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Offline dibblah

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #75 on: February 12, 2008, 07:47:25 PM »
Hi Masha,

-I would like to thank you for what has been the most objective and reasonable view of any participant so far in this BNP/Pro Israeli debate.

Whereas I have entered this discussion with my own personal opinions and statements of fact, these have (perhaps understandably) been countered at every turn. This has been done by those who have been exposed to a more ignorant, historical perspective of the British nation. If you measured many "mainstream" parties and causes of whatever stripe throughout history they would without exception be anti-Semitic, anti-catholic, anti democratic et. al.

You are right to state the very important and objective points you make and most importantly to judge a party on its fundamentals, which is ergo, the makeup of its participants.

You can argue till the cows come home on what is or is not beneficial for the JTF.... but consider this...If the BNP were anti-Semitic they would loose their democratically elected councilors; Jewish and Catholic members alike; and many others like us. We joined this party after having weighed up all these facts and saw them put to the litmus test.

As for being National Socialist, there loose credibility in your summary- Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #76 on: February 12, 2008, 08:08:26 PM »
Having a jewish representative means nothing(there is this jewish woman representative they have. i saw a picture of her).  It means nothing. I heard that evil anti-semitic playright David Haires on TV begin  declaring that he had a jewish wife, before going on a diatribe against jews in israel, jewish belief, settlers, e.t.c. . The "some of my best friends are jewish" line is well known.  Ahmedinejad knows that line too.

If they do not explicitly support Israel, it's OK. As long as they do not undermine Israel, it's fine by me. Remember, that's all we need. As long as other countries do not actively nor clandestinely fight against Israel, that's all Israel needs. It can take care of itself, with G-d's help. Insofar the BNP fights against the islamization of their country, it is an ally of the Jews. We should support them. You cannot fight both muslims and Jews at the same time. As long as they fighting muslims and not Israel, we are travelling along the same road.

Offline Masha

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #77 on: February 12, 2008, 08:11:46 PM »
Hi Masha,

-I would like to thank you for what has been the most objective and reasonable view of any participant so far in this BNP/Pro Israeli debate.

Whereas I have entered this discussion with my own personal opinions and statements of fact, these have (perhaps understandably) been countered at every turn. This has been done by those who have been exposed to a more ignorant, historical perspective of the British nation. If you measured many "mainstream" parties and causes of whatever stripe throughout history they would without exception be anti-Semitic, anti-catholic, anti democratic et. al.

You are right to state the very important and objective points you make and most importantly to judge a party on its fundamentals, which is ergo, the makeup of its participants.

You can argue till the cows come home on what is or is not beneficial for the JTF.... but consider this...If the BNP were anti-Semitic they would loose their democratically elected councilors; Jewish and Catholic members alike; and many others like us. We joined this party after having weighed up all these facts and saw them put to the litmus test.

As for being National Socialist, there loose credibility in your summary- Nothing could be further from the truth.

dibblah, stick around. Don't leave the forum, despite the negative reaction to the BNP from some members. People's attitudes might change in the future. I myself have been defending the Swedish Party of Sweden Democrats, which has an unsavory history, but has since changed its ways.

Offline dibblah

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #78 on: February 12, 2008, 08:24:39 PM »
Thanks Masha- HUGELY appreciated...begining to feel almost like a pariah amongst my own kind! >:(

I think were on the same wavelength and so is every other right-thinking individual in Europe who is trying to stem the tide of Isalmification.

I will of course stick around...I dont quit easily and would rather be judged on my actions rather than words, but hey, this is a forum and here we talk and discuss amongst our friends....Jewish and Christians who will not be enslaved...

God Bless.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #79 on: February 12, 2008, 09:25:39 PM »
Having a jewish representative means nothing(there is this jewish woman representative they have. i saw a picture of her).  It means nothing. I heard that evil anti-semitic playright David Haires on TV begin  declaring that he had a jewish wife, before going on a diatribe against jews in israel, jewish belief, settlers, e.t.c. . The "some of my best friends are jewish" line is well known.  Ahmedinejad knows that line too.

