First off, do you get enough physical excercise? It's very good for helping you sleep at night.
Do you drink coffee or tea? If so, limit your intake to the morning.
Are you taking any other medications besides the sleeping pills? Also I would not rely on the sleeping pills for long. They're only for temporary use, as they interfere with your REM sleep cycle.
Do you watch TV in bed or do use your laptop in bed? If so, stop it at once. The bed should be only for sleeping (and intimacy if your married).
When you find you're unable to sleep, do you stay in bed tossing and turning? If so, don't do it. Get out of bed, and do something else. Again, your be should be associated only with sleeping (and intimacy if you're married).
And finally, you need to go to sleep and wake up every day at similar times. For example if one night you go to bed and 3:00 a.m. and wake up a 11:00 a.m., then another night you try and sleep at 11:00 p.m., then wake up at 7:00 a.m., you'll have problems.
Anyway, hope that helps.