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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« on: July 16, 2008, 01:09:11 AM »

I have gotten a lot of flak for some of my rhetoric regarding Israel's behavior regarding the Samir Kuntar/200 other Lebanese/PLO prisoners debacle. While I would like to apologize to people who truly misunderstood my intent and were offended (and indeed I did clarify what I was stating), I will not change my intent and purpose. The Jewish nation is committing a grave and abominable sin currently, and this is absolutely the correct time to be offensive about it and advertise it. My hope is that average Israelis or even American Jews got to see my thread and were very offended by it. I hope it stirs them to outrage and disgust over this travesty being committed by Israel's leadership and tolerated by her people, and perhaps even to look into their own souls.

Three points I would like to make:

1: We will get nowhere by pretending that Israeli cowardice and groveling do not exist. Whether or not the Israeli public supports this because they love Samir Kuntar (not that that is the case, albeit there will always be a certain percentage of Tali Fahimaite Jewish Nazis) or because they feel bad for the soldiers' families and want them to get their bodies back is not relevant at this stage; an injustice for which words in the English vocabulary do not exist is being perpetrated as we speak.

Granted--thanks to the unceasing work of HaYamin HaAmiti, Israelis are at a place now more than ever--particularly the younger generations--where they are willing to consider all viewpoints, including those once damned as belonging to the extreme right, such as ours. Kahanism has changed from a verboten dirty word to a political movement that can be discussed and debated, at least informally. Still, the majority of Israelis are self-hating right now. We need to change that. If that were not the case, JTF would not need to exist. Obviously, nobody is going to assert that we have no more work to do. There may be some exceptions here and there (i.e. the fact that 75% of Israelis, thank G-d, oppose surrendering the Golan, and the recent news that the Sex in the City ads got banned), but as of this moment more than half of Israelis favor appeasement and surrender policies (to varying degrees) on various issues pertaining to terrorism/jihad and/or feel sorry for the Arab Nazis (as in opposing executing family members of shahids, even though they encouraged them to blow up Jews and celebrate afterwards).

2: It is our job to prophetically speak to each and every Jew, and in particular each and every Israeli, in order to call them back to G-d and to appeal to their morality (and common sense) in the hopes that they will reject such clearly evil decisions as the one being made right now. Chaim Ben Pesach has been annointed by G-d with the ability to preach as a true sage and moral giant to his people, and this is the hour where this is needed most. One of history's most savage spree-killers, and 200 of his cohorts, are being freed as we speak, in exchange for a falsified report on an Israeli POW and a box full of what is likely sheep or camel bones. That is an ugly and odious deed. This is a time where we need to use ugly and odious and offensive language in order to describe it. Believe me--G-d will judge everyone who supports or even tolerates this. It is my hope that Israelis will be outraged at my description of their country as self-hating and their religion as having been hijacked by the G-d-hating extreme left. Perhaps that will spur them to want to change that.

3: I will use ugly language to describe evil deeds being engaged in by any religion, at any particular time. A few people thought that I was unfairly tarring and condemning all of Judaism. Obviously (to me) that is not the case, but if anybody genuinely got that impression, I do apologize. I did edit my words to reflect beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did not intend to do that, so I would urge you to check that in case you didn't see it yet. At the same time, I will not back down from reminding us of the plain truth that currently, the majority of Judaism being practiced is not even remotely true to Torah and is being used to support and justify all kinds of evil, anti-Jewish decisions that self-hating leaders love to make.

I don't think for a second that Judaism is the only religion being used and manipulated in order to justify wickedness. I have always criticized all evil committed in the name of religion, including my own. I am an evangelical, born-again Christian--about as fundamentalist as they come--and yet I have always pointed out truths such as the following, and will continue to do so whenever germane:

--The vast, vast majority of so-called Christians in the past two millenia have been such in name only. Almost all of them have been nominal phonies, and the majority have been vile Jew-haters.

--Currently, over half of so-called Christians are very left-wing, being either mainline Protestants (i.e. Methodists, Presbyterians [the Presbyterian Church even officially boycotted Israel for a long time], Anglicans, etc.), liberal nominal Catholics, or anti-Semitic Orthodox (i.e. the Russian and much of the Greek Orthodox Churches). The majority of self-identified world "Christians" today are anti-Israel and would hate an organization such as JTF.

--In times such as the 1000s CE and the 1490s, virtually every single "Christian" was an Amalekite fiend from Gehenom, and that is exactly where these devils are residing in right now.

