Author Topic: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?  (Read 16325 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« on: January 18, 2007, 03:30:25 AM »
How many of you think Catholicism is almost as big a plague on Western civilization as Islam?

FACT: Virtually all popes favor Israeli surrender, or at least negotiation with, the Muslim world. A few have been cheerleaders for holocausts against Jews and pretty much all non-Catholics.

FACT: A significant core of devout Catholics (i.e. Sobran, Buchanan, Gibson) are enthusiastic Jew-haters and Holocaust deniers and these guys have an awful lot of influence.

FACT: For many years Catholicism taught that Jews, all of them, are responsible for killing Jesus. Yeah, that changed in Vatican II, but how much of that was sincere and how much was in order to appease its critics?

FACT: The Vatican and most, if not all, of its cardinals (Los Angeles' very own Roger Mahony is a prime example) are Mexico-worshipping fascists who demand that America surrender now to the illegal hordes. Gee whiz, do you think that most Hispanics are born into Catholicism might have something to do with this?  ::)

FACT: The Catholic Church is, at its core, the worship of religion and the deification of man. It's also the First Church of Hypocrisy. The RCC calls it a mortal sin for a married couple to use any form of contraception or engage in any act that's not "open to life", but pardons time and time and time and time again its thousands of pedophile priests who not only molest, but actually RAPE tens of thousands of little boys. It refuses to turn in these perverts to the authorities and hides/destroys evidence against them, because Church "law" is superior to secular law (hmmm, what other religion teaches that?). Even now, when it's been completely dragged through the mud and discredited in the eyes of pretty much every single non-Catholic man, woman, and child on the planet, the Vatican STILL stonewalls on the priest-abuse issue.

With all due respect to the probable majority of American Catholics that are average, regular people having nothing to do with this wickedness, I think the RCC should be officially renamed to the First Nazi Church of Perpetual Sodomy. Chaim is right about Catholicism and I am not afraid to says so.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2007, 01:15:04 AM »
Surely I can get one response to this thread... :-\

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2007, 11:30:41 PM »
Personally speaking, I have never experienced ill will from numerous Catholic friends and acquaintances over the years.

The only ethnic/religious group which should concern Jews today...


The enemy destroying Jewish souls and Jewish bodies, is...


Israel has proven it can defeat combined and heavily armed Arab armies.

Israel has proven its ability to survive against impossible odds for thousands of years.

Israel has proven its great abilities and achievements in all areas of life except:
-AHAVAT YISRAEL....Love for all Jews
-Loving ourselves as Jews, without feeling it necessary to always be seeking approval of others.
-Acting as a united people to ensure our survival regardless of internal and external pressure; be it from governments, nations, individuals, or popular opinion.


They don't worry me....only the Jews do so.

Offline azrom

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2007, 12:16:10 AM »
The catholic church and the muslims are the biggests cults ever, imo.
"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Offline jsullivan

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2007, 01:05:05 AM »
First of all, I agree with Massuh that the worst enemy of the Jews are the Jews themselves. If the Jews would do what the Torah commands, no one would be able to touch them. The Jews would bring final and eternal redemption for the Jewish people and the righteous Gentiles if they would simply obey G-d's Torah commandments.

Obviously, I strongly disagree with the Catholic Church's strong support for open borders, illegal aliens, "affirmative action", more foreign aid, the anti-Israel positions, the anti-American positions, the pro-Muslim and pro-Third World positions, etc.

But we face an emergency threat to the very survival of America and Israel from the world's 1.5 billion Muslim Nazis. And the Muslim Nazis are supported by traitor multinational corporations, the traitor news media, self-hating Americans, self-hating Europeans, and last but definitely not least, self-hating Jews both in America and in Israel.

At a time like this, should we be picking a fight with the Catholic Church? We are going to turn off many white ethnic Catholics, who should be our natural allies. Many white Catholics do not agree with the Church's leftwing and "politically correct" positions. But they still honor the Church, because they were born into that religion. If you attack their Church, even if technically they agree with you on the illegal aliens and the other issues, many white Catholics will feel that you are attacking them.

JTF's position is that we want ALL decent Jews and decent Gentiles to unite in the urgent battle to save America, Israel and Western civilization. Obviously, that includes Catholics who understand the emergency situation. Therefore, JTF does not support attacks on the Catholic Church even though we understand the very troubling issues that you raise.

You can continue to express your opinions on this forum, but your attacks on the Church do not reflect JTF's views for the reasons stated.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2007, 03:08:04 AM »
Jimmy, I recognize you have a real point. I call upon the many noble and decent Catholic brothers and sisters who I know do not support the policies of the Vatican to pressure their pontiff and his circle for real reform. I am bothered that strict Catholic theology teaches that the church is never, ever wrong, so I am not quite sure how effective that will be, but the effort must be made, and Lord willing, someday it will have a real impact.

