The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Nazi Moron Attacks David and Solomon

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Re:  " is well known that the Nazis did make a pact with the Labor Zionists, Sam Cohen and the fellow that was murdered on the Tel Aviv Beach by 2 Arabs, of which the Revisionists where openly blamed through immense propaganda from Gurion's Mapai, to transfer Jews to "Palestine"..."

I am aware of the Zionists' attempted negotiations with the Reich, but never did I find any documentation that Der Fuhrer himself was in any way disposed to either help them or promise them anything.  I read that Eichmann landed in Haifa to try to cut some kind of deal with the nutcases living there, etc... .  If anything, Hitler agreed with his contemporary Henry Ford that the idea of a Zionist State was ludicrous, and was intent on vanquishing the British Empire, of which British Mandate Palestine was a part.

"Let them (the Jews) look for his human rights where he belongs: in his own state of Palestine" - Adolf Hitler, April 1920. Pg 172 "The Transfer Agreement"- Edwin Black.  Now on that same page Adolf Hitler also stated: "The establishment of a Zionist State is nothing but a comedy."

So far from what I gather, there were agreements between the Labor Zionists in Israel, Britain and America to transfer Jews, through a cashless system of German exports to Palestine to be used and resold through Sam Cohen's company Hanotaiah.  Apparently, there were Jews that did emmigrate from Germany through this system. 

You are correct that Hitler himself did not have anything in his own writing from what I gather Hitler always worked through his lackys like Hjalmar Schect, Hortenstein and Wolff.  There were two Jews competing for the "transfer" agreement to trade Jews for German products and supply the funding to those emmigrating Jews to satisfy the British entrance requirements of 1000pounds.  Sam Cohen and Chaim Arlosoroff were the leading peoples working through various Zionist organizations, The American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Bnai Brith and others: The Anglo-Jewish Committee, The Board of Deputees of British Jews and the JFC.

It is a very interesting book to say the least.  It lends validity to "Perfidy" by Ben Hecht. Now earlier in the book Black makes it clear with quotes by Weismann and others that the Labor Zionists and this "Transfer" plan was not to be for the masses of Jews in German, or Europe for that matter, but only the young strong workers, the wealthy and the Socialists/Leftist for the purpose of financing and building their "Jewish" Utopia in Zion.  I'm only on page 212 but enjoying it because it tells the history of the Third Reich in the early years 1933-35 from a Jewish perspective which is often overlooked in books by Speer, Shirer or Toland.

You make some interesting points.  I wish to tell you I used to listen to Chamish but found that he, like Tesla has lost it mentally and has become delusional.  Giants, UFO's and the like.  I listened to him speak once about UFO's over Israel.  You and I both know that the IAF patrols the skies over Israel 24-7.  Should his statements hold any validity those "UFOs" would have entered Israeli airspace and been taken out either by an IAF F-16 or a remote ground to air defense missile battery. 

I admit that he does uncover some very interesting facts but one also has to look further. He had made a very good case in "Who Murdered Yitzak Rabin".  Was it true, I don't know.  Knowing political, social and moral debasement today, Chamish may well have been correct.

You are 100% correct about an agreement with the Nazis and the Labor Zionists.  Zionism is not Jewish National Socialism, well perhaps Labor Zionism.  Zionism (Religious Zionism) of Rav. Kahane stems from HaShem and Abraham in the book of Genesis.  Right Wing/Jabbotinsky Zionism was Jewish Nationalism.  Jabbotinsky, Begin and Shamir were hardened anti-Socialist activists. 

You might wish to read a very informative book by Antony Sutton "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" or "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution."  The Versilles treaty was not a "Jewish" thing.  This is the myth that Hitler promulgated for "The stab in the back" scape goat reasoning for Germany's defeat.  Hitler forgot the fact that the Allied forces cut off all supply routs and choked Germany into submission.  Hitler's hatred, combined with many of the "conspiracy" theorists hatred of the Jews brings forth all these, blame the Jews. 

I have no doubt that "Jews" were involved in the financial aspect undermining Germany in the Second World War but too there were many more "Christians". 

I agree with you in part but feel that the actualities lay in the with partial facts of your pointed statements and the over all position of Massah.  You have very good points but I feel that some are molestations of the far "delusional" Right and Left Wing where most of the "International Jew" crap seems to come from.  Hey, I know there is a ruling elite class.  I know there is a plan for the One World Government: CFR: Trilateral: EU: UN: Bilderbergs: Pugwash Group: Black Nobility: Club of Rome: Rosicrucians, Templars, Hell Fire Club, Illuminati and the rest.  They all did and do still exist....  I understand what you are saying... ;)

Yes you make a very good point.  One can look at the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" as holding some validity.  When published it was a known fact that Jacob Schiff financed Japanese against Tzarist Russia in 1904-'05.  Now some argue that he did this to teach the Tzar a lesson and stop the years of Russian Pogroms on defenseless Jews.  One step further is the Oppenheim, Warberg and Rothschild families which financed Wars in Europe and massive international "imperialistic" ventures on behalf of Belguim, Germany, England, America, Holland, France etc..  One can argue that they were aiding the desires of the respective monarchies at the time to expand their empires, while others lay fiath to their manipulation of them.  Could well be both I should think since looking at the Bilderbergs, elitists of the CFR, Round Table, Skull & Bones, Illuminati, Vatican, Council of Rome etc. still occur to this day.  Some say that Francis Bacon was actually behind Shakespere's works to subvert socialism and other gnostic illogic because Bacon was an intellectual well scholored in many subjects while one can argue the exact opposite about Shakespere.  You are 100% correct in your opinions, I should just add abit of caution.  It all sounds very plausable but can enter into the areas of disinformation, myths displayed as "facts" and guided assertians which the anti-semites use to blame the Jew.  "When the cat and dog fight, the cat usually dies.....and the World blames the Jew."