--Almost immediately after the actual times of the Bible, the new Christian church became infested with all sorts of Jew-hating slime, such as the Nazi John Chrysostom, whose insane, pathological, ludicrous obsession with Jewry would have almost been comical had it not led to so much mass murder and holocausts. The fact that so many early "Christians" were seduced by his mental illness proves beyond any doubt that they were never saved (Christianese for going to heaven) and were amongst the legions of deceived cultists who were never part of the true church in the first place. There was no excuse for this evil, because of the obvious fact that Jesus was a Jew and the numerous passages in both Testaments admonishing the significance of the Jewish people.

--During the early Protestant Reformation, Nazis such as Martin Luther were tragically very popular and influential, and they played a big role in making the Shoah acceptable to European Protestants.

--Most importantly for our purposes today, the Arab "Christians" are every bit as Jew-hating as their Muslim brethren, even as they are being persecuted by them. These beasts support Muslim Jew-killers at every turn. They are not forced to adopt Muslim Nazi viewpoints out of fear for their lives; this fact is proven by the fact that even in America and Europe, where they have the freedom of speech to support Israel if they desire, the vast majority of them continue to be mouthpieces for Muslim Nazi mass murder. Exceptions such as the righteous Gentile and true Christian Joseph Farah of World Net Daily are very few and far between. Upwards of 95% of Arab "Christians" are pure Amalekite rodefs. Here are some facts:

a: Currently, the main Maronite political party in Lebanon is an ally of Hezbollah.
b: In the summer of 2006, the Maronites thanked Israel for saving them from genocide by dyeing their hair green and yellow and throwing wild orgies in the streets of Beirut in support of Sheik Nasrallah. Undoubtedly, the vast majority of Maronite "Christians" are preparing big welcome parties for Samir Kuntar.
c: Today, there are actually priests in places such as Syria who dedicate sermons to Sheik Nasrallah.
d: The Israeli Arab "Christians" accused the IDF of "invading" their churches in Nablus and Bethlehem during the intifada.
e: Many Arab Nazi terrorists, such as George Habash and his PFLP faction of the PLO, were of "Christian" background.

(By the way, some of you might remember that I did not protest when Fruit of thy Loins stated that all Christians living in Israel should be killed, because the vast majority of those "Christians" indeed do deserve death.)

I could go on and on, but you get the point. I will criticize all religion that, in its current specific practice, is making evil choices. Again, though, for the record, I of course do not believe that all of Judaism is responsible for Israeli episodes of self-hatred (any more than I believe that all of Christianity is responsible for pogroms).


Offline JTFFan

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 01:14:30 AM »
This is exactly true, C.F.  >:(
I have talked to Nazi Chaldeans that still hate the Jews and are anti-Israel and pro-Fakistine and support their Arab muSSlim Nazi brethren.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 01:20:16 AM »

I have gotten a lot of flak for some of my rhetoric regarding Israel's behavior regarding the Samir Kuntar/200 other Lebanese/PLO prisoners debacle. While I would like to apologize to people who truly misunderstood my intent and were offended (and indeed I did clarify what I was stating), I will not change my intent and purpose. The Jewish nation is committing a grave and abominable sin currently, and this is absolutely the correct time to be offensive about it and advertise it. My hope is that average Israelis or even American Jews got to see my thread and were very offended by it. I hope it stirs them to outrage and disgust over this travesty being committed by Israel's leadership and tolerated by her people, and perhaps even to look into their own souls.

Isn't this the precise argument nik made about the Vatican's behaviors?   But at least in his case, and to his credit, he did not blame "Catholicism" or say "catholicism is selfhating."   

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2008, 01:28:23 AM »
Many specific popes were extremely anti-Semitic and even sponsored holocausts. Nobody at JTF was denying that. I did not even deny that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church today isn't a friend of Israel. What we did not like was the fact that the claims he was making were just plain nutty and made us look like wackjobs (i.e. that the pope ordered 9/11 and that Catholicism controls world Islam).

However, I have no problem saying that Christianity (the majority of it across the world) is a self-hating religion.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2008, 01:33:01 AM »
the majority of Judaism being practiced is not even remotely true to Torah and is being used to support and justify all kinds of evil, anti-Jewish decisions that self-hating leaders love to make.

