Strictly for the record, the true definition of the Trinity is that a single, undivided G-d, with one nature, has three eternal and uncreated aspects or persons that are always manifested simultaneously. The best and most accurate analogy for the Trinity is that of the human mind. All at once, a person possesses rational (pragmatic), emotional (feelings or passion-driven), and philosophical (intellectual) faculties. Nobody would say that we are all schizophrenic because we possess all three sides at once.
The divine Trinity is far more united and indivisible than that, though, because the three Persons in it never have any disagreements or conflicts in purpose (unlike the tensions and divisions that are constantly in our own minds).
I fully respect/accept, of course, that most forum members will never believe in the Trinity, but I just felt that it was germane, and an opportune time, to explain just exactly what it is for the public record.