I used to play GTA a bit in 2000. You would get points for running over all
Hare Krishna in one go.
And of course part of the game was running from the police, stealing police cars, killing policeman. If you don't want to follow the mission
It was very cartoony..
there was no mission to kill them though!
I saw a newer version of GTA and was disgusted, I saw the guy you control, go to a beach and beat up a hot woman. Obviously the person controlling it did it, but it's very much a designed part of the game.
At least he is not killing him -because- he is a jew.. But because he is a diamond dealer or a bit of a gangster himself. The idea may have been inspired by the film Snatch.
Right, hence the term Sandbox Game
A sandbox game (or a video game with an optional sandbox mode) is a video game with an open-ended and non-linear style of gameplay, or a reduced emphasis on structure. The sandbox analogy is used to describe this style of gaming because, as with a physical sandbox, the user is entertained by their ability to play creatively, boundless of artificial structural constraints. While these games may or may not have a story or over-arching mission structure, they are considered sandbox games for their ability to allow players to think outside of these goals.
you have complete creative freedom really to do what you want as you do in real life, you are not forced to required to kill hookers or Jews, what the controversy was over was the mission in specific. Also confronting police within the game is pretty difficult to avoid, like for example there is a bank mission where you end up robbing a bank and the police come and your pretty much forced to kill them. This has left a bad taste in some peoples mouth, especially because the police cars and even the slogans on the police cars in the game are identical to the real NYPD police cars.
Heres a NYPD cop car

heres the cop car in the game, looks pretty similar including the moto

Bad picture but they look pretty identical
Not really.
The character you control is a bad donkey,
the game is programmed for you to cause trouble.
They programmed in an option to kick and punch girls and for them to react in pain and so on.
They did not program any abilities to play a superman or batman like character, helping people. It would defeat the purpose of the game, as I said, he is a bad donkey.
But your argument that it is boundless with no constraints and you can do what you want, (implying that you don't have to be bad) is nonsensical propaganda - no idea where you heard it, maybe from the makers. I doubt they believe that themselves. The title of the game is Grand Theft Auto, that should be a hint.
Not defending the game, but the idea of it being a sandbox game does hold true. I'm not sure if being ultra realistic is necessarily a bad thing. You figure if you were running from the police in a car and you ended up hitting pedestrians in real life, they would die. It would be pretty difficult to have a realistic game if that wasn't included unless it were like gran turismo where citizens just jump out of the way if you come near them so your not able to hit them.
I think i'd be lying if there weren't times I laughed flying through a crowd of pedestrians and watched them go flying. Contrary to that, I know if I ended up doing that in reallife, I would feel pretty bad and know my life is screwed. Not sure how acceptable that is (entertainment), the Romans used to watch people kill each other for entertainment so it's hard to say from a religious standpoint of how acceptable it is.
Main reason I brought up the game was the fact that Jews were put in the game and it makes little sense why they were added. The fact that the environment is set on New York City could be one reason, but then why not include the other ethnic groups? To me, what i'm pointing out is it sounds like it was done deliberately. Heck even in the net cafe in the game, you can hear the Jews yelling "Oy Vey" so that is a clear indication they were intended to be in the game to cause shock value or what not.
And by all means, your right, the characters you play are not good people.
GTA III, you play as Claude who is a silent criminal involved in robbing banks and escapes from a police van as a prisoner and goes on to make money by committing crimes.
GTA Vice City, you play as some psychopath by the name of Tommy Vercetti in Miami
GTA San Andreas, you play as Carl Johnson, a black gangster who makes excuses for his life of crime.
And then of course GTA IV you play as Niko Bellic.
Niko Bellic is a fictional character in the Grand Theft Auto video game series. He is the main protagonist and playable character of Grand Theft Auto IV. Niko is revealed to be guilty of previous criminal acts in his life, such as murder and human trafficking. He wishes to begin a new life in Liberty City.
During the course of the story, Niko is looking for someone who betrayed his old army unit and will stop at nothing to find him, enlisting help from wherever he can. Niko is said to be between 5’11” and 6’2”, is 30 years of age, 190-200 lbs and is a Serbian veteran of the Bosnian War.[3] A recent video release by Rockstar concentrates on the character of Niko, revealing an almost regretful attitude towards his violent and 'angry' past, but acknowledging his talent managing in hostile environments. The scene closes with a parting thought, leaving the impression that Niko is concerned for the well-being of his soul.[4]
So yeah, the game is based around playing as people guilty of crimes, or criminals, just that you do have the option of what you want to do. I was merely pointing out that killing hookers and pedestrians was not the main focus of the game though you do have the option to as you would in real life if you were to take a car and run over them.