I am in favour of liberty and equality, but not so much of fraternity.
Fraternity is imo something you grant only special people.
For you as a Jew is it much easier, because your peoples are at the same time members of your religion and you live in the Jewish state. This would be the same if I would live in Genf of the 16th century

For me as a Calvinist Christian is there nothing like society. There is only the church-community and perhaps outside today a few brothers in faith and some friends, but then is there beneath this only the gouvernmental-authority. The less the gouvernment is acting on social, educational and society issues, the more free I am in business and religion.
The greatest danger I personally see is too much fraternity.
I don't meant with my Athen example the slaves, but the poor people (free citizens) who became there like in Rome more and more powerfull because of their votes.
The most successfull agitators during all times became Tyrants who brought great suffering and war over the people.
Example for Athen: Peisistratos
Example for Rome: Julius Caesar
Example for France: Napoleon
Example for Russia: Lenin
And homogenity is no guarantee for a prosperous state, because look to Sweden.
In the second half of the 20th century it was the most evil socialist welfare state in Europe and there lived until 1990 nearly no foreigner in it.
Then smelled the Muzzies the welfare and like the rodent to the cheese ...

But it is the same all over Europe. Socialism is assisting evil. Without this free healthcare, free education and welfare systems we would not have the Muzzie problem.