Not true.

  the majority of Judaism being practiced is not even remotely true to Torah.
   =  Not true.

  and is being used to support and justify all kinds of evil, anti-Jewish decisions that self-hating leaders love to make. 
    =  Not true.   Most Jews who practice Torah Judaism, practice Torah Judaism.  They don't go around justifying the actions of politicians.  This is not a concern for most people.  It is Jewish federation and AIPAC types who do that stuff.  What percentage of Jews are the leaders of those kind of movements?  And most of them don't pretend to practice Judaism.  Torah Jews go around and give shiurim, tzedaka, share shabbos meals, learn Torah in beit midrash (study hall), try to do mitzvot ,make a living, have families, etc.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2008, 01:41:28 AM »
  the majority of Judaism being practiced is not even remotely true to Torah.
   =  Not true.

And also, this is often used as an antisemitic canard.   

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2008, 01:43:41 AM »
KWRBT, the majority of world Jews today do not practice Torah Judaism. The majority of world Judaism today is Deformed or closely resembles it. Everybody knows what Deformed Judaism stands for.

After the Deformed Jews, there is the Conservative branch (which is scarcely any better), and then there are fraudulent pseudo-Torah Jews (such as is typified by the early '90s organization "Orthodox Rabbis for [black NYC former Mayor David] Dinkins" and currently by the frauds in the various splinter movements such as Mike Guzofsky and David Haivri).

Finally, there are nominal, unobservant Jews who, for whatever reason, are not practicing anything at the moment. Most Jews in the Soviet Union, in its later stages, fit this category (note--I know that this was in large part due to persecution, but assimilating had become a way of life in any event to them).

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2008, 01:44:22 AM »
And also, this is often used as an antisemitic canard.   
Did you see my remarks about world Christianity?

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2008, 01:45:43 AM »
It is Jewish federation and AIPAC types who do that stuff.  What percentage of Jews are the leaders of those kind of movements? 
Most American Jews do go along with these sham organizations, at the moment.

Offline briann

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2008, 01:45:47 AM »
Many specific popes were extremely anti-Semitic and even sponsored holocausts. Nobody at JTF was denying that. I did not even deny that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church today isn't a friend of Israel. What we did not like was the fact that the claims he was making were just plain nutty and made us look like wackjobs (i.e. that the pope ordered 9/11 and that Catholicism controls world Islam).

However, I have no problem saying that Christianity (the majority of it across the world) is a self-hating religion.

Yes.. well said.

Listen... I can go on and on about problems and issues I have with the Catholic Church and can state numerous historical travesties at the hands of the Catholic church.

However... conspiracy nutballing such as the pope ordered 9/11 is JUST AS BAD AS MUSLIMS CLAIMING THE JEWS DID 9/11.  I wish Nik could see this... but he will never..

Most importantly Jew hating is 99% conspiracies 1% fact... whereas, Islam hating is 99% fact 1% conspiracy.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2008, 01:49:45 AM »
Most importantly Jew hating is 99% conspiracies 1% fact... whereas, Islam hating is 99% fact 1% conspiracy.
I am sure that you meant nothing by this, but can you please explain it? It looks "off".


Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2008, 01:51:28 AM »
It is Jewish federation and AIPAC types who do that stuff.  What percentage of Jews are the leaders of those kind of movements? 
Most American Jews do go along with these sham organizations, at the moment.

What does it mean "go along with" these organizations?   ANd what does it have to do with Judaism?   These organizations have nothing to do with practicing Torah Judaism.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2008, 01:53:02 AM »
These organizations have nothing to do with practicing Torah Judaism.
Exactly. Thus, it is my hope that mainstream American Jewry would immediately stand up and repudiate these disgusting shams and run them out of town on a rail. That is what JTF is for, though.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2008, 01:55:30 AM »
These organizations have nothing to do with practicing Torah Judaism.
Exactly. Thus, it is my hope that mainstream American Jewry would immediately stand up and repudiate these disgusting shams and run them out of town on a rail. That is what JTF is for, though.

But like I said, what does it have to do with Torah Judaism?   A Torah Jew why would he bother himself with AIPAC?  It's an irrelevancy, some stupid 'political' lobby group.  I don't understand what you mean.  You think that in order for Jews to practice Judaism properly it means they have to occupy themselves with trifles and meaningless self-hating things like AIPAC?   The opposite is true.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2008, 01:57:14 AM »
Most American Jews do not practice Torah and, in their ignorance, actually think AIPAC and similar groups are really standing up for their interests. They are very stupid for believing this. That is why Jews Against Obama needs to reach them right now.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2008, 01:58:49 AM »
You think that in order for Jews to practice Judaism properly it means they have to occupy themselves with trifles and meaningless self-hating things like AIPAC?   The opposite is true.
A Torah Jew would expose AIPAC for the whores and pigs that they are. Most Jews in America are not observant, and do not understand how rotten the Jewish establishment groups ar.e

Offline briann

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2008, 02:04:15 AM »
Most importantly Jew hating is 99% conspiracies 1% fact... whereas, Islam hating is 99% fact 1% conspiracy.
I am sure that you meant nothing by this, but can you please explain it? It looks "off".