Offline stevefromqueens

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2007, 02:45:50 PM »
I am a Catholic and you are living in the dark ages - with regard to Catholics views toward Jews at least - I went to Catholic school and regularly attend church - I never heard an antisemitic word - in fact, we were taught that hatred of the Jews is a sin - and especially heinous since Jesus was a Jew. As for the church's views on immigration, I can't agree more - but just about all the organized churches are of the same ilk. As for pedophile priests - I agree that the church has handled this terribly - they should be drummed out and handed over to the cops and treated like anyone else who puts their hands on a child. Unfortunately, pedophiles will find their way into any place that allows them access to children - that includes churches, schools, youth groups, camps, counseling - the list goes on and on - I know people who have had terrible experiences with ministers and yes, rabbis, camp counselors and pediatricians - so the Catholic Church is not alone in this sin. Pope John Paul II saw the holocaust up close and personal and personally led the church down a path of taking responsibility for its horrific acts against Jews over the years. Pope Benedict has been honest about the intentions of Islam - I don't think this guy is any fool when it comes to the Muslims in our midst. The Catholic church is run by human beings (just like other religions) - they screw up, they allow their prejudices to blind them and there is always a share of the unscrupulous among them. But remember, the Church is a bastion against the crazy encroachments of gay "rights"; abortion on demand; euthanasia and slavery - it stands for family values, traditional marriage, respect for life no matter how old, sick or infirm - it has stood against the insanity of radical Islam before, and I believe it will do so again. You need to take a look at the Church of today, and stop living in the past.

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2007, 03:06:34 PM »
Jimmy, Steve and Massuh put it very well. 

Now I'm not a Christian/Catholic, so I don't think it's my place to get into the details here.  It looks like you all have strong views on the situation.  But let's just try not to fight each other here.  Instead let's focus on our common enemies -- radical Islam, terrorism, massive Third World immigration, traitor politicians, the biased mainstream media, etc., and what we can do to save America and Israel. 

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2007, 09:53:15 PM »
I had two catholic friends and they were very conservative pro Israel people so I don't think what you say speaks for all of them.  My current Catholic friend wants the pope to declare a crusade to wipe out the muslims but he is disappointed at how liberal the pope is. 
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2007, 11:23:06 PM »
I had two catholic friends and they were very conservative pro Israel people so I don't think what you say speaks for all of them.  My current Catholic friend wants the pope to declare a crusade to wipe out the muslims but he is disappointed at how liberal the pope is. 
Yeah, and these are exactly the kinds of Catholics we need. I know how many Catholics are genuinely right-wing, patriotic citizens. Unfortunately, the Vatican is not in line with these friends. Can it ever change? I do not know.

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2007, 03:00:46 PM »
I am Catholic and like you Steve spent 12 years of my life in the Catholic school system. And never heard any antisemetic from atleast the parish I went to about Judism or the Jews.  As far as the Pope goes, he is the top spiritual leader for the Catholic church. This new Pope, Pope Benedict, did something good but then turn a disapointment when he was condeming Islam. You all remember when they were threatening his life and they shot down an 60 year old Italian nun in Somalia.  And he back peddled to the Muslim cockaroach like anyone else that fear they may of ruffled some feathers.  As for myself raised under the Catholic religion I can say personally I love my Jewish brothers and sisters that do fight for the same cause.  I do not like weakness among any faith. We must stick together. Many generations infront of ours are depending on this generation now more then ever for us. America is in a crossroad right now.  Either we take the direction to have a better America for the next 1000s of years or this country is finished.  And I want for my grand children generation and their grand children's generation and America that they can be proud of not a country that looks like a cross between Mexico and Saudi Arabia with a mix of South Africa.

Offline fjack

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2007, 04:46:13 PM »
It is true that, as a former catholic. that I have never heard a word of anti-semitism,  but my problem with the 'church' is their liberal outlook on everything in the world. The problem is that these priests are paid a salary to do nothing. They may say one or two masses everyday, but besides that they do nothing. The problem is in the catholic church is the complusion to convert new members, take anyone that wants to be a priest, even if they are a homo, child molester and even worst. My Jewish brothers must remember that nazi germany was a 'lutherin' country. There were some catholics there, but the main religion was lutherin. Does this resolve all catolics or any christians in generals, absolytely wrong, Evil is evil my friends. I, for one who is a Noahide, am proud to stand with my Jewish brothers and sisters, I am proud to align myself wiith any politician who will stand up for a G-d fearing and sane living people. Any christian that supports my fellow believiors are welcomed in my world. All I can say is ISRAEL FOREVER AND MAY IT BE HOLY AND BLESSED IN THE EVES OF G-D. ISRAEL IS A HOLY SITE FOR THE JEWS. No arabs not allowed.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2007, 09:48:34 PM »
Fjack writes:  "...ISRAEL IS A HOLY SITE FOR THE JEWS. No arabs not allowed..."

