Author Topic: Croatia declares the Serbs death ?!  (Read 3275 times)

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  • Master JTFer
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Croatia declares the Serbs death ?!
« on: July 03, 2008, 09:35:55 AM »
The English translation

The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina

Title: Croatia declares the Serbs death

The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in exile is honored to welcome the diplomatic consular representatives of the Republic of Serbia and to notify them
(in accordance with note 351/06, dated 29. 11. 2006) about the crimes and the ethnic cleansing against the Serbs in the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Croatia, whose consequences are not being removed by the authorities in Zagreb. This criminal politic of Croatia is supported by the Vatican, EU and the USA.
The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina is reminding the diplomatic consular representatives of the Republic of Serbia that the members of the EU are ignoring the facts that Croatia’s parliament does not stand for democracy, the respect of the human rights and the removing of the consequences of the genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Serbs from 1991 un till 1995. This is also testified/ confirmed by the lawsuit, which takes years long, in regard to the civil terrain of the Serb Bozo Plavsic which is located at St. Philip Jakov in the city Biograd of Dalmatia. The Croatian authorities and court deprived this Serb of his civil terrain by using as argumentation – the declaration that the man is death.
Even if the man is still in life and had several times accost the court, authorities and the people’s register institution, the false information concerning his death was registered in the population’s register.
. To the Serbian man is told that based on the information of the people’s register, his ground (at the cost of Philip Jakov) is sold, by the local authorities, to third parties. To the question, why the civil terrain was not given tot the beneficiaries of the Serb Bozo Plavsic was, by the employees of Philip Jakov’s municipality, not answered. Today, the new falls owner of this terrain Luka Vujevic (a Croat by nationality) has build a house on the civil terrain of the Serb Bozo Plavsic. This action has not been prevented by any institutions of the Croatian government. The RSK’s government is informing the diplomatic consular representatives of the Republic of Serbia that this happening was published in a Croatian magazine “identity” (number 8 of the year 2008) which is fabricated in Zagreb and previously it was read on the radio “FreeEurope”.
We are also pronouncing to the diplomatic consular representatives that the centre for the increase of democracy in the city Split (Croatia), which is notified about the suffering of the sir Bozo Plavsic, has discovered that the Croatian authorities, courts and people’s register institutions have exactly behaved in the same way towards the Serbs from the areas of Dalmatia (from Makarska until Zadar and on the islands). The center for the “increase of democracy” in Split, till this moment, has discovered that the Croatian authorities and courts have deprived 147 Serbian families of their citizen-terrains, homes and other properties. 

The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in exile is begging to the diplomatic consular representatives of Serbia to remind/notify their institutions about this violation of the human rights of the Serbs in Croatia, such examples won not pass on in other countries.

The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina is taking advantage of this opportunity to show it’s high respect towards the diplomatic consular representations of the Republic of Serbia. 

Government of the
Republic of Serbian Krajina
« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 09:42:23 AM by DALMACIJA »


  • Master JTFer
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Re: Croatia declares the Serbs death ?!
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2008, 09:37:40 AM »
The originally Serbian version

Влада Републике Српске Крајине у прогонству има част да поздрави дипломатско-конзуларна представништва у Републици Србији и да их обавести (сходно ноти бр. 351/06, од 29. 11. 2006) о злочинима над Србима и етничком чишћењу Срба у РС Крајини и Хрватској, чије последице власти у Загребу не отклањају, а Европска унија, Ватикан и САД подржавају ту злочиначку политику Републике Хрватске према Србима.
Влада РС Крајине подсећа дипломатско-конзуларна представништва да чланице Европске уније прећуткују чињенице да Влада и Сабор (парламент) у Хрватској не заступају демократију, не поштују људска права и не отклањају последице злочина геноцида и етничког чишћења над Србима од 1990. до 1995. године. На то упућује и вишегодишњи судски спор у вези с грађевинским земљиштем Србина Боже Плавшића у Светом Филипу Јакову, код Задра, у Далмацији. Хрватске власти и хрватски суд су одузели грађевинско земљиште господину Божи Плавшићу, користећи се најневерватнијим образложењем – прогласили су га мртвим. То је унесено у матичне књиге умрлих – иако је он жив и лично се обратио: и властима, и суду, и матичару. Но, речено му је да тако пише у матичним књигама умрлих и да је, због тога, његово грађевинско земљиште на обали Јадранског мора преузела општина и продала трећем лицу. На питање, зашто суд овај плац није доделио наследницима – и у случају смрти Боже Плавшића, службеници у Општини Свети Филип Јаков нису ништа одговорили, али нису ништа ни предузели, па је измишљени власник плаца – Лука Вујевић (хрватске националности) озидао кућу на плацу господина Боже Плавшића.
Влада упућује дипломатско-конзуларна представништва да је овај случај отимања имовине српској породици описан у хрватском часопису „Идентитет“ – број за фебруар 2008. године, излази у Загребу, а претходно је био прочитан на радију „Слободна Европа“. 
Влада обавештава дипломатско-конзуларна представништва да је Центар за развој демокрације у Сплиту (Хрватска), подстакнут невољама господина Боже Плавшића, открио да су хрватске власти, судови и матичари, поступили према Србима на исти начин у насељима Далмације - од Макарске до Задра и на отоцима. Тако је Центар за развој демокрације у Сплиту, досада, открио да су хрватске власти и судови одузели од 147 српских породица: грађевинско земљиште, куће, привредне погоне и летњиковце.
Влада РС Крајине моли ДКП у Републици Србији да обавесте своје владе о овом страховитом кршењу људских права Срба у Хрватској, јер такве примере није могуће срести ни у једној другој држави.
Влада Републике Српске Крајине у прогонству користи и ову прилику да дипломатско-конзуларним представништвима у Републици Србији понови изразе свог високог поштовања.