Anti-antisemitism is built upon lies..  anti-Islamism is built upon facts.
For example...

1) all of the 'Protocols for the elders of Zion' is fabricated... however... it has helped to create many norms in modern day anti-semitism.  It helped form Hilter's ideologies... and its still widely distributed in the Muslim world today.
2) the idea that Jews kill christian kids and make maza from them was a falsehood from the middle ages.. but most Muslims believe today (thanks to Islamic propoganda)
3) anti-semites believe that the west and the world is controlled by a secret zionist conspiracy that steals money from everyone... and wants to control the world.


Every reason that we hate Muslims.. is based upon FACTS

1) they did perpetrate 9/11
2) the DO perpetrate 99% of all terrosit acts
3) the DO treat women like animals
4) They Do mostly deny the Hollocaust and that 9/11 was perpetrated by them

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2008, 02:07:09 AM »
What I meant was why the 1% exception on either side?

All of anti-Semitism is based upon satanic lies.
All of anti-Islamism is based upon a study of the Koran, Hadiths, and world events.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2008, 02:07:59 AM »
CF.   You are using loose statements

I of course do not believe that all of Judaism is responsible for Israeli episodes of self-hatred (any more than I believe that all of Christianity is responsible for pogroms).

And the rest of your post does not -touch- theology. But talks of how jews or christians have not abided by their religion.

Fact is.  Israel's self hating leaders do not even claim to be religious/practicing/orthodox jews.  Neither do the leaders of the big jewish organisations.

So this isn't some ticket for you to "criticise" judaism. Whatever that means.

What you do do, is you Curse the satmar rebbe(an anti-zionist rabbi).  You claim he is not a rabbi. (he has rabbinical smicha, so he is).  Neither jews or gentiles should be cursing jews.  Especially not here. You have made  comments about the judaism that religious members practice, and about the talmud.  All suggesting some idea you have of jews practicing a jewish master race anti gentile  based judaism. And this has been in reference to some jews here.

You are not qualified to comment on it. And your comments themselves have disqualified you from making any comment on it.
A gentile cannot say what is or is not judaism, any more than a jew can say what is or is not christianity.

You ask the question of if a Jew can marry a noachide (i.e. gentile).  You are totally ignorant about judaism, and you want it to be something it isn't. (And you think jews here follow something that thank G-d they don't follow)

When religious Jews here say that jews are a family. You object.  You are always wrong on anything you say about judaism.  But whether you are right or wrong, there are religious jews here that can describe judaism. So you don't have to, thank G-d.

Let's not have jews or christians  criticising judaism or christianity .

And Jews should not explain christianity, just as  christians(or gentiles) should not explain judaism

« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 02:11:23 AM by q_q_ »

Offline briann

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2008, 02:25:02 AM »
What I meant was why the 1% exception on either side?

All of anti-Semitism is based upon satanic lies.
All of anti-Islamism is based upon a study of the Koran, Hadiths, and world events.

Yes... well I fogot to see +/- 1 %.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2008, 02:47:40 AM »
C.F., I wasn't offended by your rhetoric regarding the Kuntar release. I understand exactly where you're coming from and know your intentions are good.

All I would ask is that you don't confuse the amoral, despicable actions of the leftist, secular Israeli government with Judaism per se.

Yes, Israel is called 'the Jewish state' but I think we would both agree that in reality it is the state of leftist, secular Jews. At least that's who's running the show right now.

So it's erroneous to interpret the policies and actions of the Israeli government as being consistent with the teachings of Judaism.

That being said, I thoroughly understand your disappointment and anger over Kuntar's release. I just don't think it's right to condemn Judaism as a religion for being responsible for it. But I know you didn't mean to offend anyone and no offense was taken by me.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2008, 08:29:35 AM »
Fact is.  Israel's self hating leaders do not even claim to be religious/practicing/orthodox jews.  Neither do the leaders of the big jewish organisations.
Show me where I claimed that they do.

