offline LindaSoG

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #62 on: January 14, 2008, 07:01:26 PM »
well thats pointless.

Fred thompson is practically dead, as chaim said is the laziest candidate ever. He supports mccaine who is a illegal immigrant nutjob and wants 20 million in america.

I really think you should reconsider and ote for huckabee.

Fred thomson is a wasted vote...

Don't be ridiculous.  Fred is far from dead, and its way too early to make the assumption that any of these guys will win or lose.  I don't believe Fred is lazy either, although you might if you only pay attention to the MSM. I have been informed and aware of what he does, and where he does it.

Huckabee is a terribly flawed candidate, he has way too many ethics problems, financial misdeeds while in office, and his history of pardoning anyone and everyone who claims "I found Jesus" is sickening.

Sorry but no, I won't back him.

So basically you are anti christian, thats what it boils down to.

You have nothing to back up your hate for huckabee apart from he s arightous man, and hes the best on israel, hes the best on energy independence and hes the best on moral issues and hes the best on the 2nd ammendment....

Bsically you are a liberal leftist pseudo con, admit it, why dont you vote for the muslim hussein obamba while yuo are at it :rolleyes:

Excuse me, but, only a flat out fanatical lunatic would call me anti-Christian for what I said up there.

Sorry, since when is shady financial deals, lying to the public, and questionable ethics the mark of a righteous man? 

You call me a liberal leftist pseudo con?  Piss up a rope dude, because when you compare Huckabee, who is pro-illegal aliens, pro amnesty, soft on crime, all for high taxes and high spending, big on big government and he supports International Carbon Credit Trading, he's the liberal and you're supporting him.  In fact, he's the same on these issues as Obama is, and Hillary, and Ewards too, as well and the rest of the democrats, so why don't you plan on voting for Obama yourself.

My conservative credentials have long been established, if not here, elsewhere.  You, and anyone else on this board, are more than welcome to google my name and see who I am and what I stand for.

In the internet world, you are snot nosed kid nipping at the ankles of the adults. If you want to participate in a discussion, you better show a little bit of common courtesy and common decency.  Name calling is the badge of honor for the looney left, and you are exibiting an awful lot of anti-social behavior.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 07:06:37 PM by LindaSoG »

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #63 on: January 15, 2008, 06:26:03 PM »
well thats pointless.

Fred thompson is practically dead, as chaim said is the laziest candidate ever. He supports mccaine who is a illegal immigrant nutjob and wants 20 million in america.

I really think you should reconsider and ote for huckabee.

Fred thomson is a wasted vote...

Don't be ridiculous.  Fred is far from dead, and its way too early to make the assumption that any of these guys will win or lose.  I don't believe Fred is lazy either, although you might if you only pay attention to the MSM. I have been informed and aware of what he does, and where he does it.

Huckabee is a terribly flawed candidate, he has way too many ethics problems, financial misdeeds while in office, and his history of pardoning anyone and everyone who claims "I found Jesus" is sickening.

Sorry but no, I won't back him.

So basically you are anti christian, thats what it boils down to.

You have nothing to back up your hate for huckabee apart from he s arightous man, and hes the best on israel, hes the best on energy independence and hes the best on moral issues and hes the best on the 2nd ammendment....

Bsically you are a liberal leftist pseudo con, admit it, why dont you vote for the muslim hussein obamba while yuo are at it :rolleyes:

Excuse me, but, only a flat out fanatical lunatic would call me anti-Christian for what I said up there.

Sorry, since when is shady financial deals, lying to the public, and questionable ethics the mark of a righteous man? 

You call me a liberal leftist pseudo con?  Piss up a rope dude, because when you compare Huckabee, who is pro-illegal aliens, pro amnesty, soft on crime, all for high taxes and high spending, big on big government and he supports International Carbon Credit Trading, he's the liberal and you're supporting him.  In fact, he's the same on these issues as Obama is, and Hillary, and Ewards too, as well and the rest of the democrats, so why don't you plan on voting for Obama yourself.

My conservative credentials have long been established, if not here, elsewhere.  You, and anyone else on this board, are more than welcome to google my name and see who I am and what I stand for.

In the internet world, you are snot nosed kid nipping at the ankles of the adults. If you want to participate in a discussion, you better show a little bit of common courtesy and common decency.  Name calling is the badge of honor for the looney left, and you are exibiting an awful lot of anti-social behavior.


You are either extremely mentally ill(i think you are) or you are a muslim loving neo con. Either way you are full of evil.

I want you to answer these questions.

1) if the court ordered huckabee and the people voted for tax raises, then what is he suppose to do you idiot???

2) who are you going to vote for???Are you a bible believer, if so, who are you going to vote for....

3) this is huckabees record in arkasas, please debunk each point....

