Author Topic: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War  (Read 11304 times)

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Offline Zoran

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2008, 02:25:52 PM »

I've been on this website a few months..and I have never seen a post as openly ignorant and misinformed as this one by Wojtila:

Hehe right!

Europeans are anti jew, so i dont care about them!

So yes nuke Europe!

Let all jews raise against the evil!

You basically just told me 3 things with that post.

1. You can't think clearly.
2. You have absolutely no knowledge of European history outside of public school and/or T.V.
3. As a result of point 2, you have no right to discuss anything regarding Europe in general.

Please for the sake of your own intelligence and for the sake of humanity in general, read a little bit.

I'll get you started right here:

1. Governments that shipped Jews to the Germans were not representative of their people. They were all puppet governments that the Germans installed once they invaded a country (example: Finland, Holland, etc.). The people could do nothing about this because the armies of those respective countries were de facto under the control of the Germans. They did, however, set up resistance movements and sheltered Jews from these people.

2. Would it be right if, let's say, 1 Jewish person or a small group of Jewish people said they hated Europe, for me to hate all Jews and call for the nuclear bombing of Israel? No, it wouldn't be right, yet you still advocate the exact same thing to Europe.

3. Going back to the history lesson. You think ALL of Europe is anti-Jew? What about the fact that Jews occupy many of the same positions in government, business, and society as Christians do in Europe? What about the fact that, during the Crusades, Serbian churches not only allowed but ACTIVELY LED Jews to hide in them until the Crusaders had passed? What about the fact that Serbia both in WW2 and the Yugoslav war of the early 1990s not only sheltered Jews but again actively provided a means of escape from the CONTINENT?

If, after reading the above post, you STILL feel that Europe should be nuked, then I have found a reason for my departure from this forum.

Offline Wojtila

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2008, 03:17:43 PM »

I've been on this website a few months..and I have never seen a post as openly ignorant and misinformed as this one by Wojtila:

Hehe right!

Europeans are anti jew, so i dont care about them!

So yes nuke Europe!

Let all jews raise against the evil!

You basically just told me 3 things with that post.

1. You can't think clearly.
2. You have absolutely no knowledge of European history outside of public school and/or T.V.
3. As a result of point 2, you have no right to discuss anything regarding Europe in general.

Please for the sake of your own intelligence and for the sake of humanity in general, read a little bit.

I'll get you started right here:

1. Governments that shipped Jews to the Germans were not representative of their people. They were all puppet governments that the Germans installed once they invaded a country (example: Finland, Holland, etc.). The people could do nothing about this because the armies of those respective countries were de facto under the control of the Germans. They did, however, set up resistance movements and sheltered Jews from these people.

2. Would it be right if, let's say, 1 Jewish person or a small group of Jewish people said they hated Europe, for me to hate all Jews and call for the nuclear bombing of Israel? No, it wouldn't be right, yet you still advocate the exact same thing to Europe.

3. Going back to the history lesson. You think ALL of Europe is anti-Jew? What about the fact that Jews occupy many of the same positions in government, business, and society as Christians do in Europe? What about the fact that, during the Crusades, Serbian churches not only allowed but ACTIVELY LED Jews to hide in them until the Crusaders had passed? What about the fact that Serbia both in WW2 and the Yugoslav war of the early 1990s not only sheltered Jews but again actively provided a means of escape from the CONTINENT?

If, after reading the above post, you STILL feel that Europe should be nuked, then I have found a reason for my departure from this forum.

Who cares what you think! ???

I love Jews! Only JEWS!! O0

And may G-d be with Chaim on his fight for Israel and Jews around the world! O0 ;)

European=anti jews! Simpel as that! >:(

History speak for itself! >:( :'(

Hate list:
5.Jew haters
6.mexicans in America
7.Black People in America
8.Some Asien people in america

Offline Zoran

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Re: The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2008, 05:49:12 PM »

Who cares what you think! ???

I love Jews! Only JEWS!! O0

And may G-d be with Chaim on his fight for Israel and Jews around the world! O0 ;)

European=anti jews! Simpel as that! >:(

History speak for itself! >:( :'(

Wow. Just a quick question, are you retarded by any chance? Maybe an extremist?

Chaim fights for Christians and Jews alike as far as I know, and I'm certain that he wouldn't be nearly as near-sighted and prejudiced as you are.

You're right, history DOES speak for itself, and if you bothered to learn history you might know what it's speaking of. Instead you decide to fill in the blanks you don't know (which, from your comments, obviously shows that your entire knowledge of history is a blank) with your own opinions and beliefs. Go ahead, nuke Europe, then see where the muzzies will head next. Do you think they'll allow you to live as "peacefully" (I use the term in quotations because Israeli life is not very peaceful) as you do now with their chief enemy (Europe) gone? Do you think they'll allow you to live at all?

Your 2nd sentence "I love JEWS!! Only JEWS!!" reminds me of a few people. Namely Mussolini, HITLER, Stalin, the KKK, Neo-Nazis, Al-Qaeda, etc.

People on these forums fight AGAINST extremism, do they not? You, sir, are not one of them.

You are a fascist, just like Hitler was. Turn the tables around and change "Jews" to "Germans" and you could have passed for him any day of the week.