If they do not explicitly support Israel, it's OK. As long as they do not undermine Israel, it's fine by me. Remember, that's all we need. As long as other countries do not actively nor clandestinely fight against Israel, that's all Israel needs. It can take care of itself, with G-d's help. Insofar the BNP fights against the islamization of their country, it is an ally of the Jews. We should support them. You cannot fight both muslims and Jews at the same time. As long as they fighting muslims and not Israel, we are travelling along the same road.

They can fight muslims and jews at the same time.
domestically . In britain, jews have to deal with white thugs(who will white thugs vote for - if they vote?). British jewish school children are too aware of the classic council estate thug.

 Then there are faith schools(jewish,catholic,muslim,..) in britain, the secular education is subsidised by the govt, like govt schools. But the religious education, jewish parents pay for.  With the BNP, I seriously doubt that any jewish schools would be supported.  In contrast, the Blair - now Brown, labour government pledges its support to them! As did and would the Conservatives.  They even make stupid speeches about how jewish schools are an example for other faith schools. I would rather that than they abandon them

Given the anti-semitic threat from muslims, we have community members guarding synagogues. The CST(community security trust) organises it - working closely with police.  But we have also had police officers guarding it.. Moreso on busy times like festivals. (it is their job to protect the public).  I seriously doubt you would get that under the BNP.   

Sure it would cause no problem for Israel. But for jews living in britain, the  consequences would be bad.   The anti-semites will have had their party elected. They will be empowered.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 09:28:12 PM by q_q_ »

Offline dibblah

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #80 on: February 12, 2008, 09:46:30 PM »
You  are drasctically wrong my friend...If you read the BNP manifesto we are committed to preserving the "Judaic/Christian tradition of our peoples of the British Isles." -The labour/liberal/conservative conspiracy of the self serving nose-in-the-trough traitors has been exposed...for signing us over to a European Superstate (That wants to include Turkey) and to all the 5 million + Muslims who have settled here -(MOSTLY ILLEGALLY). Now the Anglican Archbishop is proposing Sharia Law!- My God- how far have we gone and where will it end?

IF the BNP were in power the majority of these muslims/illegal immigrants and asylum seekers would be re-patriated, to their own countries as is right in international Law.- We demand this and no Sharia law and no self serving politicians. Fianaly, every Jew could rest easy knowing that they live in a country that outside Israel is their second home.- This has for a long time been the case and we died in our 100's of thousands to fight for freedom against the Nazis.- I dont think that anything the Jews and Israel are being gaurrunted today comes anywhere close to the BNP commitment to the Jews and Christians.- Make no mistake..this is not a Blair/Labour doublespeak..this is action.....Choose your side the war has already begun and we are on the front line again.

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #81 on: February 13, 2008, 01:46:34 AM »
Quote from: dhimmi_pride
Neither are you BNP supporters true right wingers. You are class warriors, nothing more than a racist and anti-semetic verison of Labour, that just don't want to share your dole and nanny state with non-whites.


That was an ingenious observation from dhimmi_pride. (and amusing too)

And regarding what dibblah said about BNP being pro israel. If even you mean pro israel like the Blair labour party - and I doubt it.  No party in britain is pro israel.  Some parties may be pro israeli government, but that is something else, and actually, that is bad! To be pro israel means saying israel should not give up any land, speaking out against the disengagement where the israeli government trampled over religious jewish settlers with horses and beat them with batons. No british political party does that. Anyhow, I do not expect them to, their goals should be for britain.

And their goal for britain is just what dhimmi_pride said!
Except they break up Britain into English, and non english. Not white and non white.
Jews are not considered English (even today british asians , blacks, jews, e.t.c. are not considered English by anybody). I do not know the details of the differences in how the English and non english would be treated, but that is the idea.
historical immigration:

I consider the Ashkenazim and Sephardi Jews as autochtone Europeans. As I do regard Gypsies as European people.
If you live for 20 generations here, that makes you a European.
No Racism here.
Jews are free to live here, and keep their identity.