  • Master JTFer
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Re: Croatia declares the Serbs death ?!
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2008, 09:46:12 AM »
Feel free to provide corrections to the translation...

Offline Jasmina

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Re: Croatia declares the Serbs death ?!
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2008, 09:48:05 AM »
  Did you make the translation??? wow!!!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!


  • Master JTFer
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Re: Croatia declares the Serbs death ?!
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2008, 10:00:34 AM »
  Did you make the translation??? wow!!!

Yes.. I hope its good..

I made it this morning...

thanks Jasmina..
« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 10:07:28 AM by Jasmina »

Offline Hail Columbia

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Re: Croatia declares the Serbs death ?!
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2008, 07:41:30 PM »
   The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in exile is honored to welcome the diplomatic consular representatives of the Republic of Serbia and to notify them (in accordance with note 351/06, dated 29. 11. 2006) about the crimes and ethnic cleansing against the Serbs in the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Croatia, whose consequences are not being reversed by the authorities in Zagreb.  This criminal government of Croatia is supported by the Vatican, EU and the USA.

   The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina is reminding the diplomatic consular representatives of the Republic of Serbia that the members of the EU are ignoring the facts about Croatia’s parliament, that it doesn't stand for democracy, respect for human rights and for reversing the consequences of the genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Serbs from 1991 to 1995. This is also testified to and confirmed by the lawsuit, which took several years, in regard to the property of the Serb Bozo Plavsić, which is located at St. Philip Jakov, in the city of Biograd in Dalmatia.  The Croatian authorities and court deprived this Serb of his property by arguing that the man is legally dead.

   Even though that he is still alive, and had several times petitioned the court, authorities and the people’s register institution, the false information concerning his death was registered in the population’s register.

   It was told to him that based on the information of the people’s register, his property (at the cost of Philip Jakov) was sold by the local authorities to third parties.  As to the question as to why his property was not given to the beneficiaries of Plavsić by the employees of Philip Jakov’s municipality, it has not been answered.  Today, the new owner of this property, Luka Vujević (a Croat by nationality), has built a house there.  This action has not been prevented by any Croatian government institution.  The RSK’s government is informing the diplomatic consular representatives of the Republic of Serbia that this incident was published in a Croatian magazine "Identity" (2008, #8) which is published in Zagreb and was previously read on Radio Free Europe.

   We are also pronouncing to the diplomatic consular representatives that the center for the increase of democracy in the city of Split, Croatia, which is notified about the suffering of Bozo Plavsić, has discovered that the Croatian authorities, courts and people’s register institutions have acted exactly in the same manner towards the Serbs from Dalmatia (from Makarska to Zadar, and on the islands).  The center for the "increase of democracy" in Split, up to this moment, has discovered that the Croatian authorities and courts have deprived 147 Serbian families of their property, homes and so on.

   The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in exile is begging to the diplomatic consular representatives of Serbia to remind/notify their institutions about this violation of the human rights of the Serbs in Croatia, as such examples would never be tolerated in other countries.

   The government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina is taking advantage of this opportunity to show it’s high respect towards the diplomatic consular representations of the Republic of Serbia.

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  • Master JTFer
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Re: Croatia declares the Serbs death ?!
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2008, 05:01:19 AM »
Bets Columbia,

Thank you very much for your help and time.
You always provide exellent results..

« Last Edit: July 04, 2008, 05:57:24 AM by DALMACIJA »