Wow... and what a palace they reside in. Looks like an upgraded bathroom from Grand Central Station. Is that urine on the floor over behind the guy in the white robe?
Also, that kid has no shoes and the guy is wearing flip flops. You'd think they could make nice shoes for royalty but in Africa, that would be a lot of extra work.
They should hire someone to help paint that pole... maybe put in some carpet. Wait... there's no roof, is there? lol
This is something to be proud of? Look at the nice wallpaper job behind King Brazillia. I love it.
Why is it at all necessary to bash where someone lives or analyze a picture like that? You hate it when people bash how Jews dress, and talk and make stereotypical inferences as to how and where they live. Those people in that photo aren't even related to was posted to show how differently people dress from culture to culture, that one being African.
It didn't take much. There really wasn't a whole lot of analysis going on. I glanced at the picture and thought "wow... why would someone in Royalty be sitting in a place like this??". It shocked me. It looks like a zoo with a big golden throne. I don't know about you, but I couldn't help but see all the dirt on the walls. It just stuck out.
Then I remembered how horrible Africa is as a country and why the place looked like a dump. Africa has the highest amount of crime, murder, and rape of any country in the world. People actually have car alarms there that cut your legs off or shoot fire. Africa... a country with the highest resources in all the world, gold and diamond mines, and more land than anywhere else... and most of them are starving to death. Africa is a dump and the only reason no one ever has a problem with Africa, is because they are too far backwards to be able to build any weapon that could do anything serious. Africa is an embarrassment to the world. A good chunk of people there don't even wear clothes or know about civilized society.
Africa is a horrible country full of evil, stupidity, and laziness. There is NOTHING to be proud about with Africa. It would make complete sense that the royalty in that picture would look like they are sitting in a poorly decorated, poorly maintained, public bathroom.
Jews on the other hand, have a lot to be proud about. They moved into a barren wasteland in the middle of the desert and then grew oranges the size of basketballs. They actually invented stuff and made modern discoveries in science. They made schools, built modern cities, and wear clothes. They use bug spray and get rid of their sewage so they don't have to smear doodoo on themselves to keep the flies off. Big difference.
And the only reason you defend them... is the same reason you defend Obama... because they're black.