However, Jews should consider themselves as Jews first.
I don't have to tell what Jews must or mustn't do or think, but, JTF itself states Jews cannot intermarry, or convert to other faiths,
and still call themselves Jews.

Zionism is the movement, that organised Jews to go back to the Holy Land.
That I support 100%.
The best way to be a strong, proud (instead of self-hating)  Nation,
is to have a country where you are the majority, and were minorities have no power (now, or anywhere in the future) to rule over you.

recent mass-immigration in Europe: (unprecedented the last 2000 years!!!)

Non-Europeans such as Turks, Middle Eastern people, North-Africans, Black Africans, Asian, Chinese, Japanese, South-American,...
people, are welcome here,

under the condition that:

- they cannot become a majority, and thus outnumbering, and take over our continent.
So their number is already dangerously high-> no need for extra immigrants, but for sending back as much as we can:
illegals, and criminals, welfare-parasites, dangerous terrorists, such as muslims...

-> need for a higher European (white) birthrate.

-> need for a political change, more support for Israel, and less socialist policies.

Nationalist parties, should be encouraged, helped to grow,
to defend our national identities, interests,
to combat communist policies (mass-immigration, feminism, homosexuality, atheism, liberalism, anti-Judaism, anti-Christiannity)

To ensure, we , the Western Civilisation can remain the civilisation it is, and the third world doesn't destroy us.

There is a growing number of right-wing, anti-immigrationalists that understand Israel and Europe share the same needs for securing its future and its existence.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #82 on: February 13, 2008, 06:20:02 AM »
In the 70's and 80's there were extreme elements that tried to hijack the party. These wre Nazi thugs and scum. This is why the media today feels they have a axe to grind against us. This sick ideology couldn't be further from the truth of who we are and what we stand for.

I am not going to deny it;- Some of these fringe people and their views were anti-semitic. All of these people- (like 20 years ago) have been expelled from the party. I can tell you now as a BNP activist that if any of these sentiments were even simmering below the surface, I would run a mile from the Party and denounce them at every occassion. The British are a North Atlantic people with a Christian Judaic tradition and I will be prepared to die defending that. The same as my father and grand father did before me.

I think you have to look at this attempt by the Nazis at this time as symptomatic of the extremes that were pushing for recognition. Any Right wing party at the time was subject to hijack by any extreme right wing movement going. As the new media age has progressed this confusion and anti-message clap-trap can be flicked out as soon as it rears its ugly head.

Read the web-site and decide for youself. We are actually (even in this cynical world) 100% genuine. Take it or leave it.

Here is a speech John Tyndall (the former head, since expelled by current head)
gave in 2004 (According to the youtube title)

He quotes a woman that said we need Hitler.. 

The audience applauded.

Why applause? why wasn`t he booed?
This is really a semi serious comment by Tyndall, considering his founding of the national front. Association with some white power organisation (wikipedia has more)..

In 1998 he criticises Michael Howard - not for his policies - which as a Conservative politician are not too different to Labour.  But he criticised him for not being English
You see the audience in that video, he got huge applause. Sure, was a great speaker.

And he made some good points, which stress the foundation of the BNP, without which, they fight for nothing.  No intermarriage with other races. Preservation of the english/white race. Because you cannot preserve english culture and way of life if you live with somebody with foreign values. He said it better.. And he has a point. And I don`t want jews intermarrying either.  But  unfortunately, I can see him being unsympathetic(understatement) to problems facing jews in britain, relative to problems facing people he cares about.

