This is one of the reasons why G-d will feed the rightious after Moshiah comes from the Shor BarLiviatan (a very big ancient fish) that was killed and hidden at the time of creation. One will be eaten, the other I dont remember right now. It is going to taste very good, because the fish is from ancient times thus it didn't reduce its quality in taste as opposed to the fish lets say being small, reproducing and us then eating the fresh fish.

Don't start.
You reject kabbalah and are an ignoramous. And he accepts anything , without sources. If it is from a rabbi or website that he trusts, and he trusts some strange websites.
I knew you would respond and that would complel tzvi to defend his holy information.That is why I made a joke, to try to satisfy you. But no, it wasn't enough.. !!!!!
Seriously though. realise your own shortcomings, and his.
Your comments about kabbalah have been refuted by people alot more skeptical than Tzvi. If you want, then refer people to the thread you discussed it in.. The thread that you stopped responding in. (maybe you stopped responding because you upset the chassidic moderator by saying that chassidut was idolatry. Shows how ignorant you are. Of course, you prob think the same about kabbalah, so you could have avoided that).
If you were serious then you wouldn't start a serious discussion, then leave. And then provoke tzvi. When tzvi has also been challenged - in serious posts - by people alot more knowledgeable and sensible than you.
We know, you reject kabbalah.. tzvi accepts it. That is that.
Whether Tzvi is textually correct in his kabbalistic claim, or where he is correct and where incorrect.. That is another matter too beyond your knowledge for you to criticise directly. You do not even distinguish between Madonna's so-called "kabbalah" and the Arizal's kabbalah - and of course you know as much of the latter as you do of the former.