So this isn't some ticket for you to "criticise" judaism. Whatever that means.
So, you don't believe in criticizing any Jew who ever does wrong? I guess your next line proves that you do not. ::)

What you do do, is you Curse the satmar rebbe(an anti-zionist rabbi).  You claim he is not a rabbi. (he has rabbinical smicha, so he is)
Please explain. All kinds of people these days claim to be "rabbis". Do you think Deformed "rabbis" are legitimate?

You have made  comments about the judaism that religious members practice, and about the talmud.
You better provide some evidence for that one, buddy. I demand a quote of me bashing the Talmud.

All suggesting some idea you have of jews practicing a jewish master race anti gentile  based judaism. And this has been in reference to some jews here.
Don't say "some Jews here" when you know exactly who I meant.

You are not qualified to comment on it. And your comments themselves have disqualified you from making any comment on it.
LOL that's a convenient answer.  ::)

You ask the question of if a Jew can marry a noachide (i.e. gentile).  You are totally ignorant about judaism, and you want it to be something it isn't. (And you think jews here follow something that thank G-d they don't follow)
So now asking a question proves that I am an anti-Semite?  ::)

When religious Jews here say that jews are a family. You object.
Sorry, your blatant distortion ain't gettin' you nowhere, bud.

You are always wrong on anything you say about judaism.
Umm, I'm gonna need some sources for that one besides your word for it.

But whether you are right or wrong, there are religious jews here that can describe judaism. So you don't have to, thank G-d.
Funny, I do recall that the last time you started a flame war, most of the forum's Jews sided with me. Care to explain why DownwithIslam said everything I did and more? Or Dr. Dan? Or Lubab? Are they all part of my grand anti-Semitic conspiracy too?  ::)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 08:33:07 AM by C.F. »

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2008, 08:30:18 AM »
So it's erroneous to interpret the policies and actions of the Israeli government as being consistent with the teachings of Judaism.

That being said, I thoroughly understand your disappointment and anger over Kuntar's release. I just don't think it's right to condemn Judaism as a religion for being responsible for it. But I know you didn't mean to offend anyone and no offense was taken by me.
I didn't do that, and I edited my thread to reflect that beyond doubt.

Offline TheCoon

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2008, 12:12:02 PM »
If Jews and Christians just lived the way the Bible tells them to we wouldn't have any problems. :)

With muslims, they problem arises when they live the way their toilet paper book tells them to.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline q_q_

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Re: Criticizing Judaism/other religions.
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2008, 12:14:49 PM »
Fact is.  Israel's self hating leaders do not even claim to be religious/practicing/orthodox jews.  Neither do the leaders of the big jewish organisations.
Show me where I claimed that they do.

So this isn't some ticket for you to "criticise" judaism. Whatever that means.
So, you don't believe in criticizing any Jew who ever does wrong? I guess your next line proves that you do not. ::)

What you do do, is you Curse the satmar rebbe(an anti-zionist rabbi).  You claim he is not a rabbi. (he has rabbinical smicha, so he is)
Please explain. All kinds of people these days claim to be "rabbis". Do you think Deformed "rabbis" are legitimate?

You have made  comments about the judaism that religious members practice, and about the talmud.
You better provide some evidence for that one, buddy. I demand a quote of me bashing the Talmud.

All suggesting some idea you have of jews practicing a jewish master race anti gentile  based judaism. And this has been in reference to some jews here.
Don't say "some Jews here" when you know exactly who I meant.

You are not qualified to comment on it. And your comments themselves have disqualified you from making any comment on it.
LOL that's a convenient answer.  ::)

You ask the question of if a Jew can marry a noachide (i.e. gentile).  You are totally ignorant about judaism, and you want it to be something it isn't. (And you think jews here follow something that thank G-d they don't follow)
So now asking a question proves that I am an anti-Semite?  ::)

When religious Jews here say that jews are a family. You object.
Sorry, your blatant distortion ain't gettin' you nowhere, bud.

You are always wrong on anything you say about judaism.
Umm, I'm gonna need some sources for that one besides your word for it.

But whether you are right or wrong, there are religious jews here that can describe judaism. So you don't have to, thank G-d.
Funny, I do recall that the last time you started a flame war, most of the forum's Jews sided with me. Care to explain why DownwithIslam said everything I did and more? Or Dr. Dan? Or Lubab? Are they all part of my grand anti-Semitic conspiracy too?  ::)


Chaim doesn't even curse yekutiel. He has said it is forbidden, much to your

That means, you don't curse the Satmar Rebbe.
You or DWI don't curse me or other jews here.