In france, when there were riots some years ago, and masses of jewish immigration, and fear of Le Penne getting in.  I was in favour of the french voting Le Penne (if he truly was a racist right winger), as long as all the jews of france were leaving france. Vote le penne, but then leave!!  Britain has not reached that stage where all jews have fled for their lives, and neither has France, thank G-d.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #83 on: February 13, 2008, 06:34:03 AM »
In the 70's and 80's there were extreme elements that tried to hijack the party. These wre Nazi thugs and scum. This is why the media today feels they have a axe to grind against us. This sick ideology couldn't be further from the truth of who we are and what we stand for.

I am not going to deny it;- Some of these fringe people and their views were anti-semitic. All of these people- (like 20 years ago) have been expelled from the party. I can tell you now as a BNP activist that if any of these sentiments were even simmering below the surface, I would run a mile from the Party and denounce them at every occassion. The British are a North Atlantic people with a Christian Judaic tradition and I will be prepared to die defending that. The same as my father and grand father did before me.

I think you have to look at this attempt by the Nazis at this time as symptomatic of the extremes that were pushing for recognition. Any Right wing party at the time was subject to hijack by any extreme right wing movement going. As the new media age has progressed this confusion and anti-message clap-trap can be flicked out as soon as it rears its ugly head.

Read the web-site and decide for youself. We are actually (even in this cynical world) 100% genuine. Take it or leave it.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #84 on: February 13, 2008, 07:49:55 AM »
In the 70's and 80's there were extreme elements that tried to hijack the party. These wre Nazi thugs and scum. This is why the media today feels they have a axe to grind against us. This sick ideology couldn't be further from the truth of who we are and what we stand for.

I am not going to deny it;- Some of these fringe people and their views were anti-semitic. All of these people- (like 20 years ago) have been expelled from the party. I can tell you now as a BNP activist that if any of these sentiments were even simmering below the surface, I would run a mile from the Party and denounce them at every occassion. The British are a North Atlantic people with a Christian Judaic tradition and I will be prepared to die defending that. The same as my father and grand father did before me.

I think you have to look at this attempt by the Nazis at this time as symptomatic of the extremes that were pushing for recognition. Any Right wing party at the time was subject to hijack by any extreme right wing movement going. As the new media age has progressed this confusion and anti-message clap-trap can be flicked out as soon as it rears its ugly head.

Read the web-site and decide for youself. We are actually (even in this cynical world) 100% genuine. Take it or leave it.

Here is a speech John Tyndall (the former head, since expelled by current head)
gave in 2004 (According to the youtube title)

He quotes a woman that said we need Hitler.. 

The audience applauded.

Why applause? why wasn`t he booed?
This is really a semi serious comment by Tyndall, considering his founding of the national front. Association with some white power organisation (wikipedia has more)..

In 1998 he criticises Michael Howard - not for his policies - which as a Conservative politician are not too different to Labour.  But he criticised him for not being English
You see the audience in that video, he got huge applause. Sure, was a great speaker.

And he made some good points, which stress the foundation of the BNP, without which, they fight for nothing.  No intermarriage with other races. Preservation of the english/white race. Because you cannot preserve english culture and way of life if you live with somebody with foreign values. He said it better.. And he has a point. And I don`t want jews intermarrying either.  But  unfortunately, I can see him being unsympathetic(understatement) to problems facing jews in britain, relative to problems facing people he cares about.

In france, when there were riots some years ago, and masses of jewish immigration, and fear of Le Penne getting in.  I was in favour of the french voting Le Penne (if he truly was a racist right winger), as long as all the jews of france were leaving france. Vote le penne, but then leave!!  Britain has not reached that stage where all jews have fled for their lives, and neither has France, thank G-d.

Jean-Marie Le Pen will be dead in a few years from now.
Then, hopefully, pro-Israel right-wing will become dominant.
Europe has become dangerous for Jews, the muslims are attacking graveyards, Synagogues, Jews in the streets,
even killing , torturing a Jew a couple of years ago.
Same thing in Antwerp, Belgium.

Anti-semitism is not over.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #85 on: February 13, 2008, 07:52:21 AM »

But it is not just muslims jews are having problems with.  Most jews do not live in muslim areas.

