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Why do blacks wear Do-rags?

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--- Quote from: SunnysideJewess on August 20, 2006, 10:15:38 PM ---Why do they wear these idiotic get-ups?
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I thought it was so they can quickly pull them down over their face for cover in the event that an opportunity to rob someone presented itself.

 >:( I have seen young whites wear these dopey "Du-Du-rags".& they look the stupidest of all with them on!
I guess they are known as "wiggers" .I call these idiots C - J 's (Caucasion Jungle - Bunnies). ;D

El Cabong!:

--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on August 24, 2006, 12:03:45 AM ---Ever see a fat black woman (notice food stamps feeds well) and shes out of the house with hair curlers on her head what is that???

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They wear curlers out of the house because it actually looks better than their own hair. And as if curlers would actually work on those kinkers they call hair.


--- Quote from: SunnysideJewess on August 20, 2006, 10:15:38 PM ---How many of you have noticed baboons walking down the street with what appears to be a prophylactic on their heads?  Why do they wear these idiotic get-ups?  Worse is when they wear a do-rag and a baseball cap(turned slightly to the side) on top of it. Will this trend ever end?  It's embarrassing to see these fashion failures parading around in the street like they are wearing Armani suits. I didn't know it was so cool to be black.  No other culture except the diaper heads walk around like this.  How pathetic!

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Apparently you haven't seen the ones that wear what seems like a mens underwear brief with the legs sewn shut on their heads. It actually has the waste band with the designers underware name on it. The first time I saw a coworker have this on I had to ask why he was wearing his underwear on his head and  did he make it himself or was it something you could buy. What I would really love to know is how they think its normal to go around like this.

it be com-b-na-shun pote-a-buh con-dum 'an win-sheel cleen'a!
no whut' ah'se say-in'???


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