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Ask Scriabin
What do you do for a living?
Scriabin, how did you tell Sarah to breathe. I need to work on this too. When I go to the gym I can't breathe afterwards. Also, I am working on your advice not to think. Do you think a labotomy would be helpful? You're the man. Keep up the good work. O0
--- Quote from: Ari on February 26, 2008, 08:49:45 PM ---Scriabin, how did you tell Sarah to breathe. I need to work on this too. When I go to the gym I can't breathe afterwards. Also, I am working on your advice not to think. Do you think a labotomy would be helpful? You're the man. Keep up the good work. O0
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Thanks, Ari. Here's what I told Sarah:
"Take long, slow deep breaths and breathe into your belly. Your belly should expand and contract as you breathe. Never hold your breath."
I forgot one thing. Always inhale through your nose, never through your mouth. This is a sign of bad health. Furthermore, breathing through your mouth makes a person more susceptible to colds.
--- Quote from: Sarah on February 26, 2008, 05:32:18 PM ---What do you do for a living?
--- End quote ---
I'm a professional musician/music teacher.
Thanks Scriabin. Sounds good, similar to what I learned in a Yoga class I used to take in the gym. How about exhaling? Through the mouth, or both inhale and exhale through the nose?
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