Big problems from white "rap/crap culture" thugs on council estates. They hassle everybody, not just jews.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #86 on: February 13, 2008, 08:14:37 AM »
We need big nationalist parties in every European country, and a massive fraction in the European Parliament,
to protect Europe from becoming an Afro-Asian Zoo.
That everybody agrees with, that is a little bit concerned about the future of the Western "First" World.

That said, Nazism killed its own elite scientists , Jews, and it killed millions of whites, the Russians, and Serbs, ....

Therefore, the whole idea of waging war against Slavonic and Jewish "inferior" races, is total crap.

On the contrary, thanks to adolf h., and his extermination-madness, we have this massive colonisation of Europe by Africans and Asians.

True Nationalism RESPECTS itself, AND RESPECT other nations!!

Every people has a right to self-determination, and therefore, the Jews have the right to inhabit the lands where they were
expelled from in '70 by the Romans.

Europeans have a right for self-determination too:
that means that we, Europeans have the duty to defend our countries, and the right to expell,
by force, groups of immigrants that are to become majority,
and have a hostile attitude to the indigenous population.

We don't have the duty to sit still while Europe AND THE REST OF THE WESTERN WORLD is being  invaded and colonised by non-Europeans, white-hating scum.

Jews have been harrassed all history, in all European countries.
After WWII, Nazism was defeated, but it is powerful in muslim countries today.

That is why nationalist European governments, together with Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Russia, must expell all muslims from its territories,
unless they convert, and prove they are no muslims any longer.



Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #87 on: February 13, 2008, 08:21:05 AM »
They can fight muslims and jews at the same time.
domestically . In britain, jews have to deal with white thugs(who will white thugs vote for - if they vote?). British jewish school children are too aware of the classic council estate thug.

I suspect that the majority of thugs are muslims, not white. If muslims are thrown out, the threat to British Jews would be much, much smaller. Small emough to be manageable.

Secondly, white thugs would still exist whether they vote for the BNP or not. The important point is whether the BNP supports them or not. If they do not support the attacks on Jews (and they don't now), it might even have a positive influence on their members.

Then there are faith schools(jewish,catholic,muslim,..) in britain, the secular education is subsidised by the govt, like govt schools. But the religious education, jewish parents pay for.  With the BNP, I seriously doubt that any jewish schools would be supported.  In contrast, the Blair - now Brown, labour government pledges its support to them! As did and would the Conservatives.  They even make stupid speeches about how jewish schools are an example for other faith schools. I would rather that than they abandon them

Given the anti-semitic threat from muslims, we have community members guarding synagogues. The CST(community security trust) organises it - working closely with police.  But we have also had police officers guarding it.. Moreso on busy times like festivals. (it is their job to protect the public).  I seriously doubt you would get that under the BNP.   

Sure it would cause no problem for Israel. But for jews living in britain, the  consequences would be bad.   The anti-semites will have had their party elected. They will be empowered.

I am going to say something that will probably be very unpopular with some members here. I support the idea of a nationalist and nationalistic state. I support it for the same reason I support the idea of the Jewish state as the state by and for the Jews. If I supported Zionism and did not extend the same courtesy to other ethnic states, I would be a hypocrite.

Having said that, I'll clarify that, to me, the idea of a nationalistic state is inimical to the multicultural paradigm. Such a state promotes and celebrates its own culture and frowns on a too assertive a celebration of minority cultures. I do not believe that such a state should be 100% minority-free, because all countries have some percentage of immigrants, but the demographics should be kept under control and the expressions of minority cultures should be inhibited. A minority member should have a clear sense that he is living in a host culture, and he should either assimilate or go to the country of his origin. In other words, in a nationalist state, minority cultures should exist "in the closet," as it were.