• Improved roads from the worst in the nation to most improved.
• Left office with a record budget surplus, after inheriting a deficit
• Grew the Arkansas economy at a rate higher than the national average
• Sponsored the largest broad-based tax cut in Arkansas history
• Cut the state welfare rolls in half
• Created the innovative health-care program for Arkansas children called ARKids, cutting the number of uninsured children in half.
• Created the innovative Smart Start and Smart Step education programs, which led to markedly improved student test scores
• Created the innovative Smart Core curriculum standards, which led to a massive increase in the number of AP tests taken by high-schoolers.
• Chaired the National Governors’ Association
• Named one of America’s Top 5 Governors by TIME
• Named a “Distinguished Public Health Legislator of the Year” in 2005
• Awared the AARP’s Impact Award in 2006
• Named a top “Doer, Dreamer & Driver” by Government Technology magazine, after leading AR to a top 10 finish in the 2004 Digital States Survey.
• Effectively handled the influx of 75,000 Katrina evacuees

4) chaim is far more well informed, intelligent and superior to you, i wil take his judgement over some muslim loving anti chrstian person like you...

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #64 on: January 15, 2008, 08:04:49 PM »


You are either extremely mentally ill(i think you are) or you are a muslim loving neo con. Either way you are full of evil.

you idiot?

some muslim loving anti chrstian person like you...

Oh my.  You sound a little upset there buddy. 

So, I am mentally ill, a muslim loving neo con, full of evil, and idiot and an anti-Christian simply because I do not support Mike Huckabee?

Thanks for the entertainment. 

Offline christians4jews

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #65 on: January 16, 2008, 05:29:21 AM »


You are either extremely mentally ill(i think you are) or you are a muslim loving neo con. Either way you are full of evil.

you idiot?

some muslim loving anti chrstian person like you...

Oh my.  You sound a little upset there buddy. 

So, I am mentally ill, a muslim loving neo con, full of evil, and idiot and an anti-Christian simply because I do not support Mike Huckabee?

Thanks for the entertainment. 

lindasog treanslator "i got out debated by christisn4jews and chaim and i cannot make a decent come back, so im leaving this thread"

You really are pathetic....

Offline LindaSoG

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #66 on: January 16, 2008, 06:35:34 AM »


You are either extremely mentally ill(i think you are) or you are a muslim loving neo con. Either way you are full of evil.

you idiot?

some muslim loving anti chrstian person like you...

Oh my.  You sound a little upset there buddy. 

So, I am mentally ill, a muslim loving neo con, full of evil, and idiot and an anti-Christian simply because I do not support Mike Huckabee?

Thanks for the entertainment. 

lindasog treanslator "i got out debated by christisn4jews and chaim and i cannot make a decent come back, so im leaving this thread"

You really are pathetic....

pssst... hate to tell ya, but calling someone names is not debating.

Oh, you forgot a few things on your Huckabee list... like the fourteen separate investigations into his his ethics by the ethics commission, and the five times, he was officially reprimanded for his ethics violations. And all the other mini-scandals and embarrassments along the way.

Like when he used public money for family restaurant meals, boat expenses, and other personal uses. Like when he tried to claim as his own some $70,000 of furniture donated to the governor's mansion.

And the "wedding gift registry" he set up after his failed bid to take the furniture from the governor's mansion, so public would buy him furnishings for his new $525,000 home.  As Huck says, "there there should be no limit on gifts short of a bribe."

And the all the times he refused to divulge the names of donors to a "charitable" organization he set up while lieutenant governor -- an outfit whose main charitable purpose seemed to be to pay Huckabee to make speeches. Oh, and how he fudged his taxes, misreporting the income itself from the suspicious "charity."

Oh, and there's no need to mention his wife who, in response to inquiries about the donors to that charity, responded by saying that a donor's name "wouldn't be enough. [Then] you'd want to know who he was married to, and then his wife would be German descent, and you'd have Mike, you'd have him responsible for 600,000 killings of Jews." 

And about his misuse of the state airplane for personal reasons.

And, you forgot to mention the governor's attacks on the media for reporting the transgressions of his administration, rather than making any effort whatsoever to make things right.

And, of course, you forgot to mention that his pardon pen, which he brandished for anyone who claimed he "found Jesus," secure the release of already-well-known rapist Wayne Dumond, the released convict sexually assaulted and murdered at woman in Missouri, and probably two, with the other being pregnant at the time of her death.

That's okay though.  Obviously, calling me a liberal leftist pseudo con, mentally ill, a muslim loving neo con, full of evil, an idiot and an anti-Christian has stretched your intellectual capacity to its limits.

