Jews practice magic ?! 
Amongst Kabbalists, there is a belief that "good magic" is possible,
It`s not really magic.. Some examples,
An evil decree is declared on a town, and a a very righteous chassidic rabbi prays very hard for 20 hours, and a decree is overturned.. His chassidim ask him what happened. He says as he prayed his soul went up and he argued in the heavenly court that the judgement be overturned.. And it was overturned.
Or, a rabbi through his prayer and knowledge of the spiritual realms, managed to figure out why peoples` prayers were not being answered..
There was many chassidic stories like that. There is a book "Not just stories" by rabbi twersky, that mentions some. Just stories, and as rabbi twersky says, it is foolish to believe they are all made up, and foolish to believe every detail.
There is a story about the Baba sali(a great kabbalist), which I heard from a guy whose father and grandfather were in iraq at the time.. And he heard it from them. A muslim was beating a jew, he shouted out, the baba sali came out mumbled something, and the muslim was hospitalised.
There`s the story of the golem of prague, and now there is even a model of the golem in prague, no doubt for tourism.. But to mark the legend..
But the arizal said.. That for some mystical reason (like , we no longer have the ashes of the red heifer), we are not pure, and we are not allowed to do "practical kabbalah".. this working in the spiritual realms to fix things in the physical world. So nobody even tries to do it.. You do here stories of prayer , and rabbis knowing things they could not possibly have known.. without divine inspriation.. Rabbis receiving ruach hakodesh. For example, stories involving the chazon ish, or the lubavitcher rebbe, where people have told thme they are seeing a doctor over a tumour, and the rabbi told them there was nothing wrong and not to bother. Or the rabbi told them what doctor to see.
Ruach HaKodesh, is described by the ramchal, in one of his books.. His works are philosophical and very popular, he claims he received teaching from an angel..
We must remember, as, I think Hillel said, we are a nation of prophets and apprentice prophets.
According to rabbi aryeh kaplan - "handbook of jewish thought", we had "schools" where people trained so as to be receptive of prophecy.. And even the RAMBAM describes the different levels of prophecy - 11 levels - , in "the guide". Ruach hakodesh is just below the prophecy of the prophets in the bible book of prophets. According to the rambam, in the guide, it is the level that (all?) things in ketuvuim were written..
Once you believe in G-d and miracles and angels, You are inherently believing in a mystical realm.. so it is difficult to say there is no magic - if you use a wide definition of magic.