Ultimately, Jews should go live in Israel. The existence of Jews in other countries than Israel in the historical period when Israel exists is a contradiction. I know, there are sometimes good reasons why a particular Jew has not made an aliya. But while Jews live in other Western countries, they should not try to turn them into multicultural societies and undermine their Christian heritage. If they want to send their kids to Jewish schools, there is Israel. I am not familiar with the issue of the "support of Jewish schools." If you mean that Jewish schools receive government money then I'm against it. In the US, all religious schools are private. If you want your child to go to a Catholic school or a Jewish school, you have to pay out of your own wallet. If it's the question of allowing Jewish schools at all, even if they operate privately and don't take any government subsidies, then it's a different story. I would allow them, as long as there aren't too many of these schools and they are loyal to the state. Has the BNP said that they will not allow private Jewish schools?

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #88 on: February 13, 2008, 08:25:55 AM »

Every people has a right to self-determination, and therefore, the Jews have the right to inhabit the lands where they were
expelled from in '70 by the Romans.


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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #89 on: February 13, 2008, 08:36:04 AM »
Minorities that are willing to contribute in a positive way to our society are welcome,
regardless of their skin-color. Assimilation is not necessary, Jews e.g. shouldn't convert to Christianity,
because, Jews will never attack us , or plan to destroy our nation.

History proves this. Protocols of Zion , etc,... are lies.

Islam at the other hand, is a religion of a group of ethnies, that are trying for the third time
to steal our continent, destroy our race/ethnos, our civilisation, and our religion, political system.

A Muslim that is fully endorsing the way of life we have,
and that is a real good person,
is not an enemy by definition , for me.

But I think, we should force these people, to leave Islam,
because, in its true form , it is totally uncompatible with the Western Civilisation.

There is no problem at all , with people who fully assimilate.

The race-factor is important,
Each nation should have the right to refuse , and prevent to become a minority in its own land.

But the problem is not only immigration, it is also the negative birthrate!!
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #90 on: February 13, 2008, 09:06:53 AM »
GOOD points Ambroix and Masha you can't resist multicultism in Israel and endorse it in USA and Europe becouse besides being hipocritic it  will end in Jews taking fire from all. Like in all wars you have to choose side. Multicultism and naive worshing of tolerance won't stop Jihaad the BNP thugs can.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #91 on: February 13, 2008, 09:43:41 AM »
how are you defining multiculturalism?

the idea that people of other cultures can live in the country and have rights?
And what is opposing multiculturalism? deporting other races?

Israel was founded as a jewish state.. 
For religious jews, it is a religious, not racial thing.
For secular jews, it is meant to be a safeguard against another holocaust. Now jews can have a country and defend themselves against another country.

Israel really is different from other countries.

I am not in favour of multiculturalism.. This whole learning about other cultures thing.. it tears britain apart.  BNP is an answer, but BNP is bad for the jews. At best it is a huge gamble.

Would racists be expelled if BNP had power? or would they be roaming the streets and the authorities would turn a blind eye to them.  Nick Griffin would not want to bite the hand that feeds him.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #92 on: February 13, 2008, 09:52:30 AM »
there always was UKIP as an alternative.. I just called them(why not, freephone number!). According to the female on the other end of the telephone , Apparently Kilroy Silk left years ago started his own party. and now lives in spain.
They have this forum here.. which leads to

I don`t know if they are bigger or small than the BNP. They do not have the racist history.

They are probably almost unknown now that kilroy left. 

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #93 on: February 13, 2008, 10:01:26 AM »
quote author=q_q_ link=topic=14667.msg183232#msg183232 date=1202913821
how are you defining multiculturalism?

in a negative way : destroying our culture  , deliberate one-world-policy to create chaos, to be able to divide and conquer.
Also, the naive idea to "integrate" third worlders non-culture,non-civilised people in Europe.

In a positive way: creating a better culture, by learning from others: the culture of Europe, from the dark ages till 1900, where all nations have influenced eachother, etc,...
and created a culture, that had many different faces.

The culture we inherited, the foundations are Jewish-Roman-German-Greek.
That's good multi-culture.

the idea that people of other cultures can live in the country and have rights?

