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The Jews are blamed for everything from "Global Warming" to the extinction of the dinosaurs.... ???


--- Quote from: MarZutra on April 30, 2008, 06:23:15 PM ---Good points Golden.  I think you will be thoroughly impressed/depressed when reading about the Jesuit Commune in Paraguay...

Now Khashayarsha, under Judaism the kingdom is that of a Monarchy governed under moral law.  There are courts of law called SanHedrin which hear various legal cases and passes judgement. 

To my understaning there wasn't really ever a Jewish Empire as I do not believe in the entirety of history of Israel the peoples never attempted to invade any other lands other than those designated to them in the Torah to Abraham about 2000BCE. 

Did they have slaves, yes.  But slavery under Jewish law is VERY different than that of slavery under Egyptians, Persians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, "Dhimmi" under Islam, American/Britian or under Stalin/Mao/Castro/Pal Pot's Communism.  Actually, the biblical position but more so the Talmudic teachings lie at the base of Western ideological specificities of what now is known as "Human Rights".  Slaves had rights under their Jewish masters.  Usually one didn't come into slavery via conquest but via debt.  A Jew could be a "slave" to another Jew and is released until he/filled his obligations.

....I'd pose these specific questions to Lubab or Nik for more accurate examples...

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Persians didn't have "slavery", unless getting paid is also slavery?  Slavery started in iran/persia by the arabs of 800 and the mongol/turkics in 1220.


--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 30, 2008, 06:21:18 PM ---do you guys have a propaganda thread? So i can read more on the crap that jews are blamed on?

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--- Quote from: MarZutra on April 30, 2008, 06:25:00 PM ---The Jews are blamed for everything from "Global Warming" to the extinction of the dinosaurs.... ???

--- End quote ---

lol. Something serious maybe?  O0

Mar Zutra is slavery under jewish law more like peonage than real slavery?


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