There may be some exceptions to the rule about not cursing jews.  Chaim is the expert there.

But he certainly would not curse the satmar rebbe.

REGARDING your attitude to the talmud.  I vaguely recalled something. And that person apologising to chaim about it on an ask jtf. If it wasn't you then i'm happy to be wrong. I would point out though that the people who accuse any jews of being a "master race", would in every occassion (except perhaps yours), be the same people that would say it is in the talmud. (the talmud is huge and in aramaic, and it is easy for people to make up quotes about it, and for others to believe them).

And what do you mean then about it being legitimate to criticise "Some of judaism". If you are referring to nothing in the jewish bible, and nothing in the talmud.
What are you talking about with these loose statements.  
Criticising self hating secular jews? liberal ministers that don't believe in the torah. Is that "some of judaism" to you ??

REGARDING  me bringing up you asking the question of if a jew can marry a noachide. That was to demonstrate that you are ignorant, and that your ignorance disqualifies you from explaining judaism or criticising judaism.  Besides the fact that we should not be criticising judaism or christianity on this forum.

REGARDING the family point.
tzvi made the point - correctly - that jews are a family, and a nation, separate from the other nations.  We have to separate ourselves. Jews do not look at jews and gentiles as one family. Human beings, yes. Deserving of respect, yes. We can work towards common goals,  e.t.c.  
The discussion was in a very stupidly titled thread started by a Christian, called "Christian Idol Worship". topic=23426.0   Eventually he regretted even starting the thread..

REGARDING your claim that jews side with you against me.  This is not exactly the case. The only jew - and it was a suprise to discover he was jewish - who supports you, is DWI.  (you are basically the same person, except you are gentile)
When you called me a troll, Dr Dan defended me, and I told him to stop, and criticised him for elongating the interruption of intellectual content. I wanted to keep it to the torah and science discussion about the age of the earth .  I didn't want it to turn into an argument over whether I was a troll. Regardless of the fact that he was on my side. I've criticised him over many things, and so he has objected to me for many reasons but never related to you.  And never defending you!
Lulab just avoids any disagreement,  maybe it upsets him. He wouldn't even mention your name or my name or DWI's in talk of a dispute. He doesn't get involved.  Of course, neither you(CF) or DWI, disagree with him.  And DWI even seems to object to anybody saying that the lubavitcher rebbe is not the messiah.  Such statements probably upset lulab.  That doesn't make them wrong.

DWI and you just act like Chaim's dogs. And DWI is also Lulab's dog.   You criticise Yekutiel for being a dog trainer, but if Chaim and Lulab were dog trainers we'd have alot less trouble. (dogs aren't all bad, they can be good or bad, alot of what you or DWI did as a dog on the splinter forum was justified, and pre greco, alot wasn't.  So i'm not criticising all your dog like behaviour, just giving an assessment of it with an appropriate analogy).  Chaim and Lulab themselves would not engage in a fraction, or any, of the wild, immature behaviour and cursing that you(CF) and/or DWI engage in.

Who else defends you / defends you against me, besides DWI.

KahaneBT and Tzvi and myself have been in agreement and on the same side against DWI throughout this. All of us are jews, religious jews.

And my point in all of this, besides just replying to you.

Just so we don't lose track here.

You make some vague remark that you can criticise judaism or christianity

You do not define what that means with examples. You just make vague comments about all of judaism and some of judaism..   All of christianity or some of christianity.

And without examples of what you mean, you are just trying to justify whatever you want, by insisting on a loose definition.

And that is why I have gone through those examples. Not for the purpose of attacking you, but for the purposes of defining the parameters of what I think is a VERY dangerous statement.
That you want to criticise judaism and christianity .. And you expect people to OK that.

You are a complete ignoramous on judaism anyway. As shown by your question of whether a jew can marry a noachide(a noachide being a gentile).  Infact, even if the only rabbi you know of is rabbi kahane. He mentioned that a jew cannot marry a non-jew, in almost every talk he gave. Because he was often accused of racism for saying that when/if he becomes prime minister, he would ban intermarriage. And he said that any orthdoox rabbi would tell you that a jew cannot marry a non-jew, that's judaism.   This is a kahanist forum and you haven't heard rabbi kahane say this?!

« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 12:17:37 PM by q_q_ »