But Nolandforshalom, if I was Ambiorix, and i read your posts, I would not talk to that Jew and try to get him back on the path. Simply because, Ambiorix is a gentile, and as such, in your view, should not be helping a Jew...besides...that's what Jewsh Rabbi's are there for!
The boat goes both ways...
Today , there's a awful lot of non-Jews that would like to see the state of Israel destroyed by the "philistines".
the nazis are back. the ideology is transformed. This time
many nations (military capable, not necessarily retarded)
are planning to destroy the Israel & the West.
Lots of Western People regard Bush as a "puppet of Zionism", and blame the al-quaida attacks on the CIA or the Mossad.
The concerns many Europeans have, that our race/culture/religion/lifestyle is on the verge of destruction, is blamed by some on the Jews.
Those Jew-haters are a minority, but nevertheless dangerous.
The more dangerous part of the European population, are the P.C.-hypocrites,
that regard Israel as the last "racist" colony, that needs to be abolished.
This is the anti-racism tyranny of today, that goes hand in hand with the destruction of all nation-states.
So, all help is welcome I think. We share common enemies : the left-wing NWO internal enemy, and the third world enemy.
It is good that Jews and Gentiles help each-other, but Jews need to be fully aware, that trusting even "pro-Israeli" non-Jews is potentially dangerous.
Aren't many of those pro-Israel left-wing Europeans that used to help in the kibbutzim in the 70-ties , today overtly hostile to Israel?
I hope one day the leftist among the Jews will be 2000 times less strong, and that the right-wing Jews will be 20000 times stronger,
than we get rid of the situation the western world is currently in.
And for you who don't know : the anti-racist people, hate the Israeli (not the Jews , they say ??) the most.
They always say Jews are not necesarily Israel-supporters, thus "not all Jews are bad"