Believe it or not, the Talmud states that a Jew is required to welcome a visiting Egyptian, should the Egyptian wish to be received as a guest and visitor.

It says that this is because of the 400 years which the Jews spent as "guests" in the Land Of Egypt.

The Talmud also states that a Jew must accept the marriage of a daughter to an Egyptian, and accept the Egyptian as a son-in-law; should such a scenario develop.

I write the above items not to argue with you, Fjack...only to ensure that "all the i's are dotted and all the t's are crossed", so to speak!

I will ask Chaim to elaborate further on these passages on his next question and answer show.

Regards from MassuhD
("bullwhip in hand; cleansing the land!")

Offline mord

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2007, 11:18:49 PM »
The Talmud also states that a Jew must accept the marriage of a daughter to an Egyptian, and accept the Egyptian as a son-in-law; should such a scenario develop.
I think on this you should check with Chaim
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2007, 02:51:15 AM »
I am Catholic and like you Steve spent 12 years of my life in the Catholic school system. And never heard any antisemetic from atleast the parish I went to about Judism or the Jews.  As far as the Pope goes, he is the top spiritual leader for the Catholic church. This new Pope, Pope Benedict, did something good but then turn a disapointment when he was condeming Islam. You all remember when they were threatening his life and they shot down an 60 year old Italian nun in Somalia.  And he back peddled to the Muslim cockaroach like anyone else that fear they may of ruffled some feathers.  As for myself raised under the Catholic religion I can say personally I love my Jewish brothers and sisters that do fight for the same cause.  I do not like weakness among any faith. We must stick together. Many generations infront of ours are depending on this generation now more then ever for us. America is in a crossroad right now.  Either we take the direction to have a better America for the next 1000s of years or this country is finished.  And I want for my grand children generation and their grand children's generation and America that they can be proud of not a country that looks like a cross between Mexico and Saudi Arabia with a mix of South Africa.
Amen. I hope you know from the beginning that my remarks about Catholicism had nothing to do with you or people like you. As you mention in reference to the slain nun, I am extremely disappointed in the pope, for many reasons. However, my opinion of mainstream, patriotic Catholic citizens has never been affected by church scandal/corruption/bad politcs.


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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2007, 08:14:40 AM »
I am a christian, Baptist to be specific. I think it is of the uttermost importance that all of us christians who are committed to JTF stay as unified as possible within the context of JTF and it's work. I think healthy debate over Catholic/Baptist/Lutheren/etc. is a good thing, but it has NO PLACE WHATSOEVER here on this forum or any JTF context. Those are my thoughts on this subject.   


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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2007, 08:50:46 PM »
I'm not Catholic and I am sure Catholics have their issues like every other group including the Jewish religon has. What get me though is the double standard that people defend people like Michael Jackson who abused boys yet when a small number of people in the church do it they crusify the whole Catholic religon. I was reading that on the boards here and I just thought that the double standard is pretty disturbing.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2007, 09:01:39 PM »
I think all pedos, regardless of background and religion, should be shot, as should those who support or cover for them.

Offline mord

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2007, 07:32:31 AM »
No it's not Catholicism it's reconstructionist and Reform Jews ;D
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2007, 10:28:06 AM »
Well, why does a religion need a bank?

What about the Jesuits? Nice people?

Money and power can be a corrupting influence.

My feeling is that although Roman Catholicism is not all bad, it does not measure up to Presbyterianism or the Pentecostals, for instance, who do not have such a technocratic stucture. The power of the message is evident in Catholicism, but I simply cannot trust an organisation with that much money, power, influence.

That said, the Church of England's (protestant) Archbishops are really political appointments. They are not really appointed by the Head of State (King or Queen).

Margaret Thatcher appointed Archbishop Carey to bring Britain in line with America's evangelical movement, the positivism of which was supposed to somehow link in with her radical free-market reforms.

Tony Blair appointed Rt. Rev. John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York:

He is probably a decent fellow, but I am no doubt that his appointment was politically motivated and engineered by Britain's neo-Marxists.

Unless Anglican clergymen adhere to 'partiinost', they do not receive promotion.