That is impossible, you cannot put people from totally different backgrounds in one place, and expect a homogene society after 30 years of integration....
And what is opposing multiculturalism? deporting other races?
nationalism, without intolerance per se, but more assertive than now.
At least borders must be garded, and illigal, third world people deported.

Israel was founded as a jewish state.. 
For religious jews, it is a religious, not racial thing.
For secular jews, it is meant to be a safeguard against another holocaust. Now jews can have a country and defend themselves against another country.

Israel really is different from other countries.

I am not in favour of multiculturalism.. This whole learning about other cultures thing.. it tears britain apart.  BNP is an answer, but BNP is bad for the jews. At best it is a huge gamble.
multiculturalism is the end of our culture, if we don't stop it.
Would racists be expelled if BNP had power?

Who knows what England and Europe will be like in 2030 or 2050?
Isn't racism coming from both sides?

We should expell all immigrants that are hostile to us.

or would they be roaming the streets and the authorities would turn a blind eye to them.  Nick Griffin would not want to bite the hand that feeds him.

The authorities will not be BNP. They will be Labor - Socialist, and "Muslim Democrats".
Unless a miracle happens, BNP will be 1-2% at most.

I think Europe will have a civil war in 2030-2050.
We will be a minority already.
There are now as much North-africans/Black africans born in some parts of Europe
as Whites.

This ethno-racial-religious cocktail "multiculturalism" will explode and lead to a new balance.
Only G-d knows what will become of our grandchildren.

Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #94 on: February 13, 2008, 11:48:36 AM »
Israel was founded as a jewish state.. 
For religious jews, it is a religious, not racial thing.
For secular jews, it is meant to be a safeguard against another holocaust. Now jews can have a country and defend themselves against another country.

I categorically disagree with your de-emphasizing the importance of the Jewish ethnicity. Jews are a people, who have descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. To say that the only reason Israel is important to secular Jews is to serve as a safeguard against the Holocaust is to say too little. Believe me, I know a lot of secular Jews, who value the idea of the Jewish national home as a place where they can live together with other Jews and promote their Jewish culture. Many (secular) Jews have said what a special feeling it is to live in a country that is all your own, that is the home of people to whom you are related by blood, how special it is to be surrounded by Jewish faces and by people with the same mentality. This is a whole aspect that is separate from the religious one but that serves as a strong reason for a zionist sentiment even among those Jews who are not religious. There are a lot of Jews who have Jewish nationalist feelings and will fight for their right to have a national home.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #95 on: February 13, 2008, 11:51:10 AM »
Would racists be expelled if BNP had power? or would they be roaming the streets and the authorities would turn a blind eye to them.  Nick Griffin would not want to bite the hand that feeds him.

The authorities already turn a blind eye to them. I don't believe the situation will be worse under the BNP, if only because they will expell some muslims that make up the current army of antisemitic thugs.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #96 on: February 13, 2008, 12:56:36 PM »
Israel was founded as a jewish state.. 
For religious jews, it is a religious, not racial thing.
For secular jews, it is meant to be a safeguard against another holocaust. Now jews can have a country and defend themselves against another country.

I categorically disagree with your de-emphasizing the importance of the Jewish ethnicity. Jews are a people, who have descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. To say that the only reason Israel is important to secular Jews is to serve as a safeguard against the Holocaust is to say too little. Believe me, I know a lot of secular Jews, who value the idea of the Jewish national home as a place where they can live together with other Jews and promote their Jewish culture. Many (secular) Jews have said what a special feeling it is to live in a country that is all your own, that is the home of people to whom you are related by blood, how special it is to be surrounded by Jewish faces and by people with the same mentality. This is a whole aspect that is separate from the religious one but that serves as a strong reason for a zionist sentiment even among those Jews who are not religious. There are a lot of Jews who have Jewish nationalist feelings and will fight for their right to have a national home.

In "Why Be Jewish", Rav Kahane wrote about these cultural jews. In a few generations they intermarry. And in israel, those that would intermarry in the diaspora, in israel become "israelis" that say they are not jewish.

