Firts off, tahk you all for welcoming me.
Faye, as a lot of Euro-Siberists, sees the USA as an enemy of Russia, and Europe.
Ambiorix, in fact Faye does not considers the USA as enemy, but as an adversary, because of US politics in Europe (Kosovo, Chechnia, etc.) and because most than half of US population is eurodescendent (brothers). He destinguish enemy from adversary, being Islam an enemy of Europe as history proves that, but also due to his worldview, totally opposed to european world conception.
According to Faye, the USA is the source of Multi-culturalism/racialism, that started ± with Martin Luther King.
That is the Fay of the '80, nowadays Faye considers that the so called amercian way of life is not so dangerous as islamic way of life, sinceis preferible MacDonalds to Halal, women with miniskirts than tchador. Nevertheless, he considers multiculturalism (not being just an amercian creation) as the worst enemy of all , beacause it is the multiculturalist process that allow islam to grow fast in Europe.
I dislike the EU and the €. Euro that € sign, looks too much like the muslim-moon pagan symbol....
I am, just like Faye, paneuropean, but I do not support this economical union, that is promoting the destruction of waht they say to defend; Europe. As fot the €, I have nothing against it, it solved many problems when one have to travel.

But it ressembles the Muslim Moon in fact, but in religious maters allow me to say that Faye is a european pagan and in last book
La nouvelle question Juive is says that as pagan as nothing against judaism, but cant say the same for christianity and islam.
can you tell us how you think about Chaim Ben Pesach's political views?
I'm so sorry, but to be honest I have no information that allow me to have any opinion. Perhaps you can post here some topisc about his political views.
Faye calls for a new reconquista.
That means you and me will hopefully fight Islam out of Europe together !!
I really hope so. Europe must be again european.
What do you think of the Israel - Arab conflict?
As you know, inside european right wing there are to different views, the one who defend total support for the arab/islamic/palestinian side, and the other who look at Israel as the frontline of Europe's defense. I, of course, otherwise I wasn't writing here, suport this last view. Israel should remain, not only for the reason above mentioned, but also because Jews have the right to have a nation, a national state, preferably a real zionist one.
Ambiorix I know Faye really well, on the Pan Aryan Forum he was greatly debated.
Skippy, after Faye's last book,
La nouvelle question Juive, most antisemites of the european/north america right wankers called him a traitor, an outcast, a renegade.