well, I watched the video.
I'm not going to delete my other post, but I have taken the rabbi's words it into consideration and I take it somewhat seriously. A lot of what Rabbi Mizrachi said was pretty powerful.
I don't want to mislead any Jews to think it's ok. If I am mistaken in my beliefs than I hope that it is I and I alone who suffer and I don't want to mislead anyone.
Honestly, this stuff just messes with my mind way too much. It seems sadistic to be tempted day in, day out by beautiful goyas and then be told that being with just 1 for 1 second is cut off for eternity. This is not my favorite aspect of Judaism

Maybe it will be easier if I move to Israel.
Also, in regards to my last post - I know all or most of the Jews that died during this exile died to sanctify G-d. Just want to clarify that, but I think if you look at some of the sexual deviance among Jews today, it can be attributed to a horrible exile that was too much mentally...Like it has warped things so extremely that I find it hard to be too judgmental towards fellow Jews who couldn't take it anymore and wanted to assimilate.
I mean, the biggest reason for massive intermarriage is probably the holocaust. Let's not say that intermarriage is the 'silent holocaust' - what a bunch of bologna - the two things aren't even comparable in my opinion. One probably led to another. I wonder what the statistics are? How many Jews intermarried and at what rate before the Holocaust, and how many intermarried and at what rate afterwards?
Also, are there any other stories in the Bible of Jews being punished for relations with Goyas? I mean it must have happened thousands of times...If it were such a huge sin, why would there only be the one mention of it, and under the circumstances where the goyas were sent as an act of war?
Also, why did the Rabbi immigrate from Israel to the USA? I am suspicious of Rabbis teaching the most hardcore aspects of Judaism who don't live in Israel (except for Chaim who literally can't go). Don't get me wrong, he is a great speaker, and I enjoy his method of teaching (maybe he is in USA to help diaspora Jews), but if you are going to preach that touching a women means you're cut off, you should probably at least be living in Israel.
Any thoughts?