Anyone remember Jake "The Snake" Roberts

He'd come out with a snake 
I used to like watching him when I was really little

I think in an old video I had, "1992 the/a year in review", jake had his snake bite the macho man. Completely planned. Macho man was "tied to the ropes". The snake took a real bite. It was crazy. I`m sure it was a cobra..prob with poison removed!
Roberts forced a cobra to bite Savage's arm as the Macho Man was tied up in the ropes (seen on WWF Superstars).
another site says, WWF superstars Nov 1991.
I stopped watching after 1993. But picked up W12 after seeing Piper on the video case. Favourite wrestler was Roddy Piper, he came back and did an awesome backyard brawl against Goldust in Wrestlemania 12.
Classic part of michaels vs piper.
1:45-2:30, of this. One my my favourite classic piper moves
Really though, wrestling is harmful in that it gets you to think of fights as "friendly".. As in, don`t do anything to your opponent that you wouldn`t want done to yourself. No real punches. Some early UFC matches are probably better viewing, or some Don Frye . should be downloadable on youtube or if not youtube, then emule.. But emule has alot of porn so be careful..Prob good to just take up boxing, you don`t want a broken nose though.