You know I am actually reading in these times eg last year, people saying what the model characters in "why be jewish" said!

Natalie Portman, in an interview she gave to the JC, said something like , she does not see herself as jewish, she sees herself as a human being..   That is almost exactly the words Rav Kahane put into the girls mouth in "why be jewish", she says  something like, "Why should I be jewish? Why not just be a human being? Why have these divisions? e.t.c."

And if you really want to get a taste.. Go to the "jewish museum" in camden town - a fairly secular liberal museum. They had (and prob still have), a screen where they ask kids what it means to them to be jewish.  One says supporting Spurs (football team). Another says eating doughnuts outside some famous kosher bakery that young jews meet up at and crowd around.  One real reason was given by an Orthodox girl, rabbi sacks`s daughter (because we believe G-d gave us the torah on sinai, and we have these commandments to keep).

« Last Edit: February 13, 2008, 12:58:51 PM by q_q_ »

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #97 on: February 13, 2008, 01:09:02 PM »
Would racists be expelled if BNP had power? or would they be roaming the streets and the authorities would turn a blind eye to them.  Nick Griffin would not want to bite the hand that feeds him.

The authorities already turn a blind eye to them. I don't believe the situation will be worse under the BNP, if only because they will expell some muslims that make up the current army of antisemitic thugs.

I did hear that pupils of one jewish school do have a police escort.

Expelling muslims would help jews living in muslim areas though.. generally the strictly orthodox community. Muslim areas are cheaper , and the strictly orthodox jews live poorly and have around 10 children!!!

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #98 on: February 13, 2008, 03:33:28 PM »
suppose nick griffin has changed, and from the articles I have read on his website, it looks like he might have..

He wants races to be separate, marry within themselves, e.t.c.  How are they, as a government, going to stop one man banging a girl of another race, if he so desires it.

Out of 1000 white men, there has to be a few that like black girls. What`s the government going to do to stop them?

And you`ll have black men who like white women, and white women who want that. Same problem for them.. They cannot stop it.

It is possible to try to stop these things at a family level, but not at a govt level.

I guess Nick Griffin doesn`t like brazilian girls! Has anybody asked him?!

Large BNP group cheer as woman declares they are not nazis..
But also , as dhimmi_pride said, that they are socialists like old labour, in support of the working class

« Last Edit: February 13, 2008, 03:51:17 PM by q_q_ »

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #99 on: February 13, 2008, 04:24:09 PM »
suppose nick griffin has changed, and from the articles I have read on his website, it looks like he might have..

He wants races to be separate, marry within themselves, e.t.c.  How are they, as a government, going to stop one man banging a girl of another race, if he so desires it.

Out of 1000 white men, there has to be a few that like black girls. What`s the government going to do to stop them?

And you`ll have black men who like white women, and white women who want that. Same problem for them.. They cannot stop it.

It is possible to try to stop these things at a family level, but not at a govt level.

I guess Nick Griffin doesn`t like brazilian girls! Has anybody asked him?!

Large BNP group cheer as woman declares they are not nazis..
But also , as dhimmi_pride said, that they are socialists like old labour, in support of the working class

Of course it is easy to prevent black-white intermarriage.
I think it would be great to reduce the number of "evil blacks", [and North-Africans, Pakistans,....] living and breeding in Europe!
Make it illegal for evil blacks [...] to live outside Africa. Deport them.
Revoke their British nationality.
Problem solved. The remaining "good blacks" maybe should leave in their own interest as well,
to help develop their homeland in Africa.

Europe is a continent for whites, not a race-mixing bolshevik zoo.

Some intermarriage is not harming. In the 60-70ties it was OK.
But now, 1,000,000 are coming in , and nobody has the right to complain,...

Come on, let's be honest, ....
that's not immigration anymore, that's invasion!

I haven't studied or found any information on BNP's economical program. Can't comment on that.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.