The Torah may talk about cave men according to my opinion. It says in Genesis 4:2 "the sons of G-d saw the daughters of Adam/man that they were good and they took for themsleves wives from whoever they wanted". And in the next verse the Torah says that the Giants were the products of such a union. So the Torah gives 2 names for the people living at the time of Adam "sons of G-d" and "daughters of man/Adam" and their mixed offspring had unique characteristics in that they were "Giants". The Hebrew word "Adam" means the name "Adam" and also can " man" so I use the slash "Adam/man". This implies that one of these groups of people were decendants of Adam and the other were not his decendants so they were probably neanderthals existing before Adam. This is also supported by Genesis Chapter One where it says that G-d created men and women on the sixth day, blessed them and told them to rule over the Earth etc. but it is not until Chapter Two that G-d creates Adam. The Medrish opinion on the above verse is that people married angels but my opinion sounds better I think given the scientific support.
Adam was a unique creation that G-d made. He was much smarter than the Neanderthals since he had the gift of language and creativity. He also had the first soul as the Neanderthals didn't have souls but were like animals.
That's what I believe but I didn't know the part about Genesis 4. I do know that Barry Chamish said that the giants were the children of men and aliens, which he uses to support his belief in UFO's. The Kabbalah also speaks of people from other Worlds but they are like angels and don't have free will.
See this thread for an archived in depth discussion on this topic:
And Chamish is credible becuase

. I keep telling you that he is nuts and is a rasha, you should stop listining or even thinking about him.
Anyway I dont like this whole notion of integrating science with Judasim, and redifining Judasim according to so called science. Were their worlds before this one, and are their studies that deal with these things (where some know, parts at least about it?), yes. But all this ufo garbage, and expecially people like chamish or any other rasha who is trying to sell a book or t.v. show should be completly ignored.
Adam was created straight from G-d, he actually wasn't like a norman human being both physically (he was made of material like our nails) and mentally - he in his comprehension could "see" the whole world. Also his wife was made from his rib, and his children married eachother - each male had a twin female, and this was one of the arguments and cause of conflick between Chain and Hevel (becuase the younger was born with 2 twins while the older had one, and he believed he was intitled to 2 since he was the older (it is one of the reasons of conflict).