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #67 on: January 16, 2008, 10:51:46 AM »


You are either extremely mentally ill(i think you are) or you are a muslim loving neo con. Either way you are full of evil.

you idiot?

some muslim loving anti chrstian person like you...

Oh my.  You sound a little upset there buddy. 

So, I am mentally ill, a muslim loving neo con, full of evil, and idiot and an anti-Christian simply because I do not support Mike Huckabee?

Thanks for the entertainment. 

lindasog treanslator "i got out debated by christisn4jews and chaim and i cannot make a decent come back, so im leaving this thread"

You really are pathetic....

pssst... hate to tell ya, but calling someone names is not debating.

Oh, you forgot a few things on your Huckabee list... like the fourteen separate investigations into his his ethics by the ethics commission, and the five times, he was officially reprimanded for his ethics violations. And all the other mini-scandals and embarrassments along the way.

Like when he used public money for family restaurant meals, boat expenses, and other personal uses. Like when he tried to claim as his own some $70,000 of furniture donated to the governor's mansion.

And the "wedding gift registry" he set up after his failed bid to take the furniture from the governor's mansion, so public would buy him furnishings for his new $525,000 home.  As Huck says, "there there should be no limit on gifts short of a bribe."

And the all the times he refused to divulge the names of donors to a "charitable" organization he set up while lieutenant governor -- an outfit whose main charitable purpose seemed to be to pay Huckabee to make speeches. Oh, and how he fudged his taxes, misreporting the income itself from the suspicious "charity."

Oh, and there's no need to mention his wife who, in response to inquiries about the donors to that charity, responded by saying that a donor's name "wouldn't be enough. [Then] you'd want to know who he was married to, and then his wife would be German descent, and you'd have Mike, you'd have him responsible for 600,000 killings of Jews." 

And about his misuse of the state airplane for personal reasons.

And, you forgot to mention the governor's attacks on the media for reporting the transgressions of his administration, rather than making any effort whatsoever to make things right.

And, of course, you forgot to mention that his pardon pen, which he brandished for anyone who claimed he "found Jesus," secure the release of already-well-known rapist Wayne Dumond, the released convict sexually assaulted and murdered at woman in Missouri, and probably two, with the other being pregnant at the time of her death.

That's okay though.  Obviously, calling me a liberal leftist pseudo con, mentally ill, a muslim loving neo con, full of evil, an idiot and an anti-Christian has stretched your intellectual capacity to its limits.

So who are you voting for :rolleyes:

No it did not stretch my limits, huckabee on paper is by far the best candidate, i never said his past was perfect, but you look at the other candidates, i you could smear all of them much worse than huckabee.

Tkae ruudy for example, he has more corruptions scandals than the mob.

You still wont dare say who you are backing :rolleyes:

You keep watching fox news you pseudo con sodomite.

As chaim said "its a disgrace if jews dont vote for huckabee since he feels its there divine right to be in israel"

You really are a disgrace, it wouldnt surpise me if you vote for mccaine as you are a hippy...

Offline LindaSoG

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #68 on: January 16, 2008, 11:26:09 AM »
So who are you voting for :rolleyes:

No it did not stretch my limits, huckabee on paper is by far the best candidate, i never said his past was perfect, but you look at the other candidates, i you could smear all of them much worse than huckabee.

Tkae ruudy for example, he has more corruptions scandals than the mob.

You still wont dare say who you are backing :rolleyes:

You keep watching fox news you pseudo con sodomite.

As chaim said "its a disgrace if jews dont vote for huckabee since he feels its there divine right to be in israel"

You really are a disgrace, it wouldnt surpise me if you vote for mccaine as you are a hippy...

Obviously, you have a little trouble with reading comprehension as well as a general lack of social skills, read up the thread, I very clearly stated who I was backing for this election.

Listen carefully, you silly little twit, name calling has no place in debate, if you want to have an adult discussion, grow up, leave the name calling out of it, and discuss things. 

Offline christians4jews

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #69 on: January 16, 2008, 04:29:09 PM »
So who are you voting for :rolleyes:

No it did not stretch my limits, huckabee on paper is by far the best candidate, i never said his past was perfect, but you look at the other candidates, i you could smear all of them much worse than huckabee.

Tkae ruudy for example, he has more corruptions scandals than the mob.

You still wont dare say who you are backing :rolleyes:

You keep watching fox news you pseudo con sodomite.

As chaim said "its a disgrace if jews dont vote for huckabee since he feels its there divine right to be in israel"

You really are a disgrace, it wouldnt surpise me if you vote for mccaine as you are a hippy...

Obviously, you have a little trouble with reading comprehension as well as a general lack of social skills, read up the thread, I very clearly stated who I was backing for this election.

Listen carefully, you silly little twit, name calling has no place in debate, if you want to have an adult discussion, grow up, leave the name calling out of it, and discuss things. 