The Catholic Church in Britain, by contrast, is independent of the Government, so their message is often better on a number of issues, most recently that of 'gay adoption'.

The Presbyterian Church in Scotland and Northern Ireland is more independent still, and these are the sorts of ministries which Communists fear the most...


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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2007, 11:43:38 AM »
Regardless of the faults and flaws that exist in both "organised religion" and Bible based church/synagogue leadership, I really wish people would stop and think for a minute before they start posting things that clearly have the potential to offend members of JTF. I could rant for hours about Catholic history, I know it well, but there are absolutely 100% Jesus loving christians within that system, and some of them are right here. When you irresponsably post things like the title of this thread you are putting others in a position to respond in ways that will probably contain even more irresponsable and unnecessary provacation. There are no good muslims, we know that. But there are good and bad Jews and Christians of every type and also Noahides[I admit I don't know what this is but it's obviously embraced here] So I am starting to wonder if there just shouldn't be some sort of banning on these subjects, period. What difference does it make whether Rome is a huge cult IF NO ONE IS PUSHING SUCH BELIEFS HERE?? The church that I have attended for years has been taking huge leaps to the left, so much so that I am sitting home right now, Sunday morning at 11:39 am instead of being in church, because I need to find a new place to worship. What if it were public knowlege where I worship? Would it make any sense to attack that place even in a truthful way if I am not pushing their socialist agenda here? And it could give people a wrong impression about me. If I were a weaker person I might just up and leave[G-d forbid]. I am kinda ranting off the top of my head, maybe I am missing something but I don't think so.  :-\     


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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2007, 02:57:34 PM »
Allen, I do agree with you really and I hope that you are not referring to my post.

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2007, 09:54:36 PM »
Jimmy, I recognize you have a real point. I call upon the many noble and decent Catholic brothers and sisters who I know do not support the policies of the Vatican to pressure their pontiff and his circle for real reform. I am bothered that strict Catholic theology teaches that the church is never, ever wrong, so I am not quite sure how effective that will be, but the effort must be made, and Lord willing, someday it will have a real impact.

Hello my friend, and good day.

Chaimfan, I sympathize with your opinion and stated point of view completely.   The horrific history of the Catholic Church leaves me, just as it does you, more than a little bit wary of their direction, and agenda.  And nobody is probably tougher on Catholicism than the Protesting Catholics who refer to themselves as Protestants. The question that's been brought up here by some posters is a legitimate one:  Does the Catholic Church accurately reflect upon its members?   

I think I have to agree with Jimmy on this one.   I don't believe the Holy Sea/Rome and their agenda is what most ethnic Catholics have in their heart, and I hope and pray that they can influence their leaders to the right thing, as opposed to their leaders negatively influencing their members.  The current Pope has already done some odd things, and I doubt he'll be a real friend to the Jewish people, but that doesn't mean we should group Bible-believing Catholics together with their spiritual leaders.   This is one of the rare occasions where we shouldn’t apply guilt by association.

Thank you for your thoughts.
Psalm 53:2 "The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no G-D.'"

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2007, 09:03:24 AM »
Well, why does a religion need a bank?

What about the Jesuits? Nice people?

Money and power can be a corrupting influence.

My feeling is that although Roman Catholicism is not all bad, it does not measure up to Presbyterianism or the Pentecostals, for instance, who do not have such a technocratic stucture. The power of the message is evident in Catholicism, but I simply cannot trust an organisation with that much money, power, influence.

That said, the Church of England's (protestant) Archbishops are really political appointments. They are not really appointed by the Head of State (King or Queen).

Margaret Thatcher appointed Archbishop Carey to bring Britain in line with America's evangelical movement, the positivism of which was supposed to somehow link in with her radical free-market reforms.

Tony Blair appointed Rt. Rev. John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York:

He is probably a decent fellow, but I am no doubt that his appointment was politically motivated and engineered by Britain's neo-Marxists.

Unless Anglican clergymen adhere to 'partiinost', they do not receive promotion.

The Catholic Church in Britain, by contrast, is independent of the Government, so their message is often better on a number of issues, most recently that of 'gay adoption'.

The Presbyterian Church in Scotland and Northern Ireland is more independent still, and these are the sorts of ministries which Communists fear the most...

At least that ugly [censored] doesn't have a white wife, yet.  But who knows how many white women he's had, from stripclubs and so on.   :o
« Last Edit: April 23, 2007, 09:21:24 AM by Fruit of thy loins »
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?


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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2007, 02:19:22 PM »
At least that ugly schvartza doesn't have a white wife, yet.  But who knows how many white women he's had, from stripclubs and so on.   :o
