I agree.
Bush Jr. has disappointed me especially in his second term. With his open border policy, the Dubai ports scam, his nominating Harriet Myers to be a Supreme court judge without knowing her position on Roe vs Wade, his clueless trust in Russian Czar Vladimir Putin (who is blatantly trying to undermine [I mean destroy] America) and his applying pressure on little Israel to give up more of G-d's land to their enemies, etcetera, etcetera.
How Bush can support a two state solution in light of what the Bible teaches is beyond me? Real Christians scratch their heads at this one. The only way I can see it is if he doesn't understand what the Bible says. Does he know about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob? Or that the LORD will not protect a nation if they go against Israel? No wonder America is slowly sinking.
And so your quite correct when you say Huckabee needs to show that he's not Bush. I dont think he is. I feel Huckabee is a real Christian who will protect Israel. I only hope he stays true to his beliefs under all this political pressure. That is my concern.
Speaking of attack, I'll tell you what has me really concerned me about alot of these conservative bloggers and political commentators. While a large swath of the Christian right are flocking to support Huckabee (the main reason for his improved poll numbers) many of the right’s pundits are not supporting Huckabee. One of which, is Michelle Malkin.
Now I have always been a big fan of Michelle Malkin. But, I'm not so sure about this anymore. I'll tell you why I say this. I don't know whats gotten into her lately? She's got a huge smear campaign going on right now against Mike Huckabee. She's doing it because she thinks Huckabee's weak on immigration. She's actually trying to derail Huckabee's chances of winning the GOP nomination. All of this effort because she thinks he's lying about securing the borders.
Now I admit, in the beginning I was also concerned about Huckabee's position on immigration too. But, he eased my concerns when he came out with a real tough immigration plan last week. It's very good. The best one I've seen so far. It actually got him the endorsement from the Minuteman Project headed by Jim Gilchrist! Not too bad. The plan includes building a border fence as it's top priority.
Huckabee releases immigration plan
http://www.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=Issues.View&Issue_id=26But, Malkin, she is having none of it! She doesn't think Huckabee is tough on immigration and that he's being deceptive. So she is smearing Huckabee over at her website Hotair.com 24/7. And they're not even smearing him. Hotair is distorting and manipulating Hucks record and twisting the facts! One blogger in particular named Allahpundit, who writes comments at Hotair and is employed by Michelle, he is the resident atheist at Hotair.com. He is one of Michelle Malkins attack dogs (ie, bloggers). He really dislikes Huckabee, but not because of Huckabee's political views, because he is a Christian. I'm not kidding Hotair.com is becoming more and more anti-G-d every day! And this smear campaign, Michelle should change the name of her website to Huckair.com.
It pains me to say this, but unless Michelle Malkin starts reporting truthfully again and not like the Communist left, I am no longer a fan of hers. Or put it this way. I will think twice about the things she reports. If she's lying about Mike what else is she lying about? I actually think Hotair does not like it that Mike Huckabee is a bonafide Christian. They don't want America reverted back into a Godly nation. It's that bad. Her hate for Huckabee has me saying, "what the ... ?"
The Christian right is supporting Mike Huckabee, but the right’s pundits are not flocking to support him, and many of them are actually trying to derail him. Case in point:
Rush's Hit-Piece on Huckabee (this Youtuber is not me.)
Something is very very very very wrong with this picture.
IMO: If want Huck to win, he needs our prayers.
Best regards,