The fact concerning Hitler is he, specifically, held his beliefs long before he came to power.  Perhaps starting around 1918-19 with Rosenberg and The Order of the Teutons/Thule Society.  His family Dr. was a Jew which he had fond memories of, until his mother passed which changed with his new found Germanic I have read.  The Jews have always been held with suspician especially during the times when the Catholic Church outlawed usery for the Christians in 1179 resulting in excommunication from the Church or death.  The Jew started to become wealthy and further dispised...which you well know as most informed Jews do. 

Yes, you are correct about elitist Jews generating hatred on us, and one could go further in that they themselves hate us due to them being only "Jewish" by birth, globalists: elite Capitalists: Communists and may well also dabble in the deprave dark teachings of their societies, ex. Bush and the Skull and Bones.  You are very correct in your questions.  Have you read Rabbi Antelman's "To Eliminate the Opiate"? It is a fascinating work that I feel you will very much enjoy.  It deals with exactly this subject. 

Your very last question is something that I am particularly well read it.  Elitest "Jews" very much get along with Elitist "Christians" better than the low people.  This is the result of their ultimate quest: Power.  This is the goal of Socialism.  These elitiest advocate Socialism by promoting, funding and organizing these Communist, Socialist front groups using minorities, women and all of their socialist dogma "Freedom", "Human Rights" etc. to attain what they desire most; One World Government with their holding all the chips in their various controlled monopolies.  "The Naked Capitalist"-Skousen and Sutton's works display this fact well.  The fact that the elite in America brought the Bolsheviks and Hitler to power are behind all the most deviousness working in politics, economics and foreign policy today.  I strongly suggest Antelman's work as well "Trilaterals over America"- Sutton.  From a purely Leftist, but very interesting is "Tragedy and Hope" Carroll Quigley if you hadn't read these already. 

You are very correct in your questions.  Because they are Jews at all, they will attract more notice.  A Jewish Billionaire will attract more attention than Oprah Winfry...solely because he is a Jew and 2000 years of ant-semitic lore behind him.  One must never forget that there are far more non-Jews in this globalist NWO venture, but the Jew stands out because he is, and will always be seen as a Jew.  Remember most anti-semites blame Jews for Communism, which is simply not the case and further literally all of the Jews where purged from any and all places of influence in Soviet Russia by Stalin's "Great Purges".  Good questions....and conversations..  keeps us on our mental toes...  good job! ;) 

According to Jewish Law Henry Kissenger is no longer a Jew.  Supreme Rabbinic Court of America    (SRCA), was involved in several landmark events such as the excommunication of Henry Kissinger in 1976, the public condemnation of the Marxist New Jewish Agenda and the excommunication of its members in 1982.  Kissenger has long been a lacky of the Globalist Bilderberg group and elitists which intend to rule the One World government.  He is an appalling shame. 

It is very true that Wall St. financed the Bolshevik Revolution, with aid from European powers as well to take Russia out of the War.  As a matter of fact Woodrow Wilson was directly involved in getting Lennin out of jail her in Canada.  One must never forget that these people are only Jewish by birth but would be considered Amalek today under Torah Law.  One must also not forget that non-Jewish figures were perhaps more responsible than the Jews for the Bolshevik Revolution and many other Socialistic coups before and since.  J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford and many of their family/children, Owen Lattimore, E.M.House, Alger Hiss, Carter, Clinton and many many others. 

Yes these "Jews" are judenrot.  Many turned to Communism solely to escape from Tzarist pogroms, Christian Anti-Semitism, Lutheran "reforms", Catholic forced conversions and all sorts of other diabolical crimes.  I'm not saying that it was right but their belief after generations of massacres and pogroms for being Jews and keeping Judaism, having no religion is much better than being massacred.  Now Marx himself born a Jew but converted to Christianity......Which is perfectly ok to me because you can have him.... :)

I do know that during the Great Purges there was not one Jew left in the entire political system at any real capacity up until around 1954-57.  I'd think by looking at the Jewish Russian Oil Billionaire today in prison, they still don't have much trust in "Jews".

These Socialist Judenrot scum do make it bad for the righteous Jews becuase they too look on righteous Jews as lower "classes" but they fail to see their Communist "Christian" friends still see them as "Jewish" Communists and not just communists...if you know what I'm getting at.  Noam Chomsky is considered a Jew, Marx is always considered a Jew...  I guess it is very similar to some dope selling rapist murdering criminal shvartza or degenerate wigger walking down the road wearing a cross.  Is he Christian?  He thinks he is... 

Yes there are Judenrot Bolshevik scum but there are far more "Christian" Communist scum.  The fact that they are Jews makes them more attractive to blame (not that they shouldn't be)..... 

A collection of books you might like:
"Wall St. and the Rise of Hitler"-Antony Sutton:
"Wall St. and the Bolshevik Revolution"- Antony Sutton:
"Americas Secret Establishment"- Antony Sutton:
"Trilaterals Over America"- Antony Sutton


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