The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Nazi Moron Attacks David and Solomon
--- Quote from: Marzutra on January 17, 2007, 07:06:17 PM ---Some good videos: enjoy...
--- End quote ---
Thats a leftist site
Actually, I was looking at some of the right wing videos: "The Clinton Chronicles", "The Capitalist Conspiracy" and "Money Masters: The Federal Reserve" which are very good and from the Conservative right as well articles like: "Then Secretary of State Albright says that the deaths of half a million children in Iraq as a result of sanctions is "worth it."", "Then National Security Advisor Rice says she knows nothing about the reports of $100,000 being transferred to the 9/11 terrorists from Pakistan's ISI". I saw a number of right wing things on here this is why I posted it. Now looking at it further you are very correct it has some radical leftist garbage as well. Thanks for informing me. I'm removing it now...
Here is the superior virtue of Mohammed, piss be upon him. ;D ;D ;D (don't click if you get offended by evil lego perversion)
Re: "...what exactly do you mean about the federal reserve?..."
Under the U.S. Constitution there is to be no such entity; the founding Fathers warned what a central bank would do to the American people.
The 16th Amendment was never properly ratified.
Today, wealth has been replaced with debt.
In fact, one is considered much less a citizen by not being in debt at all times.
An argument can be made that the Fed has contributed to a degree of stability to the swings of the economy, but at the expense of Federal tyranny in the guise of the Federal Income Tax (another outrage clearly outlawed by the U.S. Constitution).
The use of the IRS as a tool of an out of control government in the persecution of dissidents and/or political opponents is proof that the founding Fathers knew exactly why income taxation to "feed" a central bank system produced never-ending debt and tyranny.
In addition, Rabbi Meir Kahane himself was an outspoken opponent of the Federal Reserve, fiat cash, and debt replacing the gold standard; all for the exact reasons.
Rabbi Kahane claimed that the result of this misguided economic scheme would result in a total economic meltdown of the U.S. economy; with the Jews once again being made the scapegoat.
Re: "...i hope you dont buy into the lies of aaron russo (another jewish traitor)..."
I fail to understand the reasoning in this statement.
Presuming the Aaron Russo in question is the one and the same video producer who also fronts for Jews For The Preservation Of Firearm Ownership, I find Mr. Russo to be anything but a traitor; either to Jews or to the U.S.A .... if I am incorrect in my summation of Mr. Russo's character, please do enlighten me.
Re: "...russo cant prove that warberg, rothschild, rauchenfelder, etc etc are jews. i mean they have nothing to do with judaism, even if they give lots of money to israel. we will take money from anyone, whatever his motive, even hitler. since tzeddakah saves from mavet..."
Perhaps Russo can't prove it, but they are all definitely either Jews or of Jewish descent.
If memory serves me I believe Warberg converted to Christianity; therefore always mentioned as "a Jew who converted" in the press.
I for one will not accept "money from anyone...even Hitler...".
In fact, the State Of Israel is in the dilemma it finds itself today as a result of a "welfare dependency" mentality.
It's a simple fact of human nature that whoever gives you money has the right to direct your actions and thoughts....this results in a perverse symbiotic relationship of a master who gives to feel superior, and a parasitic underling who both eventually becomes completely unable to survive on their own, and also simultaneously seethes with resentment at being told what to do and how they are to do it.
Re: "...if hitler had carried through on his promises to the zionists and helped jews come to palestine and break the british stranglehold, he would have been a great hero to jewish history...
I studied daily for ten continuous years every historical and biographical work on the origins, the rise, and the fall of the Third Reich.
My research included reading every single speech ever given by Adolph Hitler, as well as reading interviews with those closest to his inner circle.
Nowhere have I found documented that Hitler had any plans (be they promises, or merely hear-say anecdotal evidence) for the Jews of Europe other than their deportion to the Isle Of Madagascar, and the confiscation of all Jewish property and wealth.
This plan he soon changed over to outright genocide in his "Final Solution".
I therefore challenge the poster to document his/her assertion that Hitler in any way, shape, or form, was in favor of assisting the Zionist Movement or any other individual or collective Jews.
I maintain that in fact the exact opposite is true; Hitler promised to destroy "International Jewry" permanently; and he included the United States in his plans.
He always referred to the U.S. as "a niggerized nation" (actual quote from one of his speeches) under the influence of "the Jewish-Bolshevik Conspiracy".
The Federal Reserve System in the United States to this day is un-constitutional. If one reads the Constitution they will find that the founding fathers gave the control over the right to print money and control the economic/financial supply of monies was to the Government and not a privately owned consortium. The Federal Reserve is a quite ingenius fraud to say the least. Well thought out and very much unconstitutional. Canada is an example of a centralized Federal system which is wholely owned and operated under stricked rules by our Federal Government. Actually, if you study the business cycles you will find that the Federal Reserve was largely the root the largest of all depressions. When your government needs money it takes out a loan from this private bank, Federal Reserve, on which the tax payer foots the bill for the interest on the trillions in debt not to mention the continual declining value of the US dollar.
The "Jews" you mentioned might very well be "Jewish" under halacha but, as you say, they do not practice Judaism nor care for Judaism. These people are globalists and ultra-capitalists. The Bilderberg Group is a very good example and the elite of the CFR/Trilateral Commission. They are the "Jewish" versions of the "Christian" David Rockefellers, Carnagies and Henry Fords.
Actually, you make a good point Massah. I am in the middle of reading Edwin Black's "The Transfer Agreement". Cohanechai, I do not know what you have read to allow you to come to the conclusions as you did. I certainly hope that you hadn't learned that in school, although I wouldn't be surprized if you had. Adolf Hitler held as early as 1921, two years before his bear hall failed putsch, open beliefs about ridding Germany of its Jews. Mein Kempf, although horribly bouring read too furthered this. I agree with Massuh that Adolf Hitler always wanted to rid the world of Jews. I have read a few books on Nazism's connections with Theosophy (New Age) and other Gnostic paganisms which teach this strain that the Jews are a left over race and holding the World back from entering its age of Aquarius, Knowledge or Enlightenment. This is where Hitler, through Alfred Rosenberg of the Thule Society, combined Socialism-Nationalism (although not in practice)-Racial/Aryan Gnosticism.
Now it is well known that the Nazis did make a pact with the Labor Zionists, Sam Cohen and the fellow that was murdered on the Tel Aviv Beach by 2 Arabs, of which the Revisionists where openly blamed through immense propaganda from Gurion's Mapai, to transfer Jews to "Palestine". The fact of the matter is the Labor didn't want ALL of Germany's/Europe's Jews just those that would turn "Palestine" into a "Jewish" Socialist "Utopia". Hitler, from what I have read, only went through with this to be rid of the Jews and to attain badly needed foreign currency to rearm Germany and for an economically collapsing Germany. Hitler had full intention of vanquishing all of the Jews, to which he made a pact with Hajj Amin El Husseini.
If I'm wrong Massuh feel free to correct me. I feel, Adolf Hitler had full intentions of committing the Holocaust either through the means he did or at a later date when Germany and Nazism rained as a "World Religion".
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