So now I know where my great-x100 grandfather was from
But what about siblings with different eye color? I thought blue eyes was a skipping gene..
with the current immigration of somalis and irakis in Scandinavian countries, in 200 years blue eyes will be gone...
Don't worry Ambiorix, I will find a Scandinavian wife and make sure our genes are greatly multiplied ![Azn ^-^](
That doesn't help.
it is a recessive gene.
It will die out
It's a recessive gene with mixed eye-colored parents, but if both man and woman have blue eyes, the children will only have blue eyes.
Yes, but in Sweden, and some other scandinavian countries, there will be intermarriage with non-scandinavian europeans, so they will gradually loose the 90% blond haired ethnical composition of their contries.
The rest of Europe is also becoming more and more mixed,
or just of 100% non-European descent.
I think in 2100, Europe will have a different face than today.
They'll become a ethnic group on their own rather Euro-Arabians or Euro-Africans if such a thing occurs, with dominant and recessive traits on the one hand and atavism on the other.
However, most Europeans don't intermix with muSSlims that's rare from the Europeans I've talked to. However, you can find mixed marriages with children in France, ethnic French marrying Senegalese and vice versa.
muslims don't like to mix as neither, because, our people "are infidels".
But in Britain, and France, their power is growing, and more natives convert to the immigrants' believes.
Sweden is the most dramatic example of how you can ruin your nation in hundred years,
when we'll be old, you'll see, Sweden will be a minority white, and thus blond haired people will be erased due to the subsequent mixage...
It is only by a kind of civil war, I fear, we can reverse this proces.
And save some of the genotypes, that are unique to Scandinavian and German, Russian Dutch, and English people.
The worst thing, is that, once we'll be a minority, we will have a major problem controlling our countries.
I really don't know what to do.
Don't forget, that a lot of so called anti-racists (who also hate the "zionist entity") ,
think that the main purpose of anti-nazism and anti-racism , is to mix the blond-haired and other white people with non-whites, to prevent the so-called hitlerian übermensch from being ever to be in great numbers again... in order to prevent a new Holocaust....
![Undecided :-\](
What is anti-racist about this I really can't understand.
It is self-hating racism. The same kind of hate, that too much Jews still have, conditioned by the Diaspora, and it's horrors.
Too much white people, feel guilty about colonialism, and imperialism,...
That's why Chaim Ben Pesach is a key figure for the Western World, to show them ,
that self - hating P.C. racism, is NOT the answer to the abominations of the national-socialist (and communist) regimes,
to their genocide on Jews and Gypsies, Serbs Poles and Russians [...]
But that self-hating PC-racism , is the new fascism, that plans to collaborate with islam to overthrow the western countries,
and help to kill all the Jews, in name of allah and his prophets, mohammed, and his successor hitler.
I don't believe in racial über or so-called untermenschen,
but I do believe, that the policies of today, to combat racism, and neo-nazism,
are being used against the Jews, and against the righteous Gentiles.
So therefore, Chaim: show these PC-monsters:
that proud Jews, are not victims,
and never will be victims again.
So that we can prevent a second Holocaust/monsterpogrom-Jihad on the people of the western world, by the hordes of tird worlders.