There is nothoing to debate, you are backing fred thompson a man who its debatable whether he will even live through to february the 5th let alone be part of it, you are a complete waste of time, and have proved to be mentally ill in your backing of thompson...

Evil just runs through your body....

Offline SirGallantry

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« Reply #70 on: January 16, 2008, 04:45:28 PM »
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 03:46:54 PM by SirGallantry »

Offline LindaSoG

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #71 on: January 16, 2008, 07:51:40 PM »

... Fred thompson is practically dead, as chaim said is the laziest candidate ever. He supports mccaine who is a illegal immigrant nutjob and wants 20 million in america.

By the way, Fred is anti-illegal immigration, he's the only candidate running who is, and always has been, anti-illegal immigration.

Huckabee is pro-illegals even to the point of trying to give them college scholarships and he claims that those who are anti-illegal immigration are racists.  So, if you're anti-immigrant, then Huckabee thinks you're a racist.

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #72 on: January 16, 2008, 08:42:42 PM »
again linda you have lied.

from huckabees web site...

The Secure America Plan
A 9-Point Strategy for Immigration Enforcement and Border Security
Overview: Implement a broad-based strategy that commits the resources of the federal government to the enforcement of our immigration laws and results in the attrition of the illegal immigrant population.

1. Build the Fence

Ensure that an interlocking surveillance camera system is installed along the border by July 1, 2010.
Ensure that the border fence construction is completed by July 1, 2010.
2. Increase Border Patrol

Increase the number of border patrol agents.
Fully support all law enforcement personnel tasked with enforcing immigration law.
3. Prevent Amnesty

Policies that promote or tolerate amnesty will be rejected.
Propose to provide all illegal immigrants a 120-day window to register with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services and leave the country. Those who register and return to their home country will face no penalty if they later apply to immigrate or visit; those who do not return home will be, when caught, barred from future reentry for a period of 10 years.
This is not a "touchback" provision.  Those who leave this country and apply to return from their home country would go to the back of the line.
4. Enforce the Law on Employers

Employment is the chief draw for most illegal immigrants and denying them jobs is the centerpiece of an attrition strategy.
Impose steep fines and penalties on employers that violate the law.
Institute a universal, mandatory citizenship verification system as part of the normal hiring process.
Prevent the IRS and the Social Security Administration from accepting fraudulent Social Security numbers or numbers that don't match the employees' names.*

  5.  Establish an Economic Border

Move toward passage of the FairTax.
The FairTax provides an extra layer of security by creating an economic disincentive to immigrate to the U.S. illegally.

 6.  Empower Local Authorities

Promote better cooperation on enforcement by supporting legislative measures such as the CLEAR Act, which aims to systematize the relationship between local law and federal immigration officials.
Encourage immigration-law training for police. Local authorities must be provided the tools, training, and funding they need so local police can turn illegal immigrants over to the federal authorities.
7. Ensure Document Security

End exemptions for Mexicans and Canadians to the US-VISIT program, which tracks the arrival and departure of foreign visitors. Since these countries account for the vast majority of foreigners coming here (85 percent), such a policy clearly violates Congress' intent in mandating this check-in/check-out system.
Reject Mexico's "matricula consular" card, which functions as an illegal-immigrant identification card.
8. Discourage Dual Citizenship

Inform foreign governments when their former citizens become naturalized U.S. citizens.
Impose civil and/or criminal penalties on American citizens who illegitimately use their dual status (e.g., using a foreign passport, voting in elections in both a foreign country and the U.S.).
9. Modernize the Process of Legal Immigration

Eliminate the visa lottery system and the admission category for adult brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens.
Increase visas for highly-skilled and highly-educated applicants.
Expedite processing for those who serve honorably in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Improve our immigration process so that those patiently and responsibly seeking to come here legally will not have to wait decades to share in the American dream.  Governor Huckabee has always been grateful to live in a country that people are trying to break into, rather than break out of.

Offline LindaSoG

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #73 on: January 16, 2008, 09:22:17 PM »
again linda you have lied.

from huckabees web site...

Sorry dude.  But... it's huckabee's web site that lies:

FACT:  When Mr. Huckabee was governor of Arkansas, it turns out, he supported letting the children of illegal aliens, who met the same academic standards required of legal residents, apply for taxpayer-funded college scholarships.

Offline akhmim

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Re: Should JTF Support Huckabee? I Think So.
« Reply #74 on: January 18, 2008, 01:05:22 AM »
Huckabee is a lier, you can see it in his eyes.  Last thing Israel needs is white americans saying there gonna stand by it.  White americans can't be trusted there the most evil of evils.  I consider white americans to be worst than muslims atleast you know what to expect out the muslims, not much.
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