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Why do blacks wear Do-rags?

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How many of you have noticed baboons walking down the street with what appears to be a prophylactic on their heads?  Why do they wear these idiotic get-ups?  Worse is when they wear a do-rag and a baseball cap(turned slightly to the side) on top of it. Will this trend ever end?  It's embarrassing to see these fashion failures parading around in the street like they are wearing Armani suits. I didn't know it was so cool to be black.  No other culture except the diaper heads walk around like this.  How pathetic!

Dear Sunnyside,
The reason that these creatures wear 'do rags' is because they want to straighten their hair. I believe that it may be a tribal thing. They, sub consciously, wish to be white, ( that is why you see the female of the species wear wigs that they purchase for Korean vendors on the street). Before the used a chemical called, I believe called parmatove that was lye, that made their 'hair' straight. This product fell out of fashion, hence the introduction of the do rag which also makes what the primitives call a 'gerry curl'. They are very primitive and simple creatures, unable to fend for themselves. are the victims of MTV, soul train and the reruns of the cosby show. There is no help for these biological misanthropes, they are unable to persue the higher attainments in life, so they must settle for whatever their proto-human brain can take in.

It's a shame about do-rags.  I worked with a couple of nice blacks guys who wore them.  They were hard working, genuinely nice people.  But I think the vast majority of them definitely get locked into "group think".  Between those and the insanely baggy pants, the prison and criminal culture is too strong.  I hope it goes out of style.

El Cabong!:
Do-rags just make them look more like doo-doo on a stick.

Ever see a fat black woman (notice food stamps feeds well) and shes out of the house with hair